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The javax.servlet package provides interfaces and classes that support servlet programming in the broadest, non-protocol-specific, sense. It includes the Servlet interface, which all servlets must ultimately implement.

javax.servlet Interfaces


    public interface Filter 

A Filter component can intercept a request to a resource to perform filtering tasks. The Filter interface has three methods:

    public void setFilterConfig(FilterConfig filterConfig) 

setFilterConfig() is called when the filter is instantiated, and is passed a FilterConfig object containing configuration information about the filter's environment.

    public FilterConfig getFilterConfig() 

getFilterConfig() returns the FilterConfig object for this filter.

    public void doFilter(ServletRequest request,                         ServletResponse response,                         FilterChain chain)            throws, ServletException 

doFilter() is called each time a request is received for a resource for which this filter is registered. An implementation would typically examine the request object, then either invoke the next object in the FilterChain by calling chain.doFilter() (optionally wrapping the Request and Response objects) or generate the response itself.


    public interface FilterChain 

A FilterChain represents the series of filters to be invoked during a request to a resource. The FilterChain interface has one method:

    public void doFilter(ServletRequest request,                         ServletResponse response)            throws, ServletException 

doFilter() either invokes the next filter in the chain, or (if this is the last filter in the chain) invokes the filtered resource itself.


    public interface FilterConfig 

A FilterConfig object is used by the servlet container to pass configuration information to a filter while it is being initialized. The FilterConfig interface has four methods:

    public String getFilterName() 

getFilterName() returns the name of the filter, as declared in web.xml.

    public ServletContext getServletContext() 

getServletContext() returns the ServletContext in which this filter is running.

    public String getInitParameter(String name) 

getInitParameter() returns a String containing the named initialization parameter, or null if there is no such parameter.

    public java.util.Enumeration getInitParameterNames() 

getInitParameterNames() returns an Enumeration containing the names of the initialization parameters.


    public interface RequestDispatcher 

A RequestDispatcher is an object that sends requests to the appropriate resource (servlet, HTML file, etc.) within the server. The servlet creates the RequestDispatcher object, which is used as a wrapper around a particular resource. A RequestDispatcher object was intended to wrap servlets, but can be used to wrap any type of resource on a server. The RequestDispatcher interface has two methods:

    public void forward(ServletRequest request,                        ServletResponse response)            throws ServletException, 

foward() forwards a client request to another resource (servlet, HTML file, etc.). This method allows a servlet to serve as a "request processor", performing some preliminary work before sending the request to the resource that will ultimately respond to it. The forward() method can be used if the servlet has not already opened a PrintWriter or ServletOutputStream back to the client machine. If an output stream has been created, use the include() method instead. The request and response must be either the same objects that were passed to this Servlet's service() method, or ServletRequestWrapper or ServletResponseWrapper subclass instances that wrap them.

    public void include(ServletRequest request,                        ServletResponse response)            throws ServletException, 

include() allows a resource to be included in the response to a client request. This method is used to include some content to the response after the response has been initiated by opening a PrintWriter or ServletOutputStream back to the client machine. The request and response must be either the same objects that were passed to this servlet's service() method, or ServletRequestWrapper or ServletResponseWrapper subclass instances that wrap them.


    public interface Servlet 

Every servlet must implement the Servlet interface. It declares the methods that govern the lifecycle of the servlet as well as methods to access initialization parameters and information about the servlet. The Servlet interface has five methods:

    public void init(ServletConfig config)            throws ServletException 

init() is called when the servlet is put into service. The ServletConfig object is used to provide the Servlet with initialization parameters.

    public ServletConfig getServletConfig() 

getServletConfig() returns the ServletConfig object associated with the servlet. A ServletConfig object contains parameters that are used to initialize the servlet.

    public void service(ServletRequest req,                        ServletResponse res)            throws ServletException, 

service() is called to respond to a request from a client machine. The code representing what the servlet is supposed to do is placed in this method, which is only called after the init() method has completed successfully.

    public String getServletInfo() 

getServletInfo() returns a String containing useful information about the servlet. By default, this method returns an empty String, but it can be overridden to provide more useful information.

