Overview of RAPI Functions


Many of the RAPI functions are directly equivalent to their Windows CE counterparts and therefore do not warrant a detailed description. There are, however, some general points to remember when calling these functions:

  • Use CeRapiGetError as described above to determine errors.

  • Call CeCloseHandle to close handles returned from functions such as CeCreateProcess and CeCreateFile.

  • Use CeFindClose to close a handle returned from CeFindFirstFile.

  • Call CeRapiFreeBuffer to free buffers returned from CeReadRecordProps.

The following sections list the RAPI functions by group, together with a brief description of their purpose.

File and Folder Manipulation

RAPI provides a complete set of functions for manipulating files and folders on a connected Windows CE device. You can refer to Chapters 2 and 3 for information on the equivalent Windows CE functions.

Note that there is no equivalent Windows CE function for CeFindAllFiles this function is used to find matching files through a single function call rather than the multiple calls that CeFindFirstFile and CeFindNextFile require. This improves performance especially when using slow communications connections. Listing 10.2 shows a call to CeFindAllFiles to return all files in the root folder. The source code is located in \RAPI\FindAllFiles on the CDROM.

Table 10.2. File and Folder manipulation RAPI functions
Function Purpose
CeOidGetInfoEx Returns information about an object in the object store. This function can return information about database volumes.
CeOidGetInfo Returns information about any object in an object store except databases in a database volume.
CeFindFirstFile Finds first file that matches a file specification.
CeFindNextFile Finds the next file.
CeFindClose Closes the handle returned from CeFindFirstFile.
CeGetFileAttributes Gets a file's attributes.
CeSetFileAttributes Sets a file's attributes.
CeCreateFile Opens a file on a Windows CE device.
CeReadFile Reads from an open file.
CeWriteFile Writes to an open file.
CeCloseHandle Closes a file given the handle returned from CeCreateFile.
CeFindAllFiles Returns information on all files that match a file specification. This function has no Windows CE or Win32 equivalent.
CeSetFilePointer Moves current file pointer to specified location.
CeSetEndOfFile Sets the End of File to the position of the current file point.
CeCreateDirectory Creates a new folder.
CeRemoveDirectory Removes specified folder.
CeMoveFile Moves or renames a file.
CeCopyFile Copies a file.
CeDeleteFile Deletes a file.
CeGetFileSize Gets the current size of a file.
CeGetFileTime Gets date and time for last access and read and create times for a file.
CeSetFileTime Sets date and time for last access and read and create times for a file.
CeGetTempPath Returns the directory where temporary files should be located.

Listing 10.2 CeFindAllFiles call to list files in root folder
 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {   HRESULT hr;   DWORD dwFileCount;   LPCE_FIND_DATA pFindDataArray;   char szFilename[MAX_PATH];   // List files in root directory of connected CE Device   hr = CeRapiInit();   if(FAILED(hr))   {     cout   "Could not initialize RAPI:"            GetLastError()   endl;     return 1;   }   if(!CeFindAllFiles(L"\\*.*",       FAF_NAME | FAF_SIZE_LOW | FAF_ATTRIBUTES,       &dwFileCount,       &pFindDataArray))     ShowRAPIError();   else   {     cout   "Files in root of Windows Device:"            endl;     for(DWORD i = 0; i < dwFileCount; i++)     {       wcstombs(szFilename,         pFindDataArray[i].cFileName,         MAX_PATH);       cout   szFilename  "";       if(pFindDataArray[i].dwFileAttributes           & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)         cout   "<DIR>"   endl;       else         cout            pFindDataArray[i].nFileSizeLow             endl;     }     CeRapiFreeBuffer(pFindDataArray);   }   hr = CeRapiUninit();   if(FAILED(hr))     cout   "Could not un-initialize RAPI"   endl;   return 0; } 

The code in Listing 10.2 calls CeRapiInit, so the application will wait until a device is connected. A call is then made to CeFindAllFiles with flags requesting that the file name, size, and attributes be returned (Table 10.3). Notice that only the low DWORD is returned for the file size (FAF_SIZE_LOW), and this assumes that all files on the Windows CE device are less than 4 GB.

The following flags can be passed to dwFlags and combined where applicable:

  • FAF_ATTRIB_CHILDRED Return only directories that have child items.

