HD-DVD, also known as Advanced Optical Disc (AOD), is another next-generation blue laser optical disc format developed by Toshiba and NEC. HD-DVD is similar to Blu-ray (but not compatible) and also uses blue-laser technology to achieve a higher storage capacity. HD-DVD-R (recordable) versions store 15GB on a single-layer disc and 30GB on a dual-layer disc. HD-DVD-RW (rewritable) versions store 20GB on a single-layer disc and 32GB on a dual-layer disc. The DVD Forum has approved the HD-DVD format for further study as the successor to the current DVD technology. Unfortunately, the development of HD-DVD and the endorsement by the DVD Forum means that there will be another format war over the next-generation blue laser DVD drives. HD-DVD and Blu-ray products should hit the market in full force over the course of 2006, but in terms of PCs, Blu-ray has the lead, with drives and discs that have already been on the market for a while. Additionally, most of the major manufacturers have already committed to producing drives. Still, another format war is only going to cause additional confusion in the market place, just as it has with DVD recordables.

Upgrading and Repairing PCs
Upgrading and Repairing PCs (17th Edition)
ISBN: 0789734044
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 283
Authors: Scott Mueller

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