

P option, GOPTIONS procedure 1078
PAGE= argument, ODS HTML statement 166
page files 496
PAGE= option, ODS statements 497
page-selecting slider control 472
PAGECONTROLENABLED= graphics option 476
PAGECTL= argument, META2HTM macro 565
PAGEPART= macro argument 553
PAGESIZE= option 1150, 1151
paints , plot 190
paper feed 264, 327
paper size 328
paper type, specifying 330
PAPERDEST= graphics option 326
PAPERFEED= graphics option 327
PAPERFEED= option, GDEVICE procedure 327
PAPERLIMIT= graphics option 328
PAPERSIZE= graphics option 328
PAPERSOURCE= graphics option 329
PAPERTYPE= graphics option 330
PARADIV= option, GPROJECT procedure 1170, 1172
PARALEL1= and PARALEL2= options, GPROJECT procedure 1170, 1172
calculating 1172
JAVA and ActiveX 421, 427
PARAMETERS= option, ODS statements 421
PARAMETERS= statement, ODS statement 477
Parameters window (GDEVICE) 930
parametric language interpolation 190
PARTIAL option, GRID statement 1335
partial spline interpolation (example) 1342
PATH= option, GDEVICE procedure 330
PATH= option, ODS HTML statement 491
PATREP function (DSGI) 1498, 1501
PATTERN definitions, BY statement with 145
PATTERN option
GOPTIONS procedure 1078
PLOT statement, GCONTOUR procedure 897, 899
PATTERN statement 27, 124, 169
ActiveX and Java support for 1515
altering/canceling 177
GBARLINE procedure 748, 764
GCHART procedure 784
GPLOT procedure 1120
images on bar chart bars 116
BAR statement 761, 764
BLOCK statement 793, 795
BY line 144
HBAR and VBAR statements 811, 817
patterns and fills 169
bar charts 171, 816
block charts 794
block maps 1016
built-in pie-fill capability 334
built-in polygon-fill capability 336
built-in rectangle capability 345
built-in rectangle-fill capability, device 292
color for 274
contour plots 173
contour plots (example) 910
default 177
fill color 170
filling area between plot lines (example) 236
for symbol plots 191
GBARLINE procedure 748, 764
GCHART procedure 784
hardware patterns 176, 181
images as fill elements 171
images on bar chart bars 116
mapping 971
outline colors 180
pattern sequences 182
pie and donut chart slices 831
pie and donut charts 875
pie and star charts 174
plots 1120
spacing between fill lines 292
star charts 840
PATTERNSTRIP applet parameter 410, 414
PATTERNSTRIP= parameters, JAVA and ActiveX 434
PCLIP= graphics option 331
PCOL device parameter 36
PCOLS device parameter 1151
PCOLS= option, GDEVICE procedure 332
PCT option
BAR statement 761
HBAR and VBAR statements 811
PEMPTY variable, Annotate facility 662
pen speed, plotters 352
PENMOUNTS= graphics option 105, 333
pens, active 333
PENSORT= graphics option 333
PENSORT= option, GDEVICE procedure 333
PERCENT option
BAR statement 761
HBAR and VBAR statements 811
PIE and DONUT statements 827
STAR statement 839, 840
percentage statistic 746, 782
percentiles, box plots 185, 187, 201, 233
PERCENTLABEL= option, HBAR and VBAR statements 812
permanent data sets 29
PIC= option, GTESTIT procedure 1290
PICTURE= option, GTESTIT procedure 1290
PIE and PIE3D statements, GCHART procedure
ActiveX and Java support for 1521
detail pie chart, creating (example) 883
grouping and arranging pie charts (example) 877
legends for patterns and midpoints (example) 875
pie chart with sum statistic (example) 842
subgrouping in pie or donut chart (example) 848
syntax and options 818
pie charts 6
angling text in (example) 1381
basics 776
detail pie chart, creating (example) 883
grouping and arranging (example) 877
legends for patterns and midpoints (example) 875
patterns 174
slice colors and patterns 831
slice labels and formatting 830, 873
statistic and group headings 827, 832
subgrouping in (example) 848
sum statistic, specifying (example) 842
terms used with 778
pie-fill capability, device 334
PIE function, Annotate facility
ActiveX and Java support for 1542