  • FAF_ATTRIB_NO_HIDDEN Do not return hidden files or directories.

Table 10.3. CeFindAllFiles Returns information on files matching a file specification
LPCWSTR szPath File specification, including path information.
DWORD dwFlags Flags specifying what to return and special search options.
LPDWORD lpdwFoundCount Pointer to a DWORD in which the number of files is returned.
LPLPCE_FIND_DATA ppFindDataArray Pointer to a pointer to a LPCE_FIND_DATA structure. The returned pointer references the information on the files that matched the search.
BOOL Return Value TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

  • FAF_FOLDERS_ONLY Only return folders, not files.

  • FAF_NO_HIDDEN_SYS_ROMMODULES Do not return files in ROM.

  • FAF_ATTRIBUTES Return file attributes.

  • FAF_CREATION_TIME Return file creation time.

  • FAF_LASTACCESS_TIME Return file last access time.

  • FAF_LASTWRITE_TIME Return the file last write time.

  • FAF_SIZE_HIGH Return the high DWORD of the file size.

  • FAF_SIZE_LOW Return the low DWORD of the file size.

  • FAF_OID Return the OID of the file.

  • FAF_NAME Return the file name.

The CeFindAllFiles function returns a pointer to a buffer that contains a CE_FIND_DATA array for each file that matches the file specification. This buffer is owned by Windows and must be freed by calling the function CeRapiFreeBuffer. The CE_FIND_DATA structure contains members for each data item that can be returned for a file.

 typedef struct _CE_FIND_DATA {   DWORD    dwFileAttributes;   FILETIME ftCreationTime;   FILETIME ftLastAccessTime;   FILETIME ftLastWriteTime;   DWORD    nFileSizeHigh;   DWORD    nFileSizeLow;   DWORD    dwOID;   WCHAR    cFileName[MAX_PATH]; } CE_FIND_DATA, *LPCE_FIND_DATA; 

Property Database RAPI Functions

The functions shown in Table 10.4 can be used to manipulate property databases on a connected Windows CE device. You can refer to Chapter 4 for details on the Windows CE function equivalents. The function CeFindAllDatabases does not have a Windows CE equivalent it is used to return information on all databases that match a specification. As with CeFindAllFiles, this function is used to improve performance. Note that CeFindAllDatabases does not return information on databases in volumes. The function CeFindFirstDatabaseEx should be used to search database volumes. You should try to limit the number of calls to CeWriteRecordProps and CeReadRecordProps to improve performance by reading or writing as many properties at a time as possible.

Table 10.4. Property database RAPI functions
Function Purpose
CeMountDBVol Mounts a database volume.
CeUnmountDBVol Unmounts a database volume.
CeFlushDBVol Flushes database changes out to storage.
CeCreateDatabase Creates a new database in the object store.
CeCreateDatabaseEx Creates a new database in a mounted database volume.
CeDeleteDatabase Deletes a database.
CeDeleteRecord Deletes a record.
CeFindFirstDatabase Finds first database that matches a specification.
CeFindNextDatabase Finds next database using handle returned from CeFind-FirstDatabase.
CeOpenDatabase Opens a database in the object store.
CeOpenDatabaseEx Opens a database in a mounted volume.
CeReadRecordProps Reads properties from a record. Use CeRapiFreeBuffer to free the returned buffer.
CeSeekDatabase Locates a record in the database.
CeSetDatabaseInfo Sets database information, such as name or sort orders.
CeSetDatabaseInfoEx Sets database information for a database in a mounted database volume.
CeWriteRecordProps Writes property values to a database.
CeFindAllDatabases Returns information on all databases that match a specification.

Registry RAPI Functions

The functions in Table 10.5 can be used to manipulate keys in the Windows CE device's registry. The Windows CE equivalent functions are described in Chapter 4.

Table 10.5. Registry RAPI functions
Function Purpose
CeRegOpenKeyEx Opens a key
CeRegEnumKeyEx Enumerates sub-keys of an open key
CeRegCreateKeyEx Creates a new key, or opens an existing key
CeRegCloseKey Closes an open key
CeRegDeleteKey Deletes a key
CeRegEnumValue Enumerates values for a key
CeRegDeleteValue Deletes a value from a key
CeRegQueryInfoKey Returns information about an open key
CeRegQueryValueEx Retrieves type and data for a value name for an open key
CeRegSetValueEx Sets data into a value for an open key

The code in Listing 10.3 shows how to use the RAPI registry functions to obtain the device name for the connected Windows CE device. This is the name that is configured through the Control Panel's Communication applet. This information is located in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Ident\Name. You can also find the Description ("Desc" value) and original device name ("OrigName" value) from this registry key. Information about the type of device and manufacturer can be found in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Platform key. Registry functions are described in more detail in Chapter 4.

