page coordinates

coordinate transforms, 1122

overview of, 1094–1095

Page Setup, 1126

Page_PreInit( ) event handler, applying themes with, 1285, 1288

PageCatalogPart control, 1291

PageRequestManager, 13281331


painting shapes using OnPaint( ), 1080

using clipping region, 1081–1082


See also OnPaint( ) method

calling Invalidate( ) method for, 1116–1117

shapes using OnPaint( ), 1079–1080

working around debugging problem, 1087–1088

palette, safety, 1097, 1098

Panel controls

FlowLayoutPanel, 1010–1011

overview of, 1010

SplitContainer, 1011

TabPages, 1012

ParallelActivity, 15451547, 1561

ParallelActivityDesigner, 1560


binding to activities, 1570–1571

constructor, 95, 122–124

custom, 353–354

method, 1628

methods in C#, Visual Basic and C++/CLI, 1628

modifiers in C#, Visual Basic and C++/CLI, 1628–1630

output, 91

passing by reference, 90

passing by value, 89–90

passing to workflow, 1568–1569

Parent property, object collections, 1601

Parse( ) method, IPAddress, 1359

partial classes, 104105

partial keyword, 104105

partial-page postbacks

detecting with ScriptManager control, 1317–1318

enabling with AJAX Extensions, 1305

Pascal casing, 77

PasswordBox control, WPF, 1148

PasswordRecovery control, ASP.NET, 1281, 12821283

passwords, rules for, 1278

Path class

defined, 790

overview of, 794

WFP shapes, 1147

PATH index, XML, 980

path name, queues, 14921493

patterns, string searches, 235

payload encoding, 1401

PCSDemoSite Web site

event-booking client example, 1388–1392

master pages in, 1271–1272

navigation in, 1274–1275

security in, 1282–1284

themes in, 1286–1289

user controls in, 1263–1264

PCSExtenderDemo site, 13221324

PCSLibrary Demo application

adding event handler, 1330–1331

Web method call, 1332–1334

PCSWebClient application, 13811383

PCSWebService application

event-booking client example, 1388–1392

event-booking Web service, 1383–1388

exchanging data using SOAP headers, 1392–1397

exposing Web services, 1377–1380

PeekMessages( ) method, 1504


drawing scrollable windows, 1089

drawing shapes, 1077–1079

in GDI+, 1099–1100

perfmon.exe, 545546


calling Invalidate( ) method for painting, 1116–1117

CLR and, 5

collections, 317–318

DynamicResource requirements, 1167

generic class benefits, 244–245

optimizing in Visual Studio 2005, 423–424

pointers and, 331, 344–345

Performance Counter Builder, 542543

performance monitoring

adding PerformanceCounter components, 543–545

classes, 542

overview of, 542

perfmon.exe, 545–546

Performance Counter Builder, 542–543

summary, 546

PerformanceCounter components, 543545

permacalc.exe, 608

permission sets

code access security and, 597–599

creating/applying, 620

defaults, 598–599


asserting, 610–612

changing code group, 619–620

code access security and, 591, 597–599

creating, 612

demanding, 604–605

denying, 610

implicit, 609

managing, 617

requesting, 605–609

viewing assembly permissions, 599–601

persistence service, 15741575

phantom reads, transaction isolation and, 695696

phases, transaction, 676677

physical memory, application domains and, 1516

piccyBounds array, 1104

PictureBox, 1008

pictures. See resources

platform independence, 45

platform invoke

defined, 1651

transactions and, 704

unmanaged functions and, 783–785


channels, 1414

defined, 1401

formatters, 1415

proxies, 1419

Point struct

controls, 995

drawing scrollable windows, 1089–1094

drawing text in GDI+, 1107

overview of, 1083–1084

Size struct vs., 1084–1085

pointers, 330348

arithmetic operators and, 336–337

casting between pointer types, 335

casting to integer types, 334–335

to class members, 338–340

direct access to memory with, 330

marking unsafe code, 331–332

performance optimization with, 344–345

PointerPlayaround example, 340–344

QuickArray example, 347–348

reasons for using, 330–331

sizeof operator, 337

stack-based arrays created with, 345–347

to structs, 337–338

summary, 348

syntax, 332–334

void, 335

PointF struct, 10831084

policies, security. See security policies

polling delegates, 549550

Polygon class, WFP shapes, 1147


Component Services Explorer and, 1464

Enterprise Services and, 1457

pooling, thread

background threads and, 556

function of, 558–560

restrictions on, 560

pop-up menus, 10631066

port numbers

Active Directory binding and, 1596

HTTP channel and, 1410

TCP classes and, 1362

postfix, operator placement, 158

power events

OnPowerEvent( ) method, 725

Windows Services for managing, 745

#pragma, preprocessor directive, 74

precedence, operator, 162163

predefined data types

Boolean types, 43–44

built-in reference types, 45

built-in value types, 41

character types, 44–45

CTS types, 41

decimal types, 43–44

floating-point types, 42–43

integer types, 41–42

object type, 45–46

string type, 46–47

value types vs. reference types, 39–41

prefix, operator placement, 158

Prepare( ) method, transactional resources, 702

preparing phase, transaction phases, 677

preprocessor directives, 7174

