

Calendar. See Outlook Calendar
Calendar window, 211 “12
Cascade option, 23
Castrina, Jeff, 292
CD. See Compact Disc (CD)
clearing data from, 117 “18
copying/pasting, 116 “17
data format in, 121
defined, 75, 102
entering data in, 102 “4
navigating/selecting, 105 “6
Certificates tab, 202
Change or Remove Programs option, 304
chart labels, 135
chart options, 133 “34
annotating with Ink support, 135
charting toolkit for, 127 “29
creating, 129 “34
defined, 127
editing techniques for, 134 “35
for PowerPoint presentation, 147 “48
chart title, 128
Chart toolbar, 134
chart types, 130 “31
Chart Wizard, 129 “34
Clear command, 117 “18
clip art, 277
ClipArt and Media link, Office Online, 12
Clipboard, 26, 53
Clip Organizer
in FrontPage, 277
in PowerPoint, 170
Close box, 9, 23
optimizing HTML, 297
working with HTML, 290 “93
Code tab, 290 “91
Code view
in FrontPage, 268
to optimize HTML, 297
Quick Tag Selector in, 293
in Split view, 291 “92
Code window, 292
collaborative editing, 46
colon (:), 108
for charts, 135
of Excel data, changing, 122 “23
in PowerPoint presentation, 150 “51
shading Excel spreadsheet, 124 “25
color-coding , 120
Color/Grayscale tool, 151
column chart, 130
column labels, 102
in Access database, 236
in Excel spreadsheet, 118 “19
inserting/deleting in table, 76 “77
for report, changing, 259
specifying, 77 “78
Columns dialog box, 77 “78
Columns tab, 259
Comment feature, 116
adding, 61 “62
in Web page, 275
Compact Disc (CD)
audio, adding to presentation, 172 “73
to install Office System, 304
Package To CD command, 153
Compare Side By Side toolbar, 23
Conditional Formatting, 121
cone chart, 131
contacts, 199 “204
Address Book and, 201
Contacts window, 200 “201
creating, 202
finding, 203
printing contact information, 203 “4
revising contact information, 203
Contact Search box, 203
Contacts window
creating contact in, 202
illustrated , 200
printing contact information, 203 “4
tools in, 201
Contact Us page, Office Online, 14
cells and ranges, 116 “17
with Clipboard, 26
text for FrontPage, 275
Corporate Presence Wizard, 269 “70
AutoCorrect feature, 46 “48
correcting typos, 48 “50
types of, 45 “46
Create Rule dialog box, 193 “94
Create Table By Entering Data option, 234
crosstab query, 250
Ctrl+Alt+Del, 21
Ctrl+C, 26
Ctrl+F, 54
Ctrl+H, 53
Ctrl key, 23, 52
Ctrl+N, 101
Ctrl+P, 26
Ctrl+S, 27
Ctrl+Shift+E, 57
Ctrl+V, 26
Ctrl+X, 26
Custom Animation task pane, 161 “62, 170
custom charts, 132
cylinder chart, 131

Faster Smarter Microsoft Office System
Faster Smarter Microsoft Office System -- 2003 Edition
ISBN: 0735619212
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 238 © 2008-2017.
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