    public void destroy() 

destroy() is called when the servlet is being taken out of service, allowing the servlet to release any resources associated with it.


    public interface ServletConfig 

A ServletConfig object is used to pass initialization parameters (name-value pairs) to a servlet during its initialization. The ServletConfig interface declares four methods, which can access the parameters, as well as returning the name of the servlet and its associated ServletContext object. A ServletContext object contains information about the server on which the servlet resides.

    public String getServletName() 

getServletName() returns the name of the servlet. If the servlet is unnamed, the method will return the servlet's class name.

    public ServletContext getServletContext() 

getServletContext() returns the ServletContext object associated with the invoking servlet. A ServletContext object contains information about the environment in which the servlet is running.

    public String getInitParameter(String name) 

getInitParameter() returns the value of the specified initialization parameter, or null if the parameter does not exist.

    public java.util.Enumeration getInitParameterNames() 

getInitParameterNames() returns an Enumeration of String objects containing the names of all of the Servlet's initialization parameters.


    public interface ServletContext 

The ServletContext interface declares 23 methods that a servlet uses to communicate with its host server, of which four are deprecated. The methods declared in this interface allow a servlet to obtain information about the server on which it is running.

    public ServletContext getContext(String uripath) 

getContext() returns the ServletContext object for the resource at the specified path on the server. The path argument is an absolute URL beginning with "/".

    public int getMajorVersion() 

getMajorVersion() returns the major version of the Java Servlet API that the server supports. For servers supporting version 2.3 of the Servlet specification, this method will return 2.

    public int getMinorVersion() 

getMinorVersion() returns the minor version of the Java Servlet API that the server supports. For servers supporting version 2.3 of the Servlet specification, this method will return 3.

    public String getMimeType(String file) 

getMimeType() returns the MIME type of the specified file or null if the MIME type cannot be ascertained. Typical return values will be "text/plain", "text/html", or "image/jpg".

    public java.util.Set getResourcePaths() 

getResourcePaths() returns all the paths to resources held in the web application as Strings beginning with a "/".

    public getResource(String path)            throws 

getResource() returns a URL object that is mapped to the specified path, or null if there is no resource mapped to the path. The path must begin with "/" and is interpreted relative to the current context root.

    public getResourceAsStream(String path) 

getResourceAsStream() returns the resource at the specified path as an InputStream object.

    public RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher(String path) 

getRequestDispatcher() returns a RequestDispatcher object that acts as a wrapper around the resource located at the specified path. The path must begin with "/", and is interpreted relative to the current context root.

    public RequestDispatcher getNamedDispatcher(String name) 

getNamedDispatcher() returns a RequestDispatcher object that will be wrapped around the named servlet.

    public void log(String msg)    public void log(String message,                    Throwable throwable) 

log() is used to write a message to the servlet engine's log file. The second version writes both an explanatory message and a stack trace for the specified Throwable exception to the log file.

    public String getRealPath(String path) 

getRealPath() returns a String object containing the real path, in a form appropriate to the platform on which the servlet is running, corresponding to the given virtual path. An example of a virtual path might be "/blah.html".

    public String getServerInfo() 

getServerInfo() returns a String object containing information on the server on which the Servlet is running. At a minimum, the String will contain the servlet container name and version number.

    public String getInitParameter(String name) 

getInitParameter() returns a String object containing the value of the specified initialization parameter, or null if the parameter does not exist.

    public java.util.Enumeration getInitParameterNames() 

getInitParameterNames() returns a Enumeration containing the initialization parameters associated with the invoking ServletContext object

    public Object getAttribute(String name) 

getAttribute() returns the value of the specified attribute name. The return value is an Object or sub-class if the attribute is available to the invoking ServletContext object, or null if the attribute is not available.

    public java.util.Enumeration getAttributeNames() 

getAttributeNames() returns an Enumeration containing the attribute names available to the invoking ServletContext object.

    public void setAttribute(String name,                             Object object) 

setAttribute() binds a value to a specified attribute name.

