
 < Day Day Up > 


Cactifying a .war file, explained, 445

Cactus, 444-448

architecture diagram, 446

classpath, 445

ServletTestCase, 446

using StrutsTestCase with, 448-450

Cactus task, 445

Cactus task definitions, 445

Cactus tests

running in two JVMs, 446

types of, 445

unit test for SearchAction class, 447

CactusStrutsTestCase class, 448-449

cancel tag (Struts HTML Tag Library), 202-203

attributes, 202-203

example usage, 203

Canoo WebTest, 454-458

Central respository

retrieving content from, 69

storing application content in, 63

CGI (Common Gateway Interface) scripts, 4

Check box properties, Form Bean, 57

checkbox tag (Struts HTML Tag Library), 203-205

attributes, 204-205

example usage, 205

Child definitions, 121

Clark, Mike, 458

classes directory (WEB-INF), 15, 183

classpath element of junit task, 444

CLASSPATH environment variable, 40

clickbutton task, 457

Client JVM (in Cactus architecture), 446

CLIENT-CERT authentication, 414

Client-side validations (Validator), 102-103

Client-side (view) development, 117

Cocoon (View technology), 69

Code logic testing, 435

Committers (to source code)

bugs handled by, 9

explained, 8-9

Compiling the sample application, 40-41

config parameter, 173, 457

for ActionServlet, 165

when using modules, 165-166

Configuration files. See Struts configuration files

ConfigurationFileNotFoundException class, 157

config.xml file, 457

constant tag (Validator), 394-395

DTD definition, 394

example usage, 394-395

constant-name tag (Validator), 395

DTD definition, 395

example usage, 395

constant-value tag (Validator), 395-396

DTD definition, 395

example usage, 395-396

Container-managed secure transport, 419-420

Container-managed security

vs. application-managed security, 411-412

benefits of, 411-412

limitations of, 411-412

using, 412-420

containerset element, 445


in multiple languages, 177

retrieving from a central repository, 69

storing in a central respository, 63

Content JSPs, creating, 125

Controller, in MVC, 6

Controller behavior, testing, 442-450

Controller class, 28

Controller components, in MVC, 7

Controller element, locale attribute, 182

Controller layer (MVC application), 71-90

as central point of access, 71

lifecycle of, 72

of Mini HR application, 89-90

Struts and, 71-72

Controller servlet, 8

controller tag (Struts configuration file), 360-362

attributes, 361-362

DTD definition, 361

example usage, 362

Controller and View layers, transferring data between, 54

cookie tag (Bean Tag Library), 259-260, 342, 431

attributes, 259-260

example usage, 260


to allow automatic logins, 430

secured or encrypted, 431

using, 430-431

Core Tag Library tags (JSTL), 338

Count object, JSTL, 336

country attribute of formset tag, 109-110

country parameter of LocaleAction class, 82

CSS (cascading style sheets), 117

 < Day Day Up > 

Struts. The Complete Reference
Struts: The Complete Reference, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 0072263865
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 134
Authors: James Holmes © 2008-2017.
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