

early binding
components , improving performance, 1254
late binding, better than, 1254
OptionExplicit statement, 1254
proxy classes creation, Visual Studio.NET, 1009
EditCommand event, list controls
DataGrid control, editing data, 323
DataList control, selecting & editing data, 329
EditItemIndex property, DataGrid controls, 323
EditItemTemplate template, 293
DataGrid control, editing data, 322
DataList controls, selecting & editing data, 327
Editor attribute, server controls, 948
ElapsedTime value, PerformanceCounterType enu- meration, 1154
enable attribute, <processModel> element, 668
EnableClientScript property, BaseValidator class, 203, 211
enabled attribute, <trace> element, 641, 1125
Enabled property
BaseValidator class, 203, 211
WebControl class, 216
EnableSession property, WebMethod attribute, 974
enableSessionState attribute, <pages> element, 628
EnableSessionState attribute, Page directive, 144
enableVersionHeader attribute, <httpRuntime> element, 627
enableViewState attribute, <pages> element, 628
EnableViewState attribute
Control directive, 160
Form mobile controls, 1077
Page class, 125
Page directive, 134, 144
Control class, 929
HtmlControl class, 176
HTML server controls, ViewState, 181
WebControl class, 216
EnableViewStateMac attribute, Page directive, 144
encoding, 831
Encrypt property, EncryptionExtension attribute, 1054
Encrypt method, FormsAuthentication class, 718
encrypted passwords
see password encryption.
encryption, 1052
see also security
asymmetric cryptography, 1039
custom encryption, 1052
HTTPS, use of, 1053
SOAP headers, use of, 1053
MD5 algorithm, 735
SHA1 algorithm, 735
EncryptionExtension attribute, 1053, 1054
Decrypt property, 1054
Encrypt property, 1054
ProcessMessage function, 1054
EndEdit method, DataRow class, 354, 426
EnsureChildControls method, Control class, 909
EntryPoint field, DllImport attribute, 1190
enumerable classes
collection interfaces, 756
definition, 756
System.Collections namespace, working with, 756
enumeration names , 894
numeric values, 219
Web Form controls, property values for, 218
finding enumeration values, 220
setting dynamically, 219
enumerator objects, 757
guidelines, 758
InvalidOperationException, 758
Equals method
HttpSessionState object, 1162
Object class, 41, 780
<error> element, <customErrors> element, 645, 1135
attribute, Page directive, 145
elementErrorMessage property, BaseValidator class, 203
Error event, Page class, 125
error handling
business objects, .NET, 850
business objects, VB.NET example, 857
notifying administrators of errors, 1135
email error notifications, 1137
event logs, through, 1136
server/client side, 142
structured exception handling, 1127
System namespace, importing, 343
error pages, 642
always showing ASP.NET rich error page, 644
custom error pages, 644
ErrorPage property, Page class, 126
errors handling, 1126
Errors property, RowUpdatedEventArgs class, 487
ErrorsOccurred value, UpdateStatus enumeration, 507
Eval method, DataBinder class, 272
format strings, numbers /dates, 274
formatting values & expressions, repeated-value data binding, 273
event bubbling, 139
event handlers
.NET Framework, data management, 340
sample ASP.NET page example, 22
server controls, 170
Web forms, page-processing steps, 137
event logs, 1135
EventLog class, writing using, 1136
web.config configuration file, within, 1136
event-driven programming model
ASP.NET, use within, 25, 115
server controls, within, 213
Web forms, features, 123
EventHandlerList class, System.ComponentModel namespace
AddHandler method, 932
event optimization, 931
RemoveHandler method, 932
EventLog class, System.Diagnostics namespace, 1136
application event, 593
Calendar rich control, 254
custom controls, 162
event bubbling, 139
event optimization, 931
list controls, handling events, 248, 307
DataBinding, 308
ItemDataBound, 309
page model, ASP.NET, 169
repeated-value data binding, list controls, 270
server controls, 919
Web Form controls, 238
Web forms, within, 138
Events demonstration page. clickevent
Events property, Control class, 932
ExactSpelling field, DllImport attribute, 1190
Exception class, System namespace, 1127
exception types, structured exception handling, 1133
C#, 92
throw statement, 93
try...catch...finally statement, 92
custom exceptions, 1132
file reading & writing, within, 832
divide by zero example, 1029
SOAP, 1029
SoapException class, using, 1029
try...catch statement, trapping using, 1029
structured exception handling, 1127
Visual Basic.NET, 82
TryCatchFinally statement, 82
Execute overloaded method, HttpServerUtility object, 1168
ExecuteNonQuery method, Command class, 348
Command class, updating data sources with SQL example, 454
database stored procedures, explicit parameters example, 414
ExecuteReader method, Command class, 348
DataSet class, relational data access example, 365
DataReader class, relational data access example, 364
ExecuteScalar method, Command class,348
updating data source examples, concurrent updates with RowUpdated event, 503
ExecuteXmlReader method, Command object, 536
executionTimeout attribute, <httpRuntime> element, 626
Exists method,
Directory class, 805
File class example, 807
FileSystemInfo class, 813
PerformanceCounterCategory class, 1146
Expires/~Absolute properties, HttpResponse object, 1166
Explicit attribute
Control directive, 160
Page directive, 145
explicit parameters, database stored procedure, 411
extensibility, ASP.NET, within, 17
extension attribute,<compiler> element, 657
Extension property, FileSystemInfo class, 813

Professional ASP. NET 1.1
Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0 (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0470384611
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 243 © 2008-2017.
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