
 < Day Day Up > 


Packaging the sample application, 41

page attribute of redirect tag, 417

Page definitions vs. layout definitions, 147

page directive, 130, 258

page parameter of LocaleAction class, 82

Page scope (JSPs), 196

page tag (Bean Tag Library), 270-271

attributes, 271

example usage, 271

Page/action-level security checks, 425

PageContext object, 452

parameter attribute

of action tag, 80-81, 84

of message-resources tag, 64

in module configuration files, 356

of UserAction class, 87

parameter tag (Bean Tag Library), 271-273, 343

attributes, 272

example usage, 272-273

param-name tag, 166, 173

param-value tag, 173

password tag (Struts HTML Tag Library), 235-237

attributes, 235-236

example usage, 236-237

path attribute of definition tag, 120

path prefix URL mapping, 413

pathnames property, 168

Performance bottlenecks, identifying, 461

Performance metrics, 459

Performance testing, 436, 458-461

Persistent cookies, 430

Placeholders, Tiles tags as, 124

Placeholders (error message), 101-102

plug-in definition, 119-120, 391

plug-in tag (Validator), 92-93, 373

attribute, 373

DTD definition, 373

example usage, 373

Plus (+) character, 354

prefix attribute of JSP tags, 62-63, 197, 257, 285, 327

present tag (Logic Tag Library), 24, 317-320, 425

attributes, 318-319

example usage, 319-320

Pretty Output option (Struts Console), 484

Proactive login behavior, 417

process*( ) methods of RequestProcessor class, 74-75

processPreprocess( ) method of RequestProcessor, 75, 427

processRoles( ) method, 425, 427

prompt.ssNum message key, 108

PropertyMessageResources class, 183

PropertyResourceBundle class, 179-180

Protocol switching, 410, 432, 434

put tag (Tiles Tag Library), 120, 138-139

attributes, 138-139, 383-384

DTD definition, 383

example usage, 139, 384

in Tiles configuration file, 383-384

putList tag (Tiles Tag Library), 139-140

DTD definition, 384

example usage, 139-140, 384-385

name attribute, 139, 384

in Tiles configuration file, 384-385

 < Day Day Up > 

Struts. The Complete Reference
Struts: The Complete Reference, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 0072263865
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 134
Authors: James Holmes © 2008-2017.
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