Section 9.4.

9.4. deals with the majority of the tasks needed for this system. Although feeds can be PubSub-enabled via XML-RPC, SOAP, HTTP POST, or not at all, and while for completeness we should be able to deal with all these situations to make a PubSub system fully spec-compliant, XML-RPC is the only system being used at the moment and the only one we will discuss here.

So, onward! Example 9-4, shown later, shows the entire program listing, but first, let's step through the interesting bits to illustrate a few points.

After setting up the necessary variables and loading the modules, we get to the section of the program that deals with the current subscriptions. When the program is run for the first time, this section is irrelevant, but since we'll probably run this script every hour from cron, it soon becomes necessary. Subscriptions last for 25 hours, so you need to make sure they are renewed in time.

logger ("  Program started. Let's go! ");     # First we need to strim the PubSub records and remove all the old entries.     # Work out the time 25 hours ago (1 hour = 3600 seconds, so 25 hours = 90000 seconds) my $oldestpossibletime = time( ) - 90000;     logger ("The oldest allowable  subscription  cannot have been made earlier  than $oldestpossibletime");     # Open the subscriber list created by pubSubListener and stick it in an array. open (PUBSUBLIST, "<$pubsublog"); my @lines = <PUBSUBLIST>; close (PUBSUBLIST);     # Clear the subscriber list. unlink ($pubsublog) or die "Can't delete the data file "; logger ("Old Subscription list deleted");     # We need to prevent the file being empty, even if there are no subscriptions, so: open (NEWPUBSUBLIST, ">$pubsublog"); print NEWPUBSUBLIST "This holds the details of all your subscriptions , 0000001 ";     # Go through each line, splitting it back into the right variables. foreach $line (@lines) {                my ($rssUrl , $time) = split (/,/, "$line");        # If the time the notification request was made ($time) is later than 25 hours ago      # ($oldestpossibletime) then stick that line back into the data file.                                   if ($time > $oldestpossibletime)                     {                     print NEWPUBSUBLIST "$line ";                                 };                       }; logger ("New PubSublist written");     close (NEWPUBSUBLIST);

The current subscriptions are stored in a file called pubsub.txt. This section opens the file, loads it into an array, and then deletes it. You then rewrite the file line by line if, and only if, the line is younger than the oldest possible time allowed (i.e., 24-hours old).

Now, open the new file and read the lines into another array, which we will work with later:

# Now, we reopen the pubsublog, and load it as a string for use later open (PUBSUB, "$pubsublog"); $/ = ''; my $content_of_pubsublog  = <PUBSUB>;

Notice the $/=''; line. This changes the delimiter for the line-input operator used in the next line. By default, saying my$content_of_pubsublog=<PUBSUB>; loads the file only until the first new line. By setting the delimiter to null, the operator scoops the whole file up in one swallow.

The next section then loads the subscription list from Syndic8 in the manner described in Chapter 10. Now, enter a loop, loading the RSS files one by one, and examine them for PubSub-related elements:

# Take the next line from the array of DataURLs foreach $url (@edited_subscribed_feeds_list) {                logger ("Now working with $url");                # Check the feed is not on the list of subscribed-to feeds                if ($content_of_pubsublog =~ m/$url/i ) {                logger ("Subscription already present, it seems. Excellent.  I will get on with the next one.");                #We leave the main loop and move onto the next URL                } else {                # Retrieve the RSS feed                  $retrieved_feed = get ($url);                  logger ("Retrieved Feed from $url");                # Examine for <cloud>                  if ($retrieved_feed =~ m/<cloud/) {                   &there_is_a_cloud                   } else {                   logger("There is no cloud element");                   # Stick it through print_html, with an error trap here                   eval {&print_html};                   logger ("The parsing choked on $url with this error  $@  ") if $@;                     }                  };

This section runs a series of tests. First, it checks to see if you've already subscribed to the feed. If so, move straight on to the next one. Why? Because one of the reasons for PubSub is to lessen the load on the publisher's server. If you were to retrieve the feed every hour anyway, this aspect of the idea would be ruined.

