

DAO (Data Access Objects), 338
data binding, 261
ASP versus ASP.NET, 261
ASP.NET server controls, 262
repeated-value data binding, 263, 267
single-value data binding, 263
automatic paging, 315
client-side data binding, 261
data store example, 120
definition, 261
editing data, list controls, 320
event handling, list controls, 307
list controls, 290
optimization tips, 1254
overview, 331
sample files, 260
server controls, 942
sorting/filtering rows, 310
style properties, list controls, 290
syntax, 262
templates, using with list controls
custom & hidden columns , 302
loading dynamically at runtime, 296
multiple column layouts, 299
specifying style & control, 293
VIEWSTATE, controlling size of, 313
data caching, web services, 986
data management, 333
.NET Framework, relational data provider, 358
ADO.NET, fundamental classes, 344
data storage, 334
disconnected data model, 336
relational data access example, 358
System namespace
ADO.NET namespace, 341
importing, 342
XML namespace, 342
XML data access examples, 379
XML, use of, 335
data storage, 334, 395
.NET Framework, as solution, 397
methodology, 334, 395
distributed environments, use of, 334
ease of access & manipulation, 396
querying mechanism, 396
transport protocols, 397
data store example
ASP, coding with, 116
ASP.NET, coding with, 118-121
button clicking event, 121
data binding, 120
database querying, 120
defining code libraries, 120
page loading, 120
Web controls, use of, 119
data types
blittable/non-blittable data type marshalling, 1175
custom type marshalling, 1176
pre-.NET data types, mapping into .NET, 1176
CLR, within, 106
conversion using CLR, 1174
custom types, 83, 970
explicit type conversion, 1172
type conversion, 113
Visual Basic.NET, 83
Web services, 970
DataAdapter class, ADO.NET
DataSet object, column/table mappings, 440
data updates, 468
DataSet object, within, 467
operation mechanism, 467
updating data source example, 472
RowUpdated/~Updating events, 484
methods list, 349
OdbcDataAdapter class, 348
OleDbDataAdapter class, 348
OracleDataAdapter class, 348
ProductsDB Business object, use within, 1201
properties, 348
ContinueUpdateOnError, 508
DeleteCommand, 348
InsertCommand, 348
SelectCommand, 348
UpdateCommand, 348
SqlDataAdapter class, 348
database stored procedures
'no parameters' example, 408409
complex data access, 407
explicit parameters example, 410415
implicit inline parameters example, 409410
database transactions
see transacted stored procedures.
binding, 22
data management, 333
IBuyAdventure.NET, 1205
Accounts table, 1206
Orders table, 1206
Products table, 1207
ShoppingCarts table, 1207
DataBind method
DataList list control
business objects, class testing, 864
HtmlControl class, 176
list controls, 269
DataList controls, loading templates at runtime, 299
Repeater controls, simple template example, 296
Page class, 127, 265
DataGrid control, adding style to, 292
repeated-value binding to ArrayList object example, 278
repeated-value binding to DataSet object example, 289
repeated-value binding to DataView object example, 288
repeated-value binding to HashTable object example, 284
single-value data binding, 266
WebControl class, 216
DataBinder class
Eval method, 272
IBuyAdventure.NET, categories list, 1218
DataBinding event,
Control class, 930
HtmlControl class, 176
list controls, 270
event handling, data-bound controls, 308
WebControl class, 216
DataGrid controls, 15, 242, 268, 272
see also List controls.
AllowPaging property, 316
AllowSorting property, 310
automatic paging, 315, 317
BindDataGrid subroutine, 318
changing displayed page, 319
business objects, class testing, 867
complex data access, 401
CSS, adding style using, 290
binding control to data, 292
DataGrid control definition, 291
DataReader object creation, 292
DataSource property setting, 292
custom & hidden columns, 302
binding DataGrid, 305
column contents, formatting, 303
custom column layout, specifying, 302
ItemCommand event handler, 306
showing & hiding columns, 306
unbound columns, adding, 303
database stored procedures, 'no parameters' example, 409
DataSet class, multiple table DataSet example, 366, 369
editing data, 320
BindDataGrid subroutine, 322
custom template column, using, 321
EditCommand/Update~/Cancel~ events, handling, 323
Page_Load event handler, 322
UPDATE SQL statement, displaying, 323, 324
updating row, 329
event bubbling, 139
relational data access example, DataSet class, 366
repeated-value binding
ArrayList object example, 279
DataSet object example, 289
DataView object example, 286, 287
HashTable object example, 282
RowUpdated/~Updating event, updating data source example, 484
SortCommand event, 310
sorting/filtering rows, 310
binding the DataGrid, 312
Page_Load event handler, 312
row sorting, 313
templates, support for, 271, 292
updating data source examples
concurrent updates with RowUpdated event, 500
DataSet/~Adapter objects, 473
XML data management
extracting nested XML from DataSet, 525
reading data into DataSet from XML file, 520
synchronizing XmlDataDocument & DataSet, 532
DataGridChangedEventArgs object
NewPageIndex property, 319
DataGridCommandEventArgs object
DataGrid controls, custom & hidden columns, 307
DataGrid list control, editing data, 323
DataItem class
Key/Value properties, 271
DataList control, 242
loading templates dynamically at runtime, 296
Page_Load event handler, 298
multiple column layouts, 301
DataList controls
DataList list control, 268, 1218
see also List controls.
