FINDC Function

FINDC Function

Searches for specific characters that either appear or do not appear within a character string that you specify

Category: Character


FINDC ( string,characters < ,modifiers >< ,startpos >)

FINDC ( string,characters < ,startpos >< ,modifiers >)



  • specifies a character constant, variable, or expression that will be searched for characters.

  • Tip: Enclose a literal string of characters in quotation marks.


  • is a character constant, variable, or expression that specifies one or more characters to search for in string .

  • Tip: Enclose a literal string of characters in quotation marks.


  • is a character constant, variable, or expression that specifies one or more modifiers. The following modifiers can be in uppercase or lowercase:


    ignores character case during the search. If this modifier is not specified, FINDC only searches for character substrings with the same case as the characters in characters .


    processes characters and modifiers only once, at the first call to this instance of FINDC. Consequently, if you change the value of characters or modifiers in subsequent calls, the change is ignored by FINDC.


    trims trailing blanks from string and characters .


    counts only the characters that do not appear in characters .

  • Tip: If the modifier is a constant, enclose it in quotation marks. Specify multiple constants in a single set of quotation marks. Modifier can also be expressed as a variable or an expression that evaluates to one or more constants.


  • is an integer that specifies the position at which the search should start and the direction of the search.


The FINDC function searches string for the first occurrence of the specified characters , and returns the position of the first character found. If the characters are not found in string , FINDC returns a value of 0.

If startpos is not specified, FINDC starts the search at the beginning of the string and searches the string from left to right. If startpos is specified, the absolute value of startpos determines the position at which to start the search. The sign of startpos determines the direction of the search.

When startpos is

then FINDC

greater than 0

starts the search at position startpos and the direction of the search is to the right. If startpos is greater than the length of string , FINDC returns a value of 0.

less than 0

starts the search at position - startpos and the direction of the search is to the left. If - startpos is greater than the length of string , the search starts at the end of string .

equal to 0

returns a value of 0.


  • The FINDC function searches for individual characters in a character string, whereas the FIND function searches for substrings of characters in a character string.

  • The FINDC function and the INDEXC function both search for individual characters in a character string; however, the INDEXC function does not have the modifiers nor the startpos arguments.

  • The FINDC function searches for individual characters in a character string, whereas the VERIFY function searches for the first character that is unique to an expression. The VERIFY function does not have the modifiers nor the startpos arguments.


Example 1: Searching for the Characters h, i, and Blank

This example searches for the three characters h, i, and blank. The characters h and i are in lowercase. The uppercase characters H and I are ignored in this search.

 data _null_;     whereishi=0;     do until(whereishi=0);        whereishi=findc('Hi there, Ian!','hi ',whereishi+1);        if whereishi=0 then put ''The End'';        else do;           whatfound=substr('Hi there, Ian!',whereishi,1);           put whereishi= whatfound=;        end;     end;  run; 

The following lines are written to the SAS log:

 whereishi=2 whatfound=i  whereishi=3 whatfound=  whereishi=5 whatfound=h  whereishi=10 whatfound=  The End 

Example 2: Searching for the Characters h and i While Ignoring Case

This example searches for the four characters h, i, H, and I. FINDC with the i modifier ignores character case during the search.

 data _null_;     whereishi_i=0;     do until(whereishi_i=0);        variable1='Hi there, Ian!';        variable2='hi';        variable3='i';        whereishi_i=findc(variable1,variable2,variable3,whereishi_i+1);        if whereishi_i=0 then put ''The End'';        else do;           whatfound=substr(variable1,whereishi_i,1);           put whereishi_i= whatfound=;        end;     end;  run; 

The following lines are written to the SAS log:

 whereishi_i=1 whatfound=H  whereishi_i=2 whatfound=i  whereishi_i=5 whatfound=h  whereishi_i=11 whatfound=I  The End 

Example 3: Searching for the Characters h and i with Trailing Blanks Trimmed

This example searches for the two characters h and i. FINDC with the t modifier trims trailing blanks from the string argument and the characters argument.

 data _null_;     whereishi_t=0;     do until(whereishi_t=0);        expression1='Hi there, ''Ian!';        expression2=kscan('bye or hi',3)' ';        expression3=trim('t ');        whereishi_t=findc(expression1,expression2,expression3,whereishi_t+1);        if whereishi_t=0 then put ''The End'';        else do;           whatfound=substr(expression1,whereishi_t,1);           put whereishi_t= whatfound=;        end;     end;  run; 

The following lines are written to the SAS log:

 whereishi_t=2 whatfound=i  whereishi_t=5 whatfound=h  The End 

Example 4: Searching for all Characters, Excluding h, i, H, and I

This example searches for all of the characters in the string, excluding the characters h, i, H, and I. FINDC with the v modifier counts only the characters that do not appear in the characters argument. This example also includes the i modifier and therefore ignores character case during the search.

 data _null_;     whereishi_iv=0;     do until(whereishi_iv=0);        xyz='Hi there, Ian!';        whereishi_iv=findc(xyz,'hi',whereishi_iv+1,'iv');        if whereishi_iv=0 then put ''The End'';        else do;           whatfound=substr(xyz,whereishi_iv,1);           put whereishi_iv= whatfound=;        end;     end;  run; 

The following lines are written to the SAS log:

 whereishi_iv=3 whatfound=  whereishi_iv=4 whatfound=t  whereishi_iv=6 whatfound=e  whereishi_iv=7 whatfound=r  whereishi_iv=8 whatfound=e  whereishi_iv=9 whatfound=,  whereishi_iv=10 whatfound=  whereishi_iv=12 whatfound=a  whereishi_iv=13 whatfound=n  whereishi_iv=14 whatfound=!  The End 

See Also


  • 'COUNTC Function' on page 470

  • 'FIND Function' on page 533

  • 'INDEXC Function' on page 590

  • 'VERIFY Function' on page 882

SAS 9.1 Language Reference Dictionary, Volumes 1, 2 and 3
SAS 9.1 Language Reference Dictionary, Volumes 1, 2 and 3
Year: 2004
Pages: 704 © 2008-2017.
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