pie slices, drawing with Annotation facility 628
PIE statement, BY statement with 144
PIECNTR function, Annotate facility 1542
PIEFILL GDEVICE procedure 334
PIEFILL GOPTIONS statement 334
PIEXY function, Annotate facility 1543
%PIEXY macro, Annotate facility 688
PLAY function (DSGI) 1460
plot data sets 1086
plot lines 196, 207
filling area between plot lines (example) 236
type of 196
PLOT statement
contour levels, specifying (example) 908
labels for contour lines (example) 906
patterns and joins in contour plots (example) 910
simple contour plot, generating (example) 904
PLOT statement, G3D procedure 1301
ActiveX and Java support for 1537
generating default surface plot (example) 1314
rotating surface plot (example) 1316
tilting surface plots (example) 1317
PLOT statement, GBARLINE procedure 765
ActiveX and Java support for 1519
syntax and options 765
PLOT statement, GCONTOUR procedure
ActiveX and Java support for 1526
syntax and options 889
PLOT statement, GPLOT procedure 1101
ActiveX and Java support for 1530
connecting plot data points (example) 1129
different scales of values (example) 1138
filling areas in overlay plot (example) 1134
generating overlay plot (example) 1131
matching PLOT2 statements 1117
plots with drill-down for Web (example) 1141
plotting three variables (example) 1135
plotting two variables (example) 1126
plot symbols 1114, 1120
altering or canceling 203
bar line charts 768
built-in drawing capability 354
colors for 93, 185, 206, 275
colors for, rotating through (example) 231
default 209
displaying with DSGI 1454
fonts of 186
in Annotate graphics output 640
interpolation 321
scatter plots 1308, 1320
size of 187, 201
specifying for plot points 205
plot variables 741, 745
chart statistics 745
out of range 747
PLOT2 statement, GPLOT procedure 1115
ActiveX and Java support for 1530
different scales of values (example) 1138
matching PLOT statements 1117
basics of 1085
box plots 185, 187, 201, 233
classification variables with 1083
connecting plot data points (example) 1129
different scales of values in (example) 1138
drill-down functionality (example) 1141
filling areas in overlay plot (example) 1134
generating overlay plot (example) 1131
generating simple bubble plots (example) 1121
high-low plots 8, 189
interpolation methods 1085
labeling and sizing plot bubbles (example) 1122
missing values 1087, 1112
needle plots 191
out-of-range variables 747
overlay plots 1111, 1131, 1134
patterns 1120
plotting three variables (example) 1135
plotting two variables (example) 1126
regression analysis 192
regression analysis plots 192
right vertical axis to bubble plot (example) 1124
standard deviations 194
step plots 196
symbols in 1114, 1120
three variables and legend 1118
two variables 1082
two vertical axes 1084, 1119, 1124
with multiple variables 1113
active pens or colors 333
drawing elements in color order 333
paper size 328
pen speed 352
PNG device driver 382
data tips for 568
developing web presentations 443
drill-down links in images 571
HTML files, generating 445
names for image output files 445
PNG presentations 377
developing Web presentations 442
POINT function, Annotate facility 1543
POINTLABEL= option, SYMBOL statement 197, 1517
points, drawing with Annotate facility 633
points, plot
labels for 197
specifying for plot points 199
symbols for, specifying 199, 205
POLELAT= option, GPROJECT procedure 1170, 1177
POLELONG= option, GPROJECT procedure 1170, 1177
%POLY, %POLY2 macro, Annotate facility 689
POLY function, Annotate facility 1543
POLYCONT function, Annotate facility 1544
%POLYCONT macro, Annotate facility 689
polygon-fill capability, device 336
polygon fonts 941
POLYGONCLIP= graphics option 335
POLYGONFILL= graphics option 336
POLYGONFILL= option, GDEVICE procedure 336