    public void removeAttribute(String name) 

removeAttribute() makes the specified attribute unavailable to the invoking ServletContext object. Subsequent calls to the getAttribute() method for this attribute will return null.

    public String getServletContextName() 

getServletContextName() returns the name of the web application, as specified in the <display-name> element in web.xml.

    public Servlet getServlet(String name)            throws ServletException    public java.util.Enumeration getServlets()    public java.util.Enumeration getServletNames()    public void log(Exception exception,                    String msg) 

These methods are deprecated.


    public interface ServletContextAttributesListener      extends java.util.EventListener 

An object implementing ServletContextAttributesListener can be registered to receive notification when attributes are added to, removed from, or replaced in the ServletContext. This interface declares three methods:

    public void attributeAdded(ServletContextAttributeEvent scab) 

attributeAdded() is called when an attribute is added to the ServletContext. It is passed a ServletContextAttributeEvent containing information about the event.

    public void attributeRemoved(ServletContextAttributeEvent scab) 

attributeRemoved() is called when an attribute is removed from the ServletContext. It is passed a ServletContextAttributeEvent containing information about the event.

    public void attributeReplaced(ServletContextAttributeEvent scab) 

attributeReplaced() is called when a ServletContext attribute is replaced. It is passed a ServletContextAttributeEvent containing information about the event.


    public interface ServletContextListener      extends java.util.EventListener 

An object implementing ServletContextListener can be registered to receive notification when the ServletContext is initialized or destroyed. This interface declares two methods.

    public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) 

contextInitialized() is called when the ServletContext is initialized. It is passed a ServletContextEvent containing information about the event.

    public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent sce) 

contextDestroyed() is called when the ServletContext is destroyed. It is passed a ServletContextEvent containing information about the event.


    public interface ServletRequest 

The ServletRequest interface contains 25 methods that are used to provide client request information to a servlet; of which one is deprecated. This information can include parameter name-value pairs, attributes, and an input stream. A ServletRequest object is passed to the service() method defined in the Servlet interface, as well as the forward() and include() methods from the RequestDispatcher interface.

    public Object getAttribute(String name) 

getAttribute() returns the value of the specified request attribute name. The return value is an Object or sub-class if the attribute is available to the invoking ServletRequest object, or null if the attribute is not available.

    public java.util.Enumeration getAttributeNames() 

getAttributeNames() returns an Enumeration containing the attribute names available to the invoking ServletRequest object.

    public String getCharacterEncoding() 

getCharacterEncoding() returns a String object containing the character encoding used in the body of the request, or null if there is no encoding.

    public void setCharacterEncoding(String env)            throws 

setCharacterEncoding() overrides the character encoding used in the body of this request.

    public int getContentLength() 

getContentLength() returns the length of the body of the request in bytes, or -1 if the length is not known.

    public String getContentType() 

getContentType() returns a String object containing the MIME type ("text/plain", "text/html", "image/gif", etc.) of the body of the request, or null if the type is not known.

    public ServletInputStream getInputStream()            throws 

getInputStream() returns a ServletInputStream object that can be used to read the body of the request as binary data.

    public String getParameter(String name) 

getParameter() returns a String object containing the value of the specified parameter, or null if the parameter does not exist.

    public java.util.Enumeration getParameterNames() 

getParameterNames() returns a Enumeration containing the parameters contained within the invoking ServletRequest object.

    public String[] getParameterValues(String name) 

getParamterValues() is used when a parameter may have more than one value associated with it. The method returns a String array containing the values of the specified parameter, or null if the parameter does not exist.

    public java.util.Map getParameterMap() 

getParameterMap() returns a Map containing the request parameters.

    public String getProtocol() 

getProtocol() returns the name and version of the protocol used by the request. A typical return String would be "HTTP/1.1".

    public String getScheme() 

getScheme() returns the scheme ("http", "https", "ftp", etc.) used to make the request.

    public String getServerName() 

getServerName() returns a String object containing the name of the server that received the request.

    public int getServerPort() 

getServerPort() returns the port number that received the request.

    public getReader()            throws 

getReader() returns a BufferedReader object that can be used to read the body of the request as character data.