Listing 10.3 Determining device name of connected device
 #include "stdafx.h" #include <rapi.h> #include <iostream.h> BOOL CeGetPlatformName(LPTSTR pszPlatformName) {   BOOL     fSuccess  = FALSE;   LONG     nRetVal   = 0;   HKEY     hkey      = NULL;   DWORD    dwType    = 0;   DWORD    cbSize    = 0;   WCHAR    szPlatformNameW[MAX_PATH];   nRetVal = CeRegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,     L"Ident", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkey);   if (ERROR_SUCCESS == nRetVal && hkey)   {     // get the registry value     cbSize = sizeof(szPlatformNameW);     nRetVal = CeRegQueryValueEx( hkey,         "NAME", 0, &dwType,         LPBYTE)szPlatformNameW, &cbSize);     if (ERROR_SUCCESS == nRetVal)     {       szPlatformNameW[cbSize / sizeof(WCHAR)] = '\0';       if (wcstombs( pszPlatformName,           szPlatformNameW, MAX_PATH))         fSuccess = TRUE;     }   }   if (hkey)     CeRegCloseKey( hkey );   return fSuccess; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {   HRESULT hr;   char szDeviceName[MAX_PATH];   // List files in root directory of connected CE Device   hr = CeRapiInit();   if(FAILED(hr))   {     cout   "Could not initialize RAPI:"            GetLastError()   endl;     return 1;   }   if(CeGetPlatformName(szDeviceName))     cout   "Device Name: "   szDeviceName   endl;   else     cout   "Could not retrieve device name"   endl;   hr = CeRapiUninit();   if(FAILED(hr))     cout   "Could not un-initialize RAPI"   endl;   return 0; } 

The code in the CeGetPlatformName function is straightforward registry code. However, it is important to remember that all key and value names must be specified as Unicode strings. Further, the returned strings (for example, the device name) will be Unicode, and may need to be converted to ANSI character strings.

System Information RAPI Functions

Table 10.6 lists RAPI functions used to obtain information about the Windows CE devices.

Table 10.6. System Information RAPI functions
Function Purpose
CeGetStoreInformation Returns information about the state of the object store in a STORE_INFORMATION structure
CeGetSystemMetrics Gets information about the Windows CE device, such as size of user interface elements like scrollbars
CeGetDesktopDeviceCaps Returns information about the capabilities of the display, such as the number of display colors
CeGetSystemInfo Fills a SYSTEM_INFO structure with information about the device, such as the type of processor, page file size, and address space
CeCheckPassword Allows a string to be compared with the current password on the Windows CE device
CeGetVersionEx Fills a CEOSVERSIONINFO structure with details about the operating system version and platform identifier
CeGlobalMemoryStatus Returns information about the physical and virtual memory status
CeGetSystemPowerStatusEx Fills a SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS_EX structure with data about battery and other power information

Miscellaneous RAPI Functions

Finally, Table 10.7 lists RAPI functions that allow access to errors, create processes, obtain information about windows, and interact with the shell.

Table 10.7. Miscellaneous RAPI functions
Function Purpose
CeGetLastError Returns error value from last RAPI function call
CeCreateProcess Creates a new process on a connected device
CeGetWindow Obtains a window handle
CeGetWindowLong Returns information about the specified window, returned as a long value
CeGetWindowText Gets window text associated with a window handle
CeGetClassName Gets the class name associated with a window handle
CeGetSpecialFolderPath Gets pathname for the location of special folders, such as desktop, "My Documents," and favorites
CeSHCreateShortcut Creates a shortcut file
CeSHGetShortcutTarget Gets information about a shortcut file


Windows CE 3. 0 Application Programming
Windows CE 3.0: Application Programming (Prentice Hall Series on Microsoft Technologies)
ISBN: 0130255920
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 181

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