If you're not subscribed, retrieve the feed and run the other tests, using regular expressions to check for cloud elements. I realize the mention of regexps will have sent many of you into a swoon. They are here because they fulfill a very simple purpose (in other words: tough). Because these elements appear only when PubSub is allowed for, if they are found, you can spin the program off into the relevant subroutine. If no cloud element is found, you just go straight ahead and parse the feed using the subroutine &print_html. If you find a cloud element, spin the program off to the there_is_a_cloud subroutine

RSS 2.0's PubSub standard requires dealing with either XML-RPC or SOAP, depending on the whim of the publisher. Our system must be able to deal with both. Here it is:

sub there_is_a_cloud {       logger ("We're not subscribed, so I will attempt to subscribe to the $url");       # First we must parse the <cloud> element with $retrieved_feed. This is in a set     format:   # e.g <cloud domain="" port="80" path="/RPC"    registerProcedure="hpe.rssPleaseNotify" protocol="xml-rpc" />    # We'll do this with XML::Simple.       my $parsed_xml = XMLin($retrieved_feed);       my $cloud_domain = $parsed_xml->{channel}->{cloud}->{domain};   my $cloud_port = $parsed_xml->{channel}->{cloud}->{port};   my $cloud_path = $parsed_xml->{channel}->{cloud}->{path};   my $cloud_registerProcedure = $parsed_xml->{channel}->{cloud}->{registerProcedure};   my $cloud_protocol = $parsed_xml->{channel}->{cloud}->{protocol};       logger ("We have retrieved the PubSub data from the RSS 2.0 feed.");   logger ("The cloud domain is $cloud_domain");   logger ("The port is $cloud_port");   logger ("The path is $cloud_path");   logger ("The port is $cloud_registerProcedure");   logger ("The protocol is $cloud_protocol");       # The protocol is all important. We need to differentiate between SOAP users, those      who like XML-RPC, and the big men of HTTP-POST.       if ($cloud_protocol eq "xml-rpc") {      # Marvellous. That done, we spawn a new xml:rpc client.        my $pubsub_call = Frontier::Client -> new (  url => "http://$cloud_domain: $cloud_port$cloud_path",                 debug => 0,                 use_objects => 1);      # Then call the remote procedure with the rss url, as per the spec.          $pubsub_call->call($cloud_registerProcedure,$pubsub_listening_procedure,$pubsub_ port,$pubsub_path,$cloud_protocol,$url);          logger ("I've asked for the subscription");          } else {              logger ("The protocol requested is not yet supported");              return 1;               }       # Now add the url and the time it was made to the pubsublog   open (PUBSUBLOG, ">>$pubsublog");   my $time = time( );   print PUBSUBLOG "$url , $time ";   close PUBSUBLOG;       # That's it: return to the next one in the list.   };

This script checks for the protocol attribute of the cloud element and reacts accordingly. It then parses the feed for the first time in the usual way and moves on to the next URL.

The complete listing is shown in Example 9-4.

