Chapter 4: Threat Modeling

Chapter 4

Threat Modeling

You cannot build a secure system until you understand your threats. It's as simple as that.

Regrettably, a great deal of software is designed in ad hoc fashion, and security is often a victim of the chaos. One way to help provide structure to the design phase is to create threat models for your applications. A threat model is a security-based analysis that helps people determine the highest level security risks posed to the product and how attacks can manifest themselves. The goal is to determine which threats require mitigation and how to mitigate the threats. The whole point of threat modeling is to get you to think about the security of your application in a relatively formal way. Much has been written about threats but little about threat modeling. In my experience, a team that creates a threat model for its application understands where the product is most vulnerable and chooses appropriate techniques to mitigate threats, which leads to more secure systems.

A member of the press asked me this question a few days after the Windows Security Push in February and March of 2002: what was the most important skill our team taught developers, testers, and designers? Without hesitating, I mentioned that we taught developers to trace every byte of data as it flows through their code and to question all assumptions about the data. For testers, it was data mutation, which we'll cover in Chapter 19, Security Testing. And for designers it was analyzing threats. In fact, during the Windows Security Push (and all pushes that followed at Microsoft), we found that the most important aspect of the software design process, from a security viewpoint, is threat modeling.

Writing Secure Code
Writing Secure Code, Second Edition
ISBN: 0735617228
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 286 © 2008-2017.
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