    public String getRemoteAddr() 

getRemoteAddr() returns a String object containing the IP address of the client machine that made the request.

    public String getRemoteHost() 

getRemoteHost() returns a String object containing the name of the client machine or the IP address if the name cannot be determined.

    public void setAttribute(String name,                             Object o) 

setAttribute() binds a value to a specified attribute name. Note that attributes will be re-set after the request is handled.

    public void removeAttribute(String name) 

removeAttribute() makes the specified attribute unavailable to the invoking ServletRequest object. Subsequent calls to the getAttribute() method for this attribute will return null.

    public java.util.Locale getLocale() 

getLocale() returns the preferred locale of the client that made the request.

    public java.util.Enumeration getLocales() 

getLocales() returns an Enumeration containing, in descending order of preference, the locales that are acceptable to the client machine.

    public boolean isSecure() 

isSecure() returns true if the request was made using a secure channel, for example HTTPS.

    public RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher(String path) 

getRequestDispatcher() returns a RequestDispatcher object that acts as a wrapper around the resource located at the specified path. The path must begin with "/" and can be a relative path.

    public String getRealPath(String path) 

This method is deprecated - use ServletContext.getRealPath() instead.


    public interface ServletResponse 

The ServletResponse interface declares 13 methods that are used to assist the servlet in sending a response to the client machine.

    public String getCharacterEncoding() 

getCharacterEncoding() returns a String object containing the character encoding used in the body of the response. The default is "ISO-8859-1", which corresponds to Latin-1.

    public ServletOutputStream getOutputStream()            throws 

getOutputStream() returns a ServletOutputStream object that can be used to write the response as binary data.

    public getWriter()            throws 

getWriter() returns a PrintWriter object that can be used to write the response as character data.

    public void setContentLength(int len) 

setContentLength() sets the length of response body.

    public void setContentType(String type) 

setContentType() sets the content type of the response sent to the server. The String argument specifies a MIME type and may also include the type of character encoding, for example "text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1".

    public void setBufferSize(int size) 

setBufferSize() requests a buffer size to be used for the response. The actual buffer size will be at least this large.

    public int getBufferSize() 

getBufferSize() returns the buffer size used for the response, or 0 if no buffering is used.

    public void flushBuffer()            throws 

flushBuffer() causes any content stored in the buffer to be written to the client. Calling this method will also commit the response, meaning that the status code and headers will be written.

    public void resetBuffer() 

resetBuffer() clears the content of the response buffer without clearing the headers or status code. It will throw an IllegalStateException if the response has been committed.

    public boolean isCommitted() 

isCommitted() returns true if the response has been committed, meaning that the status code and headers have been written.

    public void reset() 

reset() clears the status code and headers, and any data that exists in the buffer. If the response has already been committed, calling this method will cause an exception to be thrown.

    public void setLocale(java.util.Locale loc) 

setLocale() specifies the locale that will be used for the response.

    public java.util.Locale getLocale() 

getLocale() returns the locale that has been assigned to the response. By default, this will be the default locale for the server.


    public interface SingleThreadModel 

The SingleThreadModel interface declares no methods. A servlet that implements this interface will allow only one request at a time to access its service() method. The server will achieve this by either synchronizing access to a single instance of the servlet, or by assigning a separate instance of the servlet for each request.

javax.servlet Classes


    public abstract class GenericServlet      extends Object        implements Servlet, ServletConfig, 

The GenericServlet class defines a generic, protocol-independent servlet. It provides implementations of the methods declared in the Servlet and ServletConfig interfaces. Since GenericServlet is an abstract class, a GenericServlet object is never created. To create a generic servlet, a class must be written that extends the GenericServlet class and overrides the service() method.

    public GenericServlet() 

This constructor does nothing. The init() methods are used for servlet initialization.

    public void destroy() 

destroy() unloads the servlet from the server's memory and releases any resources associated with it.

    public String getInitParameter(String name) 

getInitParameter() returns the value of the specified initialization parameter from the ServletConfig object associated with the invoking GenericServlet object.