canceling edit mode, 330
DataBind method, 864
DataSource property, 864
editing data, 330
event bubbling, 139
handling data binding events, 308
IBuyAdventure.NET, categories list, 1217
ItemCreated event, 1221
ItemTemplate, 1223
loading templates dynamically at runtime
dynamic template files, 298
multiple column layouts using, 299
repeated-value binding examples
ArrayList object example, 278, 279
DataView object example, 286, 287
HashTable object example, 282
RepeatDirection and RepeatColumns attributes, 1220
selecting & editing data, 325
editing row, 329
selecting row, 328
templates, 327
templates, support for, 271, 292
DataMember property
List controls, 269
List mobile controls, 1088
ListControl class, 243
ObjectList mobile controls, 1094
SelectionList mobile controls, 1091
DataReader class, example, 361
DataReader class, ADO.NET, 344
Command class, updating data sources with SQL example, 454
complex data access example, 401403
database stored procedures
"no parameters" example, 409
implicit inline parameters example, 410
DataGrid list control, automatic paging, 320
DataSet class, compared with, 357, 1253
Forms-based authentication, custom user credentials example, 742
Methods list, 356
OdbcDataReader class, 355
OleDbDataReader class, 355
OracleDataReader class, 355
Properties list, 357
personalization, implementation example, 746
repeated-value data binding, example, 270, 288
SqlDataReader class, 355
DataRelation class, ADO.NET
DataSet class, working with, 525
Nested property, 525
DataRow class, ADO.NET, 353
accepting/rejecting changes, 429
DataTable class, Row management
adding rows, 425
adding rows using object arrays, 426
DataRowVersion enumeration, 429
editing rows, 426
DataTable object, Row management, 416
adding DataRows to table, 416, 420
deleting/removing rows, 431
methods, 353
AcceptChanges, 429, 430
BeginEdit, 354, 426
CancelEdit, 354, 426
Delete, 354, 431
EndEdit, 354, 426
GetChildRows, 354
GetColumnsInError, 354
NewRow, 425
RejectChanges, 429, 430
RowError property, 435, 510
RowState property, 430
SetColumnsInError, 354
DataRowAction enumeration, 435
DataRowCollection class, ADO.NET
DataTable class, referencing, 352
Methods, 353
relational data access, 425
DataRowState enumeration
DataTable class, sorting & filtering relational data, 444
updating data source examples, concurrent updates to individual columns, 495
values, 430
DataRowversion enumeration, 429
DataRowView object
DataList control, handling data binding events, 309
DataSet class, relational data access example, 364
DataSet class, ADO.NET, 344, 350
accepting/rejecting changes, 429
business objects, VB.NET example, 857
column/table mappings, managing, 438
creating column mapping, 441
creating table mapping, 440
DataAdapter class, use of, 440
using column mapping, 441
concurrent data updates, 499
complex data access, 403
complex data access with nesting example, 404
data updates, 467
creating necessary objects, 468
DataAdapter object, use of, 467
operation mechanism, 467
specifying CommandBuilder object, 470
specifying DeleteCommand/Insert~/Update~ properties, DataAdapter, 469
specifying SelectCommand property, 469
updating data sources example, 472
data updates with stored procedures, 478
DataReader class, 525
choice of, 1253
compared to, 357
DataTable object, managing, 415
constraints & default values, 418
creation/filling, 416
DataSet, adding table to, 417
primary/foreign keys, specifying, 420
derived objects, 350
displaying Relations collection, 525
displaying Tables collection, 525
methods list, 351-352
multiple table DataSet example, 366
CaseSensitive, 444
HasErrors, 437
RowState, 495
repeated-value data binding, 270, 288
updating data source examples
concurrent updates to individual columns, 495
concurrent updates with RowUpdated event, 499
DataSet/~Adapter objects, 469
locating errors after update, 509
usage situations, 357
XML, working with,345
extracting nested XML from DataSet, 524
methods list, 515
reading data into DataSet from XML file, 520
returning XML from DataSet, 522
synchronizing XmlDataDocument & DataSet, 531
validating XML when loading DataSet, 540
writing data from DataSet to XML file, 516
XML Schemas, use of, 522
XMLDataDocument object, referencing using, 530
DataSet property, XMLDataDocument class, 375, 530
XML data management, synchronizing
XmlDataDocument & DataSet, 534
