

Candidate identification, mentoring, 375–377

Capability, see also Current capability

auditing, 420–434

basics, 173

business performance, 614

change, policy need evaluation, 150

conducting assessments, 176–178

identification, 174–175

improvement plan implementation, 178–179

leadership and management, 277

planning support, 395

portfolio management, 489

smaller PMOs, 186

technical, 77

Capture, content, 121

Career counseling, 316, see also Career development function model

Career development, see also Career development function model; Certification; Courses; Mentoring; Professional development; Training and education

basics, xix, 295–296

business environment interface, 297

competency continuum, 297–298, 299

project environment interface, 296–297

smaller PMOs, 323

Career development function model, see also Training and education function model

advancement model, 305–311

basics, 298, 300, 300

business level positions, 309–310

certification, 319–323

entry level positions, 307–308

executive level positions, 310–311

executive support, 301–303

external certification, 320

functionality familiarity, 317

general guidance, 315–316

human resources, 303–304

implementation, 318

internal certification, 320–322

interpersonal relationship management, 318

organizational integration, 313–315

path development, 300–315

position descriptions and qualifications, 311–313

professionalism, 301–304, 322–323

project management, 315–318, 319–322

project managers, 304

qualified level positions, 308–309

skill development, 317–318

strategic perspective, 317

support level positions, 307–308

technical certification, 322–323

Career planning, 316, see also Career development function model; Training and education

Cash-flow analysis, 494

Catalog, training program, 288

CD-ROM-based instruction, 285

Center of excellence competency continuum

assessment, 168, 169

auditing, 418, 419

basics, xiv–xv

business performance, 596, 597

career development, 298, 299

customer relationships, 536, 537

facilities and equipment support, 224, 225

governance, 140, 140

knowledge management, 103, 104

mentoring, 357, 358

methodology, 6, 7

organization and structure, 189, 190

planning support, 386, 387

portfolio management, 482, 483

project recovery, 448, 449

resource management, 252, 253

team development, 327, 328, 329

tools, 55, 56

Centralization, business performance, 608

Certification, see also Career development function model; Mentoring; Professional development; Training and education