Example 9-4.
#!/usr/bin/perl use diagnostics; use warnings; use XML::RSS; use XML::Simple; use LWP::Simple; use Frontier::Client; use Frontier::RPC2; use File::Copy; use SOAP::Lite; use LWP::UserAgent; # User changable variables my $logging         = "1"; my $logfile         = "logfile.txt"; my $pubsublog       = "pubsub.txt"; my $includefile     = "feeds.shtml"; my $tempincludefile = "feeds.shtml.tmp"; my $syndic8_userid      = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; my $syndic8_password    = "XXXXX"; my $syndic8_list_id     = "0"; my $syndic8_XMLRPC_path = ""; my $pubsub_listening_procedure = "updatedFeed"; my $pubsub_port                = "8889"; my $pubsub_path                = "/RPC2"; my $pubsub_protocol            = "xml-rpc"; my $content; my $file; my $line; our $url; our $retrieved_feed; our $feed_spec; ##################################################### logger("\n Program started. Let's go!\n"); # First we need to strim the pubsub records and remove all the old entries. # Work out the time 25 hours ago (1 hour = 3600 seconds, so 25 hours = 90000 seconds) my $oldestpossibletime = time( ) - 90000; logger( "The oldest allowable subscription cannot have been made earlier than $oldestpossibletime" ); # Open the subscriber list created by pubSubListener and stick it in an array. open( PUBSUBLIST, "<$pubsublog" ); my @lines = <PUBSUBLIST>; close(PUBSUBLIST); # Clear the subscriber list unlink($pubsublog) or die "Can't delete the data file\n"; logger("Old Subscription list deleted"); # We need to prevent the file being empty, even if there are no subscriptions, so: open( NEWPUBSUBLIST, ">$pubsublog" ); print NEWPUBSUBLIST   "This holds the details of all your subscriptions , 0000001\n"; # Go through each line, splitting it back into the right variables. foreach $line (@lines) {     my ( $rssUrl, $time ) = split ( /,/, "$line" ); # If the time the notification request was made ($time) is later than 25 hours ago # ($oldestpossibletime) then stick that line back into the data file.     if ( $time > $oldestpossibletime ) {         print NEWPUBSUBLIST "$line\n";     } } logger("New PubSublist written"); close(NEWPUBSUBLIST); # Now, we reopen the pubsublog, and load it as a string for use later open( PUBSUB, "$pubsublog" ); $/ = ''; my $content_of_pubsublog = <PUBSUB>; # and we finally close the filehandle. close(PUBSUB); ########## # Use xmlrpc to ask for list of feeds from syndic8, and create object from result. my $syndic8_xmlrpc_call = Frontier::Client->new(     url         => $syndic8_XMLRPC_path,     debug       => 0,     use_objects => 1 ); my $syndic8_xmlrpc_returned_subscriber_list = $syndic8_xmlrpc_call-> call(     'syndic8.GetSubscribed', $syndic8_userid,     $syndic8_password,       $syndic8_list_id   )   or die "Cannot retrieve Syndic8 list"; logger("Retrieved Syndic8 subscription list"); # Place the dataurls from the subscriber list into an array my @edited_subscribed_feeds_list =   map { $_->{dataurl} } @$syndic8_xmlrpc_returned_subscriber_list; # Take the next line from the array of DataURLs foreach $url (@edited_subscribed_feeds_list) {     logger("Now working with $url");     # Check the feed is not on the list of subscribed-to feeds     if ( $content_of_pubsublog =~ m/$url/i ) {         logger( "Subscription already present, it seems. Excellent. I shall get on with the next one."         );         #We leave the main loop and move onto the next URL     }     else {         # Retrieve the RSS feed         $retrieved_feed = get($url);         logger("Retrieved Feed from $url");         # Examine for <cloud>         if ( $retrieved_feed =~ m/<cloud/ ) {             &subscribetorss092feed;         }         elsif ( $retrieved_feed =~ m/<cp:server/ ) {             &subscribetorss10feed;         }         else {             logger("There is no cloud element");             # Stick it through print_html, with an error trap here             eval { &print_html };             logger("The parsing choked on $url with this error\n $@ \n") if $@;         }     }     # Go to the next url in the list } ### Replace the include file with the temporary one, and do it fast! move( "$tempincludefile", "$includefile" ); ### Clean up and exit the program logger("We're all done here for now. Exiting Program.\n\n"); END; ###### ## THE SUBROUTINES ###### sub subscribetorss092feed {     logger("We're not subscribed, so I shall attempt to subscribe to the $url"); # First we must parse the <cloud> element with $retrieved_feed This is in a set format: # e.g <cloud domain="" port="80" path="/RPC" registerProcedure= "hpe.rssPleaseNotify" protocol="xml-rpc" /> # We'll do this with XML::Simple     my $parsed_xml = XMLin($retrieved_feed);     my $cloud_domain            = $parsed_xml->{channel}->{cloud}->{domain};     my $cloud_port              = $parsed_xml->{channel}->{cloud}->{port};     my $cloud_path              = $parsed_xml->{channel}->{cloud}->{path};     my $cloud_registerProcedure =       $parsed_xml->{channel}->{cloud}->{registerProcedure};     my $cloud_protocol = $parsed_xml->{channel}->{cloud}->{protocol};     logger("We have retrieved the PubSub data from