DataSource property
DataList list control, 864
ICollectionLister control, 934
list controls
repeated-value binding to ArrayList object example, 278
repeated-value binding to Hashtable object example, 283
repeated-value binding to DataView object example, 287
List mobile controls, 1088
ListControl class, 243
ObjectList mobile controls, 1094
SelectionList mobile controls, 1091
DataTable class, ADO.NET, 352, 415
constraints & default values managing, 417420
column values & expressions, specifying, 419
columns creation, 419
DataRows, adding to table, 420
DataTable creation, 419
creation/filling example, 416
DataRows, adding to table, 416
DataSet, adding table to, 417
DataRowCollection class, referencing, 352
events, 433-434
HasErrors property, 437
NewRow method, 353
primary/foreign keys specifying, 420425
DataSet contents, displaying, 424
ForeignKeyConstraint, creating, 423
getting references to tables, 422
primary key, creating, 422
relational data access, 415
Row management
accepting/rejecting changes, 429
adding, 425
deleting/removing rows, 431
editing values, 426
Select method, 353, 443, 446
sorting & filtering relational data, 442
displaying results, 447
executing Select method, 446
extracting data from database, 445
specifying DataRowState, 444
DataTextField property
List controls, 269, 272
repeated-value binding to DataView object example, 287
repeated-value binding to HashTable object example, 283
List mobile controls, 1088
ListControl class, 243
DropDownList controls, 246
RadioButtonList controls, 248
SelectionList mobile controls, 1091
DataTextFormatString property
list controls, 269
ListControl class, 243
RadioButtonList control, working with, 248
repeated-value binding to HashTable object example, 283
DataValueField property
List controls, 269, 272
List mobile controls, 1088
ListControl class, 243
DropDownList control, 246
RadioButtonList control, 248
repeated-value binding to HashTable object example, 283
SelectionList mobile controls, 1091
DataView class, ADO.NET, 354
DataGrid list control, automatic paging, 318
Methods list, 354
repeated-value data binding, 270, 284
Repeater controls, simple template example, 296
Sort /RowFilter properties, 312
sorting/filtering relational data, 447
applying Sort and Filter proprties, 449
collecting user values, 449
creating DataView object, 449
XML data management, synchronizing
XmlDataDocument & DataSet, 534
DataViewRowState enumeration, 444
Dates, format strings, 274
DateTime column, SQL Server
updating data source examples, concurrent updates to individual columns, 497
DatValueField property, List controls, 287
db-type argument, Add method, 413
debug attribute, <compilation> element, 654
Debug attribute
Control directive, 160
Page directive, 144, 1138
cross-language debugging, 108
Edit-and-Continue, 1141
remote debugging, 1142
SDK debugger, 1138
Visual Basic, 85
Visual Studio.NET, 1141
decks, WML
implementation example
Nokia WAP toolkit, using, 1063
Openwave Simulator, using, 1067
XML declarations, 1064
structure, 1062
Decoration property, List mobile controls, 1088
Decrypt property, EncryptionExtension attribute, 1054
Decrypt method, FormsAuthentication class, 718
decryptionKey attribute, machineKey element, 675
Forms-based authentication, 715
default control builder, 899
default properties, 76
Visual Basic .NET, not allowed in, 1173
default values, DataTable object, managing within, 418
DefaultCommand property, ObjectList mobile controls, 1094
DefaultEventAttribute, System.ComponentModel namespace, 853
defaultLanguage attribute, compilation element, 655
DefaultPropertyAttribute, System.ComponentModel namespace, 852
defaultRedirect attribute, customErrors element, 645, 1135
DefaultValue attribute, server controls, 948
DefaultValueAttribute, System.ComponentModel namespace, 852
DefaultView property, DataTable object, 416
DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx file, 959, 991
Delete method
DataRow class, 354
DataRowAction enumeration, 435
DataTable object, Row management, 431
DataView class, 354
Directory class, 811
DirectoryInfo class, 806, 811
File class, 812
FileInfo class, 812
FileSystemInfo class, 813
PerformanceCounterCategory class, 1146, 1151
Remove methods, compared to, 431
DeleteCommand event
DataList control, selecting & editing data, 330
editing data, DataGrid list control, 330