clipped (intersecting) 331, 335
drawing with Annotate facility 634
drawing with DSGI 1451
map data sets, creating 1041
testing ability to draw 1287
vertices, maximum drawn 324
%POP macro, Annotate facility 690
portability 40
portrait orientation 34, 332, 344, 349
ports, how output is written to 306
POSITION= option
AXIS statement options 138
LEGEND statement options 155, 159, 162, 163
POINTLABEL= specification 198
POSITION variable, Annotate facility 656
Annotate graphics 596, 597
axis labels 127, 133, 135, 138
BY lines 143
donut chart labels 830
graphics element 39
graphics output, imported 976
legend label 153
legend text 159
legends 155, 162
pie and donut chart slice labels 830, 873
plot point labels 198
prism map light sources 1028
star chart slice labels 840
text in graphics output 221
titles and footnotes, ODS output 492
POSTGEPILOG= graphics option 336
POSTGRAPH= graphics option 337
POSTGRAPH= option, GDEVICE procedure 337
pound sign #, variables as plot point labels 198
PPD file, location of 338
PPDFILE= graphics option 338
predefined color names 97, 99
predefined graph styles (ODS) 489
PREGEPILOG= graphics option 338
PREGPROLOG= graphics option 339
PREGRAPH= graphics option 339
PREGRAPH= option, GDEVICE procedure 339
PRESENTATION option, GREPLAY procedure 1245
PREVIEW statement, GREPLAY procedure 1256
previewing device output 356
previewing output 52
printing 51
automatic 263
collating output 271
copies to print 298
duplex 287
duplex, binding edge for 265
flow control 311
graph orientation 349
graphics files 51
IBM printers 297, 300, 302, 311
output bin, specifying 326
paper feed 264, 327
paper size 328
paper tray, specifying 329
paper type, specifying 330
PPD file, location of 338
previewing output 52, 356
protocol module, specifying 303
redrawing (overdrawing) graphs 348
reverse printing 349
prism maps 11, 998, 1023
identification variables 1005
predefined formats for 1035
producing simple prism map (example) 1063
response levels 1004
specifying midpoints in prism map (example) 1065
PRISM statement, GMAP procedure
ActiveX and Java support for 1527
producing simple prism map (example) 1063
specifying midpoints in prism map (example) 1065
syntax and options 1023
PROC GREPLAY window 1265
PROC statement 26
procedure output area 39
Annotate facility 598
procedure termination, step code at 305
procedures 26
product codes for 21
PROCESSINPUT= option, GDEVICE procedure 340
PROCESSOUTPUT= option, GDEVICE procedure 340
product codes for procedures 21
program mode, GDEVICE procedure 918
switching to 925, 1252
programs, SAS/Graph 25
running 31
PROJECT= option, GPROJECT procedure 1171, 1177
projecting coordinates from spherical to Cartesian 1161
basic usage of GPROJECT procedure 1172
clipping map areas (example) 1178
default projection specifications, using (example) 1174
emphasizing map areas (example) 1177
ID statement, GPROJECT procedure 1172
input map data sets 1163
projecting an Annotate data set (example) 1180
syntax and options, GPROJECT procedure 1168
types of map projections 1165
projecting map data sets 1040
PROJECTION= parameter, JAVA 434
PROMPT= graphics option 341
prompt messages to GSF 64, 308, 459
PROMPTCHARS= graphics option 343
PROMPTCHARS= option, GDEVICE procedure 343
prompting to install ActiveX control 389
characters for, specifying 343
specifying if used 341
proportional fonts 940
protocol module, specifying 303
PROWS device parameter 36, 1151
PROWS= option, GDEVICE procedure 344
PTYPE variable (font data sets) 954
%PUSH macro, Annotate facility 690
PUT statement 409
animated GIF (example) 460, 463
PW= macro argument, DS2CSF macro 562

SAS.GRAPH 9.1 Reference, Volumes I and II
SAS.GRAPH 9.1 Reference, Volumes I and II
Year: 2004
Pages: 342 © 2008-2017.
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