the RSS 0.92 feed.");     logger("The cloud domain is $cloud_domain");     logger("The port is $cloud_port");     logger("The path is $cloud_path");     logger("The port is $cloud_registerProcedure");     logger("The protocol is $cloud_protocol"); # The protocol is all important. We need to differentiate between SOAP users and those    who like XML-RPC     if ( $cloud_protocol eq "xml-rpc" ) {         # Marvellous. That done, we spawn a new xml:rpc client         my $pubsub_call = Frontier::Client->new(             url         => "http://$cloud_domain:$cloud_port$cloud_path",             debug       => 0,             use_objects => 1         );         # Then call the remote procedure with the rss url, as per the spec         $pubsub_call->call( $cloud_registerProcedure,             $pubsub_listening_procedure, $pubsub_port, $pubsub_path,             $cloud_protocol, $url );         logger("I've asked for the subscription");     }     elsif ( $cloud_protocol eq "soap" ) {         # Initialise the SOAP interface         my $service =           SOAP::Lite->uri("http://$cloud_domain:$cloud_port$cloud_path");         # Run the search         my $result = $service->call(             $cloud_registerProcedure => (                 $pubsub_listening_procedure, $pubsub_port,                 $pubsub_path,                $cloud_protocol,                 $url             )         );     }     else {         logger("I can't work out what protocol this guy wants. ho hum");         return 1;     }     # Now add the url, and the time it was made to the pubsublog     open( PUBSUBLOG, ">>$pubsublog" );     my $time = time( );     print PUBSUBLOG "$url , $time\n";     close PUBSUBLOG;     # That's it: return to the next one in the list. } ####### ####### sub subscribetorss10feed {     logger("We're not subscribed, so I shall attempt to subscribe to the $url");     #We need to work out which URL to send the request to.     my $request_url = $rss->{'channel'}->{'link'}->{'cp:server'};     logger("The Request URL is $request_url");     #We're going to use LWP::UserAgent for this     #So, we need to fire up a new UserAgent implementation     logger("Creating the UserAgent");     my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;     #and give it a nice name     $ua->agent( Personal Pubsub 1.0 );     #And then do the requesting,     #Remembering that we only need to pass the URL of the listener,     #and the URL of the feed we want to have running     $ua->request( POST $request_url,         [ responder => $responder, target => $url ] );     logger("Subscription request made"); } ###### ###### sub logger {     if ( $logging eq "1" ) {         open( LOG, ">>$logfile" );         print LOG @_, "\n";         close LOG;         return 1;     }     else {         return 1;     } } ###### ###### sub includefile {     ## In order to prevent a race condition, or duplicate feeds, we can't just append  directly to the include file itself     ## so we create a temporary include file, and then replace the real one with the  temporary one right at the end of the program     open( INCLUDEFILE, ">>$tempincludefile" );     print INCLUDEFILE '<!--#include file="'       . $outputfile . '" -->' . "\n" . "<br/>" . "\n";     close INCLUDEFILE;     return 1; } ####### ####### sub print_html {     # Create new instance of XML::RSS     my $rss = new XML::RSS;     # Parse the $url and stick it in $rss     logger("Now trying to parse $url");     my $feed_to_parse = get($url);     $rss->parse($feed_to_parse);     # Decide on name for outputfile     our $outputfile = "$rss->{'channel'}->{'title'}.html";     $outputfile =~ s/ /_/g;     # Open the output file     logger("I'm going to call the output file $outputfile");     open( OUTPUTFILE, ">$outputfile" );     # Print the Channel Title     print OUTPUTFILE '<div >' . "\n" . '<a href= "';     print OUTPUTFILE "$rss->{'channel'}->{'link'}";     print OUTPUTFILE '">';     print OUTPUTFILE "$rss->{'channel'}->{'title'}</a>\n</div>\n";     # Print channel image, checking first if it exists     if ( $rss->{'image'}->{'link'} ) {         print OUTPUTFILE '<div >' . "\n" . '<a href= "';         print OUTPUTFILE "$rss->{'image'}->{'link'}";         print OUTPUTFILE '">' . "\n";         print OUTPUTFILE '<img src="/books/1/114/1/html/2/';         print OUTPUTFILE "$rss->{'image'}->{'url'}";         print OUTPUTFILE '" alt="';         print OUTPUTFILE "$rss->{'image'}->{'title'}";         print OUTPUTFILE '"/>' . "\n</a>\n</div>";         print OUTPUTFILE "\n";     }     # Print the channel items     print OUTPUTFILE '<div >' . "\n" . "<ul>";     print OUTPUTFILE "\n";     foreach my $item ( @{ $rss->{'items'} } ) {         next unless defined( $item->{'title'} ) && defined( $item->{'link'} );         print OUTPUTFILE '<li><a href="';         print OUTPUTFILE "$item->{'link'}";         print OUTPUTFILE '">';         print OUTPUTFILE "$item->{'title'}</a></li>\n";     }     print OUTPUTFILE "</ul>\n</div>\n";     # Close the OUTPUTFILE     close(OUTPUTFILE);     logger("and lo $outputfile has been written.");     # Add to the include-file     includefile($outputfile); }