#define and #undef, 71–72

#if, #elif, #else, and #endif, 72–73

#line, 74

#pragma, 74

#region and #endregion, 73–74

#warning and #error, 73

primary indexes, XML, 980

primary interop assemblies, 764

primary keys

generating with SQL Server, 895–898

setting constraints, 878–879

primary operator, precedence, 162


in role-based security, 632–633

Windows principal, 633–634


defined, 1126

implementing, 1127–1131

overview of, 1127

Print( ) method, 1127

Print Preview

defined, 1126

implementing, 1127–1131

overview of, 1127


implementing Print and PrintPreview, 1127–1131

overview of, 1126–1127

printable characters, 815

WebBrowser control and, 1355

PrintPreviewDialog, 11271131


messages, 1502–1503

threads, 557–558

private access modifier, in C#, Visual Basic and C++/CLI, 1640

private assemblies

compared with shared assemblies, 472–473

defined, 478

overview of, 18–19

versioning, 510

private keys. See public key cryptography

private queues

finding, 1491–1492

message queuing, 1488

opening by format name, 1493

opening by path name, 1492–1493

probing assemblies, 510, 520521

<probing> directory, configuring, 520521

Professional ASP.NET 1.1 (Wiley Publishing, Inc.), 1300

Professional ASP.NET 2.0 (Wiley Publishing, Inc.), 1251

Professional WPF Programming: NET Development with the Windows Presentation Foundation (Andrade et al.), 1212

Program.cs file, Visual Studio, 405406

programming guidelines

fields, 81

identifiers, 74–76

naming conventions, 77–80

properties and methods, 80–81

usage conventions, 76–77

ProgressBar control

overview of, 1008

WPF, 1148

projects, Visual Studio 2005

adding to solutions, 408–410

build terminology, 423

building, 422

configuring, 425–427

Console Application project option, 405–406

creating, 400–402

debugging, 427

files created during project creation, 405–407

.NET Framework 3.0 and, 434–436

optimizing, 423–424

projects vs. solutions, 407–408

reading/upgrading Visual Studio 6

projects, 411

selecting type, 402–405

setting startup project, 410

properties, 9294

access modifiers for, 94

accessing by name in directory services, 1601

Application class, 989

Array class, 139–140

attached, 1562–1563

in C#, Visual Basic and C++/CLI, 1631–1632

channel, 1412–1414

class function definitions, 85

collection, 270–271

context, 1405, 1406

data contracts, 1525

data table and data column, 870–872

defining, 92–93

defining in Visual Basic and C++/CLI, 1631

event trigger, 1189

event-booking client example, 1389–1390

exception, 381–382

file system, 792

HTTP header information, 1344

IChannel interface, 1412

IMessageSink, 1421

IPC channels, 1413–1414

linked lists, 290

MDI (Multiple Document Interface), 1022–1023

MenuStrip control, 1015

message queue, 1489–1490

ObjectDataProvider, 1198

read-only and write-only, 93–94

Rectangle struct, 1086

reflection, 359–360

RegistryKey class, 833

searching Active Directory for, 1607–1610

service contracts, 1522–1524

ServiceController class, 735–736

sorted lists, 298

SqlUserDefinedTypeAttribute, 960–961

struct, 1082

TaskDialog, 1662–1663

Timeline, 1185

Uri and UriBuilder classes, 1358

usage conventions, 80–81

viewing file, 794–799

Windows Services, 721

WPF programming and, 1136–1138

XmlWriter class, 913

XPathNodeIterator, 922

properties, Web server controls

data control, 1228–1229

standard control, 1224–1227

validation, 1229–1330

Properties window, Visual Studio 2005, 418419

PropertiesToLoad, searching in Active Directory, 16061607

PROPERTY index, XML, 980

property keyword, 1631

property triggers, 11671169

PropertyGridEditorPart control, 1292

PropertyManager, creating by binding objects, 10561058

protected methods, ServicedComponent class, 1458

protected private access modifer, in C++/CLI, 1640

protectionLevel attribute, 1443

protocol stack, 1362

protocols, 13611371

Active Directory binding, 1596

overview of, 1361–1362

Socket class, 1367–1371

TCP vs. UDP, 1365–1366

TcpSend and TcpReceive examples, 1363–1365

UDP class, 1366–1367

using TCP classes, 1362–1363


activating, 1419

for client access to service, 1536–1537

consuming Web services with, 1381

.NET Remoting and, 1402–1404

pluggability of, 1419

for sending messages to channel, 1420

Web services vs. .NET Remoting, 1409

ProxyWebPartManager control, 1291

public key cryptography

delayed signing of private keys, 507

overview of, 501–502

strong names and, 500–503

public queues

finding, 1491–1492

in message queuing, 1487

opening by path name, 1492–1493

publisher policies

adding policy assembly to GAC, 516–517

as configuration file, 510

creating/associating with shared assemblies, 516

overriding, 517–518

overview of, 515–516

publishing applications

ClickOnce for, 460

Web sites, 442, 446

pull model, XmlReader, 907

push model, SAX, 907

Professional C# 2005 with .NET 3.0
Professional C# 2005 with .NET 3.0
ISBN: 470124725
Year: 2007
Pages: 427

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