Sort Contents by Date and Time

ls -t

Letters are great, but sometimes you need to sort a directory's contents by date and time. To do so, use -t (or --sort=time) along with -l; to reverse the sort, use -tr (or --sort=time --reverse) along with -l.

$ ls -latr ~/ -rw-------   8800 2005-10-18 19:55 .bash_history drwx------    368 2005-10-18 23:12 .gnupg drwxr-xr-x   2760 2005-10-18 23:14 bin drwx------    168 2005-10-19 00:13 .Skype 

All of these items except the last one were modified on the same day; the last one would have been first if you weren't using the -r option and thereby reversing the results.


Notice that you're using four options at one time in the previous command:-latr. You could have instead used -l -a -t -r, but who wants to type all of those hyphens? It's quicker and easier to just combine them all into one giant option. The long version of the options (those that start with two hyphens and consist of a word or two), however, cannot be combined and have to be entered separately, as in -la --sort=time --reverse.

Linux Phrasebook
Linux Phrasebook
ISBN: 0672328380
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 288 © 2008-2017.
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