

HasChanges method, DataSet class, 352
HasChildren property, XPathNavigator class, 386
HasControls method
HtmlControl class, 176
WebControl class, 216
HasErrors property
DataSet class, 437
DataTable class, 437
updating data source examples, locating errors after update, 508
HasExtension method, Path class, 817
hash codes, 780, 783
hash tables, 779, 781
HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile method, FormsAuthentication class, 718, 735
Hashtable class, 779
ASP.NET intrinsic controls, compared to, 782
CollectionBase/DictionaryBase class, creation using, 799
hash codes, 780
IDictionaryEnumerator interface, use with, 781
IEnumerable interface, implementing, 781
instance creation, 779
key case sensitivity, 783
CaseInsensitiveComparer class, handling using, 784
CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider class, handling, 784
ContainsKey, 779
ContainsValue, 779
GetEnumerator, 781
repeated-value data binding, 270, 280
strong typed collections, implementation example, 796
HasRows property, DataReader class, 357
Headers collection, HttpRequest object, 1163
Headers property, HttpRequest class, 128
headers, SOAP, 1031, 1043
authentication example, 1044, 1045-1046
implementation example, 1033
proxies, 1032
SoapHeader attribute, 992, 994, 995
SoapHeader class, 993
WSDL, describing in, 1032-1034
HeaderStyle property, ICollectionLister control, 934
HeaderTemplate template
DataList controls, selecting & editing data, 327
Repeater controls, simple template example, 294
Height property, WebControl class, 216, 223
HelpLink property, Exception class, 1127
HResult property, Exception class, 1127
HRESULTS, managed/unmanaged code boundary, 1177
HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
output rendering withing ASP.NET, 14
screen-scraping, 1024
HTML controls
ASP.NET server controls, compared to, 174
Web form controls, compared to, 214
HTML server controls, 14
properties & events, accessing, 178
setting control appearance, 180
setting control appearance example, 180
types table, 178
HtmlAnchor control, 182, 196
HtmlButton control
Disabled property, 185
ServerClick event, working with, 196
HtmlButton server control, 184
HtmlContainerControl class, 177
HtmlControl class, 175, 907
DataBinding event, 176
Methods/properties, 176
HtmlDecode overloaded method, HttpServerUtility object, 1168
HtmlEncode method, Server object, 523
HtmlEncode overloaded method, HttpServerUtility object, 1168
HtmlForm control, 183
HtmlGeneric Control, 181
HtmlGenericControl class, 177
example, 177
HtmlControl class, inheritance from, 178
HtmlImage control, 183
HtmlInputButton control, 185
ServerClick event, working with, 196
HtmlInputCheckBox control, 187
ServerChange event, working with, 198
HtmlInputFile control, 189
Accept property, 189
file uploading page creation, 189
PostedFile property, 190
HtmlInputHidden control, 190
ServerChange event, working with, 198
Visible property, 190
HtmlInputImage control, 188
ServerClick event, working with, 196
HtmlInputRadioButton control, 187
Name property, 188
ServerChange event, working with, 198
HtmlInputText control, 186
ServerChange event, working with, 198
HtmlSelect control, 191
Multiple property, 200
SelectedIndex property, 199
ServerChange event, working with, 198
HtmlSelect controls
repeated-value binding to ArrayList object example, 279
repeated-value binding to DataView object example, 287
HtmlSelect list control, 267
HtmlSelect server control
mulitple selected value return, 200
selected value return, 199
HtmlTable control, 194
table creation example, 195
HtmlTableCell control, 194
table creation example, 195
HtmlTableRow control, 194
table creation example, 195
HtmlTextArea control, 194
ServerChange event, working with, 198
HtmlTextWriter class
server controls, page rendering, 896
HtmlTextWriter class, System.Web.UI namespace, 896, 900
Methods list, 897
HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)
cookies, use with, 974
handlers options, 661
adding handlers, 663
removing handlers, 664
SOAP, transport for, 969
stateless nature, 985
Web services, design considerations, 985
Http handler configuration settings, <httpHandlers> element, 661
HTTP module, 1044
adding modules, 665
custom global.asax file, 1044
SOAP headers, authentication example, 1047
WebServiceAuthentication module, 1047
Http module configuration settings, <httpModules> element, 665
HTTP request, web forms, server round-trip, 132
HTTP Runtime, 65
HttpApplication class, global.asax file, 605
HttpApplicationState object, ASP.NET
Contents property, 1160
methods & properties, 1160
StaticObjects collection, 1160
storing objects in application state, 1161
HttpBrowserCapabilities class, System.Web namespace
Browser property, pointed by, 129
JavaScript property, 948
HttpContext class
User object, 722
System.Web namespace, 945, 966
Trace property, 1124
Web services, application state access, 967
HTTP-GET protocol, 961, 967
Web services, use within, 968
WSDL, use within, 1006
<httpHandlers> element
<add> element, 663
configuration, ASP.NET, 661
<remove> element, 664
HttpMethod property, HttpRequest class, 128, 1163
<httpModules> element
<add> element, 665
configuration, ASP.NET, 665
HTTP-POST protocol, 967
Web services, use within, 968
Help page, functionality testing using, 991
XML attributes, 988
WSDL, use within, 1006
HttpRequest class, System.Web namespace, 127, 1163
Methods, 129
Properties, 128
request collections, 1165
HttpResponse class, System.Web namespace, 129
Methods list, 132
Properties, 130
HttpResponse object, ASP.NET, 1166
<httpRuntime> elements, HTML server controls, 190
HTTPS (Secure HyperTextTransfer Protocol)
asymmetric cryptography, use of, 1039
client certificates, 1040
HttpServerUtility object, ASP.NET, 1168
HttpSessionState object, ASP.NET
Contents property, 1161
methods & properties, 1162
StaticObjects collection, 1161
Visual Basic .NET & C# coding, 1161
HttpWebRequest class, System.Net namespace, 837
HttpWebResponse class, System.Net namespace, 837
GetResponseStream method, 837, 838
HyperLink control, 217, 227

Professional ASP. NET 1.1
Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0 (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0470384611
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 243 © 2008-2017.
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