

headquarters facilities in, 165-172, 197, 199-200, 210, 229-230
move to, 149-158, 268-269
The Dallas Morning News , 191
data recovery, 113, 119, see also transaction recorder
Davis, Gary, 250, 261-262
of Berta Penney, 33-34
of James Penney, 20
of Earl Sams, 91
of Don Seibert, 280
Department Store of the '80s concept, 143
Derby, Earl, 99
designer clothing
foreign, 148
by Hankins, 175-182, 184-188
Diana, Princess of England, 149
direct marketing insurance, 255n.1
district managers' meeting of 1980, 131-134
diversity, 128-129, 233-234, see also inclusion
drugstore retailing , 255
Duff-Bloom, Gale, 8, 197-207
advancement of, 208-210
and announcement of retirement, 261-264
on career at Penney's, 278-279
and Catalyst Award, 238
and concern about Oesterreicher's abilities , 244
on Dallas facilities, 157-158
and Department Store of the '80s concept, 143
and Eckerd Drug deal, 256-257
financial expertise of, 208
and Hankins as designer, 177-182
and Howell's LPGA speech, 189-190, 192-193
and ideas for changing bureaucracy, 240-243
and inclusion programs, 212-216
and Lenexa shareholders meeting, 271
and loss of Penney Idea, 260
marketing changes made by, 260
on responsibility for company's fall, 159-160
and San Francisco retail conference, 235-237
and sponsorships of St. James, 174-175
Warrington College speech of, 231-235
Dunn, J. C., 131-134

Celebration of Fools. An Inside Look at the Rise and Fall of JCPenney
Celebration of Fools: An Inside Look at the Rise and Fall of JCPenney
ISBN: 0814471595
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 177
Authors: Bill Hare © 2008-2017.
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