basics, 319–322

competency assessment, 171

external, 320

facilitation, 322–323

internal, 320–322

project managers, 279

training, 289–290

Change capability, 150

Change control, see also Control; Modifications; Stop-work orders

contracts and agreements, 552–553, 584–585

documentation, knowledge management, 124

essential activity, 32

project plan component, 29

project recovery, 466, 469–470

Change management, 555

Charters, 124, 129, 142–149

Chat rooms, 113, 130

Claim and dispute resolution, 552, 553, 584, 604

Clarification of proposals, 546

Classification guidance, 153–156, 330

Classroom learning, 284, see also Courses

Close out phases

auditing, 425–426, 443

business performance, 601

contracts and agreements, 556–557, 586

essential activity, 32

life cycle solution, 26, 26, 30–31

mentoring, 380

PMIS, 124

portfolio management, 520, 527–528

project recovery, 470–472

resource management, 267–269

Cohesive formation, teams, 329–334


business performance, 601–602, 610–615

executive control board, 162

knowledge management, 111–114, 119

maturity assessment, 184

mentoring, 364–365

operational, 611–612

planning support, 400–402

strategic, 614–615

tactical, 612–614

tools, 51

virtual teams, 338–339, 342

Collaborative auditors, 431–432

Collocation, 111, 233

Commitments, 554

Committees alignment, 162–163


business performance, 601–602

contracts and agreements, 584

planning support, 406

PMIS, 123

project recovery, 466

virtual teams, 339, 342

Web-based, collaboration management, 113

Communication control system, 552

Compensation, position, 312


assessment, 170–173

core, portfolio management, 497, 497

mentoring, 364

portfolio management, 489

project management, 145, 152

smaller PMOs, 185

standards implementation, 78

Competency continuum

assessment, 167–169, 168

auditing, 417, 418, 419

basics, vi–xv, xx

business performance, 595, 596, 597

career development, 297–298, 299

customer relationships, 535, 536, 537

facilities and equipment support, 223–224, 225

governance, project, 140, 141, 142

knowledge management, 102, 103, 104

mentoring, 357, 358

methodology, 6–8

organization and structure, 188–189, 190

portfolio management, 481, 482, 483

project recovery, 447, 448, 449

resource management, 251, 252, 253

standards and metrics, 72, 73, 74

team development, 327, 328, 329

tools, 54–56, 55

training and education, 273, 274, 275

vendors and contractors, 567, 568

Competitive necessity, 490–491

Completion dates, see Finish dates

Complexity of projects, 155


capability assessment, 175

contracts and agreements, 554, 585

regulatory, 125

standards, 123

Computer systems, 34, 229

Configuration management plan, 125, 408

Conglomeration of applications, 15–16

Consequential damages clauses, 555

Constraints, 508–509

Construction and engineering plan, 125

Construction of application, 17

Construction plan, 408

Contact log, 125

Contacts, 129


assessment findings, 22

knowledge management, 120–121

planning support, 411–412

Content managers, 109–110

Contingency plan, 408

Continuation decision, 524

Continuity of use, 237

Continuous improvement, 152, 185

Continuum, competency, see Competency continuum

Contract managers, 53

Contractors, see Vendors and contractors

Contracts and agreements

acceptance, 554, 556

administration, 550–557, 583–587, 600

approvals, 549, 582

arbitration, 553

auditing, 422

authority, 148, 157

booking, 549, 582, 583

business performance, 600

change control, 552–553, 584–585

claim and dispute resolution, 552, 553, 584, 604

close out phase, 31, 556–557, 586

commitments, 554

communication, 552, 584

compliance, 554, 585

customer relationships, 539, 543–557

deliverables, 551, 554, 585

documentation, 548, 551–552

essential activity, 32

file organization, 583

funding, monitoring, 554

implementation phase, 30

issue resolution procedures, 552, 553, 584, 604

knowledge management, 125

leased facilities, 234

litigation, 553

management plan, 29

mediation, 553

meetings, 551, 584

metrics, 92

negotiation, 547–548, 553

payments, 555, 585–586

performance, 554–556, 584, 586–587

planning, 551–554

portfolio management, 512

postcontract summary report, 557

project planning phase, 29

reports, 551, 557, 586–587

resources, 586

responsibility transfer, 550, 582

sign-off, 556

team development, 334

training evaluation, 292

vendors and contractors, 581–582, 583–587

verification, 549, 582


business purpose, PMO charter, 144

planning support, 398–399

PMO recognition, 197

Control, see also Change control

business performance, 600

essential activity, 32

implementation phase, 30

project recovery, 468–469

Control boards, information users, 106

Coordination of extensions, 268

Corporate culture, 497, 497

Corrective actions, 95–96, 451

Cost estimate, independent, 577

Cost estimating plan, 123, 408

Costing methods, 512

Cost management plan, 123, 408

Costs, see also Financial elements

automated methodology deployment, 34

essential activity, 32

facilities, 234

portfolio management, 487, 508, 511

project recovery, 451, 455, 465, 468

tool assessment, 61

work plan, auditing, 423

Counseling, career, 316, see also Career development function model; Mentoring

Courses, see also Career development function model; Mentoring; Training and education

delivery schedule, 291

development, 284–286

evaluation, 292

formats, 285–286

monitoring participation, 289–290

payment, 287

performance of course, 291

project management, 283

selection, 291

Cross-business units, 184

Cultural reception, 150

Culture, corporate, 497

Current capability, 19–21, see also Capability

Current environment, tools, 57–58

Current practices, see also Practices

assessment, 21–23

basics, 9, 19

best practices, 23

content analysis, 22

current capability, 19–21

flow analysis, 22

policy need evaluation, 150

practice analysis, 22

support, 23

tools analysis, 22

Customer-centric improvements, 561–563

Customer interest survey, 560

Customer relationship function model

basics, 537, 538

business information, 540–541

contracts, 543–557

customer-centric improvements, 561–563

managing relationships, 538–543

opportunity qualification, 544

participation, 541–543

project information, 538–540

proposals, 544–548

relationship programs, 560–561

satisfaction, 557–563

Customer relationships, see also Customer relationship function model

basics, xviii, 533–534

business environment interface, 535

competency continuum, 535, 536, 537

essential activity, 32

oversight, 613

planning support, 408

PMO, 148, 157

project environment interface, 534

smaller PMOs, 563–564


acceptance, 30

account management, 609

auditing, 427

business activities, 541, 542, 604–605, 609

business profile, 540

close out phase, 30

essential activity, 32

feedback, 559–560

history, 540–541

implementation phase, 30

informal contact, 558

information users, 108

interface management, 30

issue resolution procedures, 552, 553, 584, 604

knowledge management, 129, 131–132

meetings, status, 559

participation, 541–543, 604

partnerships, 605

payment management, 555

planning support, 408

portfolio management, 487, 492, 493, 495, 496, 529–530

project management activities, 542

project plans, 29

project recovery, 452, 456, 458, 464

proposal preparation, 29

relationship history, 540–541

relationship management plan, 539–540

requirements of project, 539, 604

resource management deployment, 262

satisfaction, 92, 557–563, 589, 603–605

stakeholder participation, 214–215

standards and metrics, 97

support management plan, PMIS, 123

surveys, 559

team alignment, PMO, 207–208

technical activities, 542

tools, 53

Customization, 34, 62

The Complete Project Management Office Handbook
The Complete Project Management Office Handbook, Second Edition (ESI International Project Management Series)
ISBN: 1420046802
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 158 © 2008-2017.
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