Chapter 7. Objects and Classes


In this and following chapters, we examine the nature of objects and types of objects and how they interact with one another.

Classes are factories for objects. Once a class defines the kind of data it can hold and the operations it is capable of performing, a particular object can be made. For instance, "Ludwig" is an instance of the "person" class. Once instantiated (once a particular instance of a class has been brought into existence), the object often needs to relate to other objects similarly constructed in order to have a meaningful existence. Once the object can no longer fulfill the obligations of meaningful service to the organization of objects to which it belongs, it is taken out of service. Understanding the concepts presented in this chapter is crucial to excelling at Java development, as the object is the foundation of Java.

In Java, as in life, the rules regarding the creation of objects follow clearly defined and relatively simple patterns. In this chapter, we engage the complexities of the hierarchical relations involved in objects performing their functions. These relations or relational descriptors include packages and documentation, constructors, abstractions, inner classes, exceptions, and finality ”few of which have meaningful corresponding terms or concepts in ColdFusion. For that reason I have tried where possible to approach the subject cautiously and from different angles up to this point.


Java for ColdFusion Developers
Java for ColdFusion Developers
ISBN: 0130461806
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 206
Authors: Eben Hewitt © 2008-2017.
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