
 < Day Day Up > 


QALoad, Compuware, 388

quality assurance checklist

overview of, 381–384

pilot phase after, 387–388

staff involved in review, 384–385

queries. See also subqueries

bottlenecks in launching, 390–393

business question formulation, 580–581

conditions and, 589–591, 671–673

contexts affecting, 132–133

Data Manager and, 431

data provider types and, 581–582

defining, 15

increasing speed of, 221

limits on, 108–109

list of values and, 182–184

location of intelligence and, 343

New Document Options, 582–583

New Report Wizard, 584–585

objects in, 171

OLAP. See OLAP (On Line Analytical Processing)

operands, 593–594

operators, 591–593

overview of, 15

phases, 565–567

predefined conditions, 594–595

prompts and, 219–220, 595–597

Query Options, 597–598

Query Panel, 585–588

Scope of Analysis, 588–589

sort options, 597

queries, complex

having clause, 619–621

measure conditions, 619–621

multipass queries, 612–614

multiple data providers, 614–619

specifying sets of data, 621–626

subqueries, 627–633

user-defined objects, 633–634

queries, refreshing, 564–578

with BCA, 573–578

list of values, 568–572

monitoring through Console, 578

multiple prompts, 572

overview of, 564–565

query phases and, 565–567

refreshing and regenerating SQL, 568

time limit interruptions, 567–568

Query Filters

nested conditions, 717

overview of, 714–716

prompt options, 716–717

subqueries, 717–718

Query Options, Query Panel, 597–598

Query Panel, 585–588

adding additional information to list of values, 192–194

buttons, 570–571

entering conditions, 621

exporting list of values, 194

functions of, 571

interface, 569

operators, 592–593

OR and AND operators, 621–623

Query Options, 597–598

refreshing/regenerating SQL from, 568

Quick Design Wizard, 85–92

enabling, 88

naming universe, 88

object ordering in, 155–156

order of joins and tables in, 119

toolbar buttons, 85–87

welcome screen, 88

Quick Parsing, Integrity Check dialog box, 374, 378

quotation marks (“), @Prompt function, 217

 < Day Day Up > 

Business Objects(c) The Complete Reference
Cisco Field Manual: Catalyst Switch Configuration
ISBN: 72262656
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 206 © 2008-2017.
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