9.5 Borders

Both block and inline areas can have their borders visible using a non-zero border width.

  • There are properties specified separately on each of the before, after, start, and end sides.

  • The *-width properties are used to specify border width (precedence is given to wider widths in coincident table borders).

    • In table borders, wider widths take precedence over narrower widths.

    • A compound value can be specified through individual component settings

      • *-width.length=" length " ,

      • *-width. conditionality =" conditionality ";

        • the values of " discard " or " retain " apply to the border of split areas, i.e.

          • column and page reference areas for block areas (including table cells ),

          • line reference areas for inline areas;

    • a simple *-width=" length " length value:

      • implies *-width.conditionality="discard" ,

      • allows user -agent dependent values of " thin ", " medium ", and " thick ".

  • The *-style properties are used to specify border style (listed in the order of precedence when width is equal for coincident table borders)

    • "hidden" :

      • forces *-width="0pt" ,

      • is a special case for table borders, in that " hidden " has higher precedence than any other coincident border specification, so the border is never seen,

    • "double" (with both lines and intervening space equal to the width),

    • "solid" ,

    • "dashed" ,

    • " dotted " ,

    • "ridge" ,

    • "outset" ,

    • "groove" ,

    • "inset" ,

    • "none" :

      • forces *-width="0pt" ,

      • is a special case for table borders, in that " none " has lower precedence than any other coincident border specification, so the border may still be seen.

  • The *- color properties are used to specify border color (the precedence is to construct nesting in coincident table borders of equal width and style).

    • Any valid color specification can be used.

    • The order of precedence (highest to lowest ) is cell , row, row group, column, column group , then table.

  • The region areas are fixed at a border width of 0pt and a padding of 0pt .

Borders with a conditionality of " discard " (the default) will have borders along split reference area edges discarded, as shown in Figure 9-7.

  • A retained border will be drawn along the reference area's edge.

Figure 9-7. An illustration of border conditionality


Note the following about the example:

  • each test includes a test of both block and inline level bordered areas;

  • the split areas have, respectively, open and closed edges along the splits in the first and second tests, implementing each of the " discard " and " retain " property values;

  • the presence of the retained border in the inline test changes the amount of text that fits on the third line.

Definitive XSL-FO
Definitive XSL-FO
ISBN: 0131403745
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 99
Authors: G. Ken Holman

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