    public java.util.Enumeration getInitParameterNames() 

getInitParameterNames() returns an Enumeration of String objects containing the names of all of the Servlet's initialization parameters.

    public ServletConfig getServletConfig() 

getServletConfig() returns the ServletConfig object associated with the invoking GenericServlet sub-class object. A ServletConfig object contains parameters that are used to initialize the Servlet.

    public ServletContext getServletContext() 

getServletContext() returns the ServletContext object associated with the invoking GenericServlet sub-class object. A ServletContext object contains information about the environment in which the servlet is running.

    public String getServletInfo() 

getServletInfo() returns a String containing useful information about the servlet. By default, this method returns an empty String. It can be overridden to provide more useful information.

    public void init(ServletConfig config)            throws ServletException    public void init()            throws ServletException 

init() is called when the servlet is loaded into the address space of the server. If a ServletConfig object is specified, it can be used to provide the servlet with initialization parameters. The no-argument version is provided as a convenience, for sub-classes to override.

    public void log(String msg)    public void log(String message,                    Throwable t) 

log() is used to write a message to the servlet's log file. The second version writes an explanatory message and a stack trace for the specified Throwable exception to the log file.

    public abstract void service(ServletRequest req,                                 ServletResponse res)            throws ServletException, 

service() is called to respond to a request from a client machine. The code representing what the servlet is supposed to do is placed in this method. As this method is declared abstract, a concrete implementation must be provided by a concrete (non-abstract) sub-class of GenericServlet.

    public String getServletName() 

getServletName() returns the name of the invoking GenericServlet object.


    public class ServletContextAttributeEvent      extends ServletContextEvent 

A ServletContextAttributeEvent is the event object used when an attribute is added to, removed from, or replaced in the ServletContext.

    public ServletContextAttributeEvent(ServletContext source,                                        String name,                                        Object value) 

The constructor simply requires references to the ServletContext in which the event took place, and the name and value of the attribute.

    public String getName() 

getName() returns the name of the new/removed/replaced attribute.

    public Object getValue() 

getValue() returns the name of the new/removed/replaced attribute.


    public class ServletContextEvent      extends java.util.EventObject 

A ServletContextEvent is the event object used when a ServletContext is created or destroyed.

    public ServletContextEvent(ServletContext source) 

The constructor takes a reference to the ServletContext in question.

    public ServletContext getServletContext() 

getServletContext() returns ServletContext in which the event took place.


    public abstract class ServletInputStream      extends 

The ServletInputStream class is used to read binary data from a client request when the HTTP POST and PUT methods are used. It provides a single method in addition to those in InputStream, which reads the data one line at a time.

    protected ServletInputStream() 

This constructor does nothing. Because ServletInputStream is an abstract class, a ServletInputStream object is never created directly.

    public int readLine(byte[] b,                        int off,                        int len)            throws 

readLine() reads data one line at a time and stores it in a byte array (b). The read operation starts at the specified offset (off) and continues until the specified number of bytes is read (len), or a new line character is reached. The new line character is stored in the byte array as well. The method returns -1 if the end-of-file is reached before the specified number of bytes is read.


    public abstract class ServletOutputStream      extends 

The ServletOutputStream class is used to write binary data to a client machine. It provides overloaded versions of the print() and println() methods that can handle primitive and String datatypes.

    protected ServletOutputStream() 

This constructor does nothing. Since ServletOutputStream is an abstract class, a ServletOutputStream object is never created directly.

    public void print(String s)            throws    public void print(boolean b)            throws    public void print(char c)            throws    public void print(int i)            throws    public void print(long l)            throws    public void print(float f)            throws    public void print(double d)            throws 

print() prints the specified primitive datatype or String to the client, without a carriage return/line feed at the end.

    public void println(String s)            throws    public void println(boolean b)            throws    public void println(char c)            throws    public void println(int i)            throws    public void println(long l)            throws    public void println(float f)            throws    public void println (double d)            throws 

print() prints the specified primitive datatype or String to the client, followed by a carriage return/line feed.

    public void println()            throws 

The no-argument version of println() simply writes a carriage return/line feed to the client.


    public class ServletRequestWrapper      extends Object        implements ServletRequest 