The other half of a PubSub system is the listener. All the listener does is sit on a portin this case, it is defaulting to port 8888, but you can change thatand wait for an update notification. It takes that notification and retrieves the refreshed feed, parsing it and saving it to disk, where the web server can retrieve it the next time someone requests the page. The complete listing is shown in Example 9-5.

Example 9-5.
#!usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use HTTP::Daemon; use Frontier::RPC2; use HTTP::Date; use XML::RSS; use LWP::Simple; # ------USER CHANGABLE VARIABLES HERE ------- my $listeningport = "8888"; # ------------------------------------------- my $methods = { 'updateFeed' => \&updateFeed }; our $host = ""; # --------------- Start the server up ------------------------ my $listen_socket = HTTP::Daemon->new(     LocalPort => $listeningport,     Listen    => 20,     Proto     => 'tcp',     Reuse     => 1 ); die "Can't create a listening socket: $@" unless $listen_socket; while ( my $connection = $listen_socket->accept ) {     $host = $connection->peerhost;     interact($connection);     $connection->close; } # ------------- The Interact subroutine, as called when a peer connects sub interact {     my $sock = shift;     my $req;     eval { $req = $sock->get_request; };     # Check to see if the contact is both xml and to the right path.     if (   $req->header('Content-Type') eq 'text/xml'         && $req->url->path eq '/RPC2' )     {         my $message_content = ( $req->content );         if ($main::Fork) {             my $pid = fork( );             unless ( defined $pid ) {                 #  check this response                 my $res = HTTP::Response->new( 500, 'Internal Server Error' );                 $sock->send_status_line( );                 $sock->send_response($res);             }             if ( $pid =  = 0 ) {                 $sock->close;                 $main::Fork->( );                 exit;             }             $main::Fork = undef;         }         my $conn_host = gethostbyaddr( $sock->peeraddr, AF_INET )           || $sock->peerhost;         my $res = HTTP::Response->new( 200, 'OK' );         $res->header(             date         => time2str( ),             Server       => 'PubSubServer',             Content_Type => 'text/xml',         );         $res->content($res_xml);         $sock->send_response($res);         # ---------------------------------------------------------------------         # ---- updateFeed -----         sub updateFeed {             my ($url) = @_;             # Create new instance of XML::RSS             my $rss = new XML::RSS;             # Parse the $url and stick it in $rss             my $feed_to_parse = get($url);             $rss->parse($feed_to_parse);             # Decide on name for outputfile             my $outputfile = "$rss->{'channel'}->{'title'}.html";             $outputfile =~ s/ /_/g;             # Open the output file             open( OUTPUTFILE, ">$outputfile" );             # Print the Channel Title             print OUTPUTFILE '<div ><a href="';             print OUTPUTFILE "$rss->{'channel'}->{'link'}";             print OUTPUTFILE '">';             print OUTPUTFILE "$rss->{'channel'}->{'title'}</a></div>\n";             # Print channel image, checking first if it exists             if ( $rss->{'image'}->{'link'} ) {                 print OUTPUTFILE '<div ><a href= "';                 print OUTPUTFILE "$rss->{'image'}->{'link'}";                 print OUTPUTFILE '">';                 print OUTPUTFILE '<img src="/books/1/114/1/html/2/';                 print OUTPUTFILE "$rss->{'image'}->{'url'}";                 print OUTPUTFILE '" alt="';                 print OUTPUTFILE "$rss->{'image'}->{'title'}";                 print OUTPUTFILE '"/></a>';                 print OUTPUTFILE "\n";             }             # Print the channel items             print OUTPUTFILE '<div >';             print OUTPUTFILE "\n";             foreach my $item ( @{ $rss->{'items'} } ) {                 next                   unless defined( $item->{'title'} )                   && defined( $item->{'link'} );                 print OUTPUTFILE '<li><a href="';                 print OUTPUTFILE "$item->{'link'}";                 print OUTPUTFILE '">';                 print OUTPUTFILE "$item->{'title'}</a><BR>\n";             }             print OUTPUTFILE "</div>\n";             # If there's a textinput element...             if ( $rss->{'textinput'}->{'title'} ) {                 print OUTPUTFILE '<div >';                 print OUTPUTFILE '<form method="get" action="';                 print OUTPUTFILE "$rss->{'textinput'}->{'link'}";                 print OUTPUTFILE '">';                 print OUTPUTFILE "$rss->{'textinput'}->{'description'}<br/>/n";                 print OUTPUTFILE '<input type="text" name="';                 print OUTPUTFILE "$rss->{'textinput'}->{'name'}";                 print OUTPUTFILE '"><br/>/n';                 print OUTPUTFILE '<input type="submit" value="';                 print OUTPUTFILE "$rss->{'textinput'}->{'title'}";                 print OUTPUTFILE '"></form>';                 print OUTPUTFILE '</div>';             }             # If there's a copyright element...             if ( $rss->{'channel'}->{'copyright'} ) {                 print OUTPUTFILE '<div >';                 print OUTPUTFILE "$rss->{'channel'}->{'copyright'}</div>";             }             # Close the OUTPUTFILE             close(OUTPUTFILE);         }         # ----------------     } }

    Developing Feeds with RSS and Atom
    Developing Feeds with Rss and Atom
    ISBN: 0596008813
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2003
    Pages: 118 © 2008-2017.
    If you may any questions please contact us: