

sans-serif font family, 97


styling documents for, 34

type measurement for, 102

Screen Media file, 258

script font family, 97

scroll value, 153

scrolling backgrounds, 140, 153-154

search engines and comments, 59

Section 508 legislation, 13

selectors, 48

adjacent, 55

attribute, 55-56

child, 54-55

class, 49-50

contextual, 51

element, 48-49

groups, 53

ID, 50

pseudo class, 51-54

pseudo element, 52-53

for specificity, 47

semicolons (;)

for declarations, 49, 56

for properties, 59

separate method for borders, 162

separation of structure and style, 8-12, 9-11

serif font family, 97

serif property, 71

SGML (Standardized General Markup Language), 5

shadowing text, 114

shorthand properties, 57-59

for backgrounds, 154-155

for borders, 163

for fonts, 71

for margins, 71


adjacent selectors for, 55

defined, 34


in CSS, 33

in visual design, 243

sites, reconstructing. See reconstructing sites

size, font, 102-104, 104, 256, 256-257

skip links, 257

slant of typefaces, 105

slashes (/)

for comments, 59

in XHTML, 23

small capitals

substitutions for, 95

variants for, 94, 105-106

small-caps value, 105

small class, 83

Small Text Size file, 258

smallcolor class, 83

solid value for borders, 156

source documents, 34

spacer GIFs, 215


for borders, 162

for letters and words, 110, 114-116, 116

in presentation, 10, 11

span element

in class selectors 83

removing, 198-199, 199

specialty areas in reconstructed site, 215-216, 216

specificity in CSS, 47

spirals, complex, 248, 248

stacking order, 179

stacking typefaces, 98-100

Standardized General Markup Language (SGML), 5

standards, 3-4

history of, 5-6, 5

purpose of, 6-7

static boxes, 61

Static value for positioning, 167

stop|design site, 243-244, 243-245

stretching fonts, 95, 109

Strict DTDs

in HTML, 15

in XHTML, 18

strict rendering mode in DOCTYPE Switching, 19

strong element

in reconstructed site, 218

as structural, 68

structure and structured documents, 8-9, 9, 24

in CSS, 32

HTML, 24-26, 26

validating, 28-29

visualizing, 205-209, 206, 208

in Wired News, 258

XHTML, 26-28

style attribute, 35

style element, 37-39

style integration, 35

embedded style sheets, 37-39, 39

imported styles, 42, 43

inline style sheets, 35-36, 36

linked styles, 39-41

user-defined style sheets, 43

style languages, 31

style rules, 56-57

for class selectors, 83-86, 84, 86

creating, 68-69

for element selectors. See element selectors

for links with pseudo class selectors, 79-82, 81

style sheets, 33

subtractive synthesis, 124

summaries, table, 204

Cascading Style Sheets(c) The Designer's Edge
ASP.NET 2.0 Illustrated
ISBN: 0321418344
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 86 © 2008-2017.
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