ServletRequestWrapper provides an implementation of ServletRequest that can be subclassed when it is desired to adapt in some way the request to a Servlet. By default, its methods call the same methods on the wrapped Request object.

    public ServletRequestWrapper(ServletRequest request) 

The constructor creates a ServletRequestWrapper around the specified ServletRequest object.

    public ServletRequest getRequest() 

getRequest() returns the wrapped ServletRequest.

    public void setRequest(ServletRequest request) 

setRequest() sets the ServletRequest to be wrapped.

    public Object getAttribute(String name)    public java.util.Enumeration getAttributeNames()    public String getCharacterEncoding()    public void setCharacterEncoding(String enc)            throws    public int getContentLength()    public String getContentType()    public ServletInputStream getInputStream()            throws    public String getParameter(String name)    public java.util.Map getParameterMap()    public java.util.Enumeration getParameterNames()    public String[] getParameterValues(String name)    public String getProtocol()    public String getScheme()    public String getServerName()    public int getServerPort()    public getReader()            throws    public String getRemoteAddr()    public String getRemoteHost()    public void setAttribute(String name,                             Object o)    public void removeAttribute(String name)    public java.util.Locale getLocale()    public java.util.Enumeration getLocales()    public boolean isSecure()    public RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher(String path)    public String getRealPath(String path) 

These methods, unless overridden in a subclass, call the equivalent method on the wrapped ServletRequest.


    public class ServletResponseWrapper      extends Object        implements ServletResponse 

ServletResponseWrapper provides an implementation of ServletResponse that can be subclassed when it is desired to adapt in some way the response from a servlet. By default, its methods call the same methods on the wrapped Response object.

    public ServletResponseWrapper(ServletResponse response) 

The constructor creates a ServletResponseWrapper around the specified ServletResponse object.

    public ServletResponse getResponse() 

getResponse() returns the wrapped ServletResponse.

    public void setResponse(ServletResponse response) 

setResponse() sets the ServletResponse to be wrapped.

    public String getCharacterEncoding()    public ServletOutputStream getOutputStream()            throws    public getWriter()            throws    public void setContentLength(int len)    public void setContentType(String type)    public void setBufferSize(int size)    public int getBufferSize()    public void flushBuffer()            throws    public boolean isCommitted()    public void reset()    public void resetBuffer()    public void setLocale(java.util.Locale loc)    public java.util.Locale getLocale() 

These methods, unless overridden in a subclass, call the equivalent method on the wrapped ServletRequest.

javax.servlet Exceptions


    public class ServletException      extends Exception 

ServletException is a general exception thrown by Servlets in difficulty.

    public ServletException()    public ServletException(String message)    public ServletException(String message,                            Throwable rootCause)    public ServletException(Throwable rootCause) 

The constructors allow a String message and/or a Throwable representing the root cause of the problem to be encapsulated.

    public Throwable getRootCause() 

getRootCause() returns the Throwable that was the root cause of this exception.


    public class UnavailableException    extends ServletException 

UnavailableException is thrown by a servlet to indicate that it is unavailable, either permanently or temporarily.

    public UnavailableException(String msg) 

This constructor indicates that the Servlet is permanently unavailable. The String parameter is a message describing the problem.

    public UnavailableException(String msg,                                int seconds) 

This constructor indicates that the servlet is temporarily unavailable. It must be passed a String describing the problem, and an estimate in seconds of how long the servlet will be unavailable. (Zero or a negative number indicate that it is impossible to estimate.)

    public boolean isPermanent() 

isPermanent() returns true if the servlet is permanently unavailable.

    public int getUnavailableSeconds() 

getUnavailableSeconds() returns the estimated number of seconds that the servlet will be unavailable.

    public UnavailableException(Servlet Servlet,                                String msg)    public UnavailableException(int seconds,                                Servlet Servlet,                                String msg)    public Servlet getServlet() 

These constructors and methods are deprecated.

 < Free Open Study > 

Professional Java Servlets 2.3
Professional Java Servlets 2.3
ISBN: 186100561X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 130 © 2008-2017.
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