

AAA pet store. See pet store example
Abbot, 447448. See also Costello
advantages, 455
defining components , 451
defining launch arguments, 451
dialog test example, 453454
downloading, 447
integrating tests, 450451
ScriptTestSuite function, 451
table test example, 452453
test suite, creating, 454455
AbstractTestCase class (Cactus), 607610
acceptance testing. See functional testing
Action object (Struts), 189190
ActionForm (Struts), 188189
ActiveTestSuite class (JUnit), 600601
all targets (Ant), 40, 70
AllTest test suite example, 228
< and> selector container (Ant), 49
Ant. See also continuous integration; Hello World Model 2 example
buildfiles , 39, 199200
as documentation, 3738
EJB testing, 396397
master, 7880
naming conventions, 70
nesting, 59
organization, 6768
running, 7374
specifying name , 41
for standalone applications, 7678
Cactus integration, 359360
command line options, 527528
continuous integration, 38
custom tasks
accessing properties, 203204
< classpath> element, 204
example buildfile, 208211
execute() method, 204205
nested elements, 205208
Task class, 201203
TDSS task example, 200201
directory/file system tasks, 535
chmod task, 535536
copy task, 536537
delete task, 537
mkdir task, 538
move task, 538
touch task, 538539
downloading, 37
EJB deployment, 254
deploy directory, copying to, 257
directory structure, 254255
enterprise_beans buildfile, 255256
JAR files, creating, 257258
support libraries, 259
classpath element, 553
fileset element, 555
mapper element, 6364, 554555
patternset element, 555
zipfileset element, 556
extensibility of, 37
external execution tasks, 539
apply task, 539540
exec task, 540541
execon task, 541542
java task, 542543
javac task, 543544
sql task, 544545
file library tasks, 545
jar task, 545546
unjar task, 548
unwar task, 548
unzip task, 548
war task, 546547
zip task, 547
file manipulation tasks, 548
mail task, 549
replace task, 548549
Filter tag, 530531
filters, 5253
FilterChains, 5559
FilterReaders, 5559
filtersets, 5354
Hello World model project
buildfile, 7073
classes, 6869
targets, 7073
HelloWorldApplet project
buildfile, 84
building the applet, 85
comparison, 38
support, 250
installing, 42
JUnit integration
junitSample project, 229234
setting up JAR files, 229
key tasks, 532
ant task, 532
antcall task, 532
available task, 533
echo task, 534
fail task, 534
property task, 534535
taskdef task, 535
listeners, 60
literals, defining, 72
loggers, 6062
mappers, 6364
flatten, 64
glob, 64
identity, 6364
merge, 64
package, 64
regexp, 64
unpackage, 64
optional tasks
junit task, 551552
junitreport task, 552553
passing properties to, 51
Path tag, 530
pathelements, 4446
location, 44
path, 44
patternsets, 4950
project tag, 528
projects, 3940
properties, 43
requirements, 7
running, 42
selectors, 46
containers, 49
< contains>, 46
< containsregexp>, 48
< date>, 4647
< depend>, 47
< depth>, 47
< different>, 47
< filename>, 4748
< present>, 48
< size >, 48
< type>, 48
setup files, 42
source control tasks, 549
cvs task, 549
get task, 550
Target tag, 529530
targets, 3940, 200
clean, 40, 72
compile, 40, 73
conditional, 5052
default, setting, 71
deploy, 40
docs/javadocs, 40
fetch, 40
init, 40, 72
init-debug, 40
init-release, 40
link/jar, 40
main, 40
naming, 3940
package, 72
prepare, 73
publish, 40
setProps target (Ant), 7172
staging, 40
standard, 40
test, 40
tasks, 3940
adding to Maven projects, 473474
BuildNumber, 62
check, 412
Chmod, 62
cvs, 62
< echo>, 493
instrument, 412
JAR, 63
jcoverage as, 411416
jtestrun, 412
merge, 412
parallel, 6263
report, 412
tasks automated by, 6
Tstamp tag, 531
with XDoclet. see XDoclet
Ant component (CruiseControl), 499500
Ant in Anger , 40
Ant tag library (Jelly), 473
ant task, 532
antcall task (Ant), 532
AntClassLoader class (Ant), 558559
AntHill, 507508
Administration page, 511512
application servers, 509510
adding, 523524
scheduling, 523
configuring, 512513
dependencies, 524525
downloading, 507
HelloWorld project
creating, 516517
impounding, 517
test build, 517518
installing, 509512
pet store example, 525526
building, 521522
creating, 518521
directory structure, 522
urban{code} example project, 514515
Apache settings (Bugzilla), 282283
Applet class, 8183
buildfiles, creating, 84
building with Ant, 85
delivering to browsers, 102103
including in WAR files, 103104
JAR files, 1415
apply task (Ant), 539540
artifactId element (Maven), 466
ArtifactsPublisher component (CruiseControl), 501
aspectSourceDirectory element (Maven), 466, 477478
assembled enterprise beans, 17
Assert class (JUnit), 585588
assertions, adding to Costello, 453
AssertUtils class (Cactus), 627628
assuming simplicity, 3
AuthFilter example (Cactus), 366369
AuthorizationRequiredException class (HttpUnit), 636
automated builds, 3738. See also Ant
automated testing, requirements for, 7
available task (Ant), 533

Professional Java Tools for Extreme Programming
Professional Java Tools for Extreme Programming: Ant, XDoclet, JUnit, Cactus, and Maven (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0764556177
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 228 © 2008-2017.
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