
calling unmanaged code with P/Invoke, 141

COM Interoperability, compared to, 144

embedding binary data in assembly, 95

IJW, compared to, 142

performance issues, 264

page faults

hard page faults, 278

soft page faults, 278


memory management, 276

Paint event

event architecture, 416

execution order, 421

Windows Forms, 420

parameterized constructor

IL reference types, 76

IL value types, 72

partitions, CLI

Partition I Architecture, 119

Partition II Metadata, 119

Partition III CIL, 140

Partition IV Library, 119

Partition V Annexes, 119

passing by reference, 47

issues with terminology, 47

local variables, 48

managed pointers, 47

programming IL, 46

using Idarg commands, 50

using Idlnd commands, 51

using Idloca commands, 49

using stind commands, 52

PE files, 169

advantage, 159

COFF files, 159

COFF header, 160

DumpBin.exe, examining contents using, 174

file structure, 162

CLR header, 163

IL code, 163

manifest file, 163

metadata, 163

metadata tables, 166

prime module, compared to other modules, 162

version robustness, 167

image files, 159

managed resources, 169

PE header, 160

data directory table, 160


Subsystem flag, 176

PE signature, 160

unmanaged resources, 169

PerfMon, 288

_Global_ instance, 289

customizing counters, 288

CustomPerfCounter example, 295

performance object, 289

System Monitor, 288

Task Manager, compared to, 288

performance, 237

.NET Framework, 238

comparing languages, 239

garbage collector, 241

performance advantages of .NET, 241

compared to responsiveness, 237

GDI compared to GDI+, 448

improving using weak references, 231

interoperability issues, 240

JIT compiler, 243

managed code

comparing languages, 239

managed compared to unmanaged code, 238

issues to consider, 240

ngen.exe, 247

optimizing performance, 259

avoid late binding, 266

avoid overempasis on performance, 259

avoid Visual Basic 6 constructions in Visual Basic .NET, 269

crossing boundaries, 264

looping, 262

minimizing virtual memory requirements, 270

obfuscators, 259

string types, 263

StringBuilder class, 260

using C++, 270

value types, 265

reference counting, problems with, 209

storing IL binary code in assembly, 165

unmanaged code

comparing languages, 240

performance counters, 287

.NET performance counters, 290

coding with, 291

CustomPerfCounter example, 294–97

definition, 274

MonitorUseResource example, 293–94

PerformanceCounter class, ease of use with, 287

profilers, compard to, 275

profiling API, compared to, 305

performance monitoring

need for, 273

PerfMon, 288

performance counters, 287

Task Manager, 287

PerformanceCounter class

BeginInit() method, 292

EndInit() method, 292

NextValue() method, 292

PerfMon, using with, 296

performance counters, ease of use with, 287

System.Diagnostics, 291

PerformanceCounterCategory class

Create() method, 296

Exists() method, 296

Getlnstances() method, 292

System.Diagnostics, 287

permission sets, CLR security

calling Strong-Named Assemblies, 469

Everything, 468

FullTrust, compared to, 468

partially trusted code, application in, 468

Execution, 467

FullTrust, 469

Everything, compared to, 468

Internet, 468

Locallntranet, 467

Security permission, 477

mscorcfg.msc configuration tool, setting using, 488

Nothing, 467

partially trusted code, 470

SkipVerification, 467


asserting permissions, 491

AuditingLightDetector sample, 491–92

CLR permissions, 466

custom permissions, 478

LightDetector sample, 479–91

FileIO permission, 461

multiple assemblies

assert, 459

demand, 459

deny, 460

PermitOnly, 460

PermissionSet class, 472

Security permission, 461

Allow Calls to Unmanaged Code permission, 462

Assert any permission which has been granted permission, 463

Enable Code Execution permission, 462

inperative security, 471

Skip Verification permission, 462

PermissionSet class

stack walk modifier, 472

PermissionState enumeration

None value, 481

System.Security.Permissions, 481

Unrestricted value, 481

PermitOnly() method

CodeAccessPermission class, 471


debugging compile-time IL errors, 60

problems with boxing, 83

System.Reflection.Emit classes, use of in, 322

verification of code, importance in, 139


certification authorities, 514

pinned objects

garbage collector performance issues, 210

pinvokeimpl keyword

.method directive, 91

calling unmanaged type, 147

compared to DllImportAttribute class, 91

execution context, 141

PKCS #7 certificate, 514

plain text

cryptography, 498

Point structure

System.Drawing, 123

Portable Executable files, see PE files, 158

preservesig keyword

.method directive, 113

prime module

other modules, compared to, 162

structure, 162

Priority property

Thread class, 344

PriorityLevel property

ProcessThread class, 344

private key

assemblies, use in, 177

asymmetric encryption, 504

delay-signing an assembly, 513

lost or stolen key

certificate security issues, 517

private keyword

.class directive, 33

privatescope keyword

keywords for type members, 35

Process class

System.Diagnostics, 343

Threads property, 343

ProcessThread class

compared to Thread class, 338

PriorityLevel property, 344

System.Diagnostics, 343

ThreadState property, 344

profilers, 274

allocation profiler, 304

alternative techniques as replacement, 297

choosing, 297

Compuware profiler, 303

debug builds, 275

lack of integrated profiler in .NET, 297

performance counters, compard to, 275

profiling API, 305

profiling timer code, writing, 298–302

release builds, 275

profiling API, 305

performance counters, compared to, 305


accessing fields compared to accessing properties, 251

get and set accessor methods for property, 68

IL value types, 67

viewing native code for accessing property, 257

wrapping field in property, 67

protected code

thread synchronization, 357

pseudo-custom attributes, 102

DllImportAttribute class, 102

unmanaged metadata API, 102


Windows message, 417

public key

assemblies, use In, 177

asymmetric encryption, 504

delay-signing an assembly, 510

public keyword

.class directive, 33

Put() method

ManagementObject class, 407

Advanced  .NET Programming
Advanced .NET Programming
ISBN: 1861006292
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 124

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