DataAdapter class, 348
DataSet object, data updates, 469
updating relational data source examples, 482
Deleted value
DataRowState enumeration, 430
DataViewRowState enumeration, 444
DeleteRule property, ForeignKeyConstraint object
values, 424
<deny> setting, <authorization> element
Windows Authentication
specifying HTTP access types, 707
specifying users and groups, 706
Forms based authentication, authorizing users, 720
dependencies, 30
.NET assemblies, storing within, 31
ASP.NET pages, use within, 59
dependency-based expiration, Cache object, 585
file dependancy implementation example, 586589
key dependancy implementation example, 589591
time dependent implementation example, Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on page 591
DeriveParameters method, CommandBuilder class, 471
Description attribute
Application directive, 575
Control directive, 160
Page directive, 144
server controls, 948
WebMethod attribute, 972
WebService attribute, 979
DescriptionAttribute, System.ComponentModel names - pace, 852
Destruct method, Visual Basic.NET, 77
C#, 89
Destruct method, Visual Basic.NET, 77
Detached value, DataRowState enumeration, 430
DetailsCommandText property, ObjectList mobile controls, 1094
device compatibility, lack of support in ASP, 10
<DeviceSpecific> element, WML, 1109
Dictionary objects, 778
Hashtable class, 779
DictionaryBase class, 800
ArrayList/Hashtable collection, creating, 799
Methods, 799
DidUnderstand property, SoapHeader class, 994
DiffGram value, XmlWriteMode enumeration, 519
digest authentication, 692
Direction property, SoapHeader attribute, 995
ASP.NET pages, 143
global.asax file, within, 575
contents listing, 810
creation, 809
deletion, 811
exception handling, 808
getting & setting current directory, 808
listing logical drives , 808
properties & attributes setting, 812
Directory class, System.IO namespace, 805
constructor, 805
functionality, 805
GetDirectories method, 814
Methods, 809-811
DirectoryInfo class, System.IO namespace, 805, 812, 814
advantages, 806
functionality, 805
GetDirectories method, 815
Methods, 809-811
CreationTime, 806
Exists, 805
DirectoryInfo class, System.IO namespace, 804
DirectorySeperatorChar constant, Path class, 818
Disabled property
HtmlButton control, 185
HtmlControl class, 176
DISCO (Discovery), 954
disconnected data model, 336
DisplayMode property, ValidationSummary control, 203, 209
disposable enumerators, 800
Disposed event, Control class, 930
distributed application development, 953
<div> element, 181, 230
Label control, generated by, 231
ServerClick event, implementation example, 197
divide by zero example, 1029
SoapException exception, use of, 1031
Try...Catch statement, 1031
DLL (Dynamic Link Library) files
assemblies, deployment of, 878
assemblies, relationship with, 48
DLL hell, 49, 879
registering for global use, 1187
registering for local use, 1186
Win32 architecture, 879
DllImport attribute, P/Invoke, 1189
DllName parameter, P/Invoke, 1189
see .NET architecture.
do...while statement, C#, 113
Do...While statement, Visual Basic.NET, 112
<do> element, WML, 1065
Document property, Xml control, 255
document validation, XML
DTD, use of, 538
operation mechanism, 538
Validation event, 538
ValidationEventHandler object, 538
XMLValidatingReader class, use of, 538
Documentation, C#, 93
DocumentContent property, Xml control, 255
DocumentSource property, Xml control, 255
DOM (Document Object Model)
accessing XML pages using DOM example, 380383
XML, 371
searching documents example, 387
drives, logical
see logical drives.
DropDownList control, 242, 245, 267
see also List controls.
ArrayList object example, repeated-value binding, 279
change event, working with, 248
DataView object example, repeated-value binding, 287
DSO (Data Source Obects), 339
DTD (Document Type Definition), 537
Duration attribute, OutputCache directive, 148, 154
dynamic output caching, 153
dynamic parameters, 481
DeleteCommand property, use with, 482
InsertCommand property, use with, 482
stored procedures, use with, 481
UpdateCommand property, use with, 481

Professional ASP. NET 1.1
Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0 (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0470384611
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 243 © 2008-2017.
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