lAsyncResult Interface, 346

AsyncState property, 346

AsyncWaitHandle property, 346

CompletedSynchronously property, 346

implemented by AsyncResult class, 346

IsCompleted property, 346

ICodeGenerator interface, 312

GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit method, 331

ICryptoTransform Interface

InputBlockSize property, 501

OutputBlockSize property, 501

System.Security.Cryptography, 501

TransformBlock() method, 501

TransformFinalBlock() method, 501

IDisposable Interface

developer-controlled memory management, 206

Dispose() method, 227

supplementing garbage collector, 210

Idle event

Application class, 425

Idle processing

compared to multithreading, 425

programming Windows Forms using message loop, 425


advantage of, 144

calling unmanaged code with IJW, 141

P/Invoke, compared to, 142

performance issues, 265

IL, 63

arrays in IL, 86

manipulating vectors, 87

attributes in IL, 101

binary format, 13

opcodes, 13

boxing and unboxing in IL, 81

calling unmanaged code with P/Invoke, 91

converting IL assembly to IL, 13

converting IL to IL assembly, 13

data types, 24

debugging IL, 52

compile-time IL errors, 56

CorDbg.exe, 54

DbgClr.exe, 54

IL from high-level languages, 54

peverify.exe, 60

Visual Studio .NET, 52

delegates in IL, 104

dissassembling IL, 106

dynamic code generation, optimisation using, 310

embedding binary data in assembly, 94

enumerations in IL, 84

evaluation stack, 17

abstract stack machines, 24

events in IL, 105

exception handling, 99

.try directive, 100

fault blocks, 98

filter blocks, 98

guarded blocks, 98

Hello World IL program, 14

objects in IL, 64

PE file structure, 163

programming IL, 33

.class directive, 33

.locals directive, 44

.namespace directive, 33

conditional branches, 36

defining methods with arguments, 40

keywords for type members, 34

local variables, 44

looping, 45

passing by reference, 46

unconditional branches, 35

reference types in IL, 75

constructors, 76

storing IL binary code in assembly, 164

metadata, 166

performance, 165

space, 165

value types in IL, 64

constructors, 70

fields, 64

methods, 67

properties, 67

virtual machine, 20

virtual methods in IL, 78

callvirt command, 80

declaring methods, 78

invoking methods, 80

Visual Basic .NET modules compared to IL modules, 110

IL assembly, 13

converting IL assembly to IL, 13

converting IL to IL assembly, 13

dissassembling IL assembly, 106

ECMA algorithm, checking using, 139

families of IL instructions, 30

Idc instructions, 30

suffixes, 31

groups of IL instructions add Instruction, 30

JIT compiler, validation of code in, 135

syntax, 15

IL source code, see IL assembly.

ILAsm, see IL assembly.


converting IL assembly to IL, 13

debugging IL, 52

IL from high-level languages, 54

generating invalid program, 57

using with ildasm.exe, 106


compiling Hello World IL program, 15

converting IL to IL assembly, 13

debugging IL

IL from high-level languages, 54

dissassembling IL, 106

DumpBin.exe, compared to, 174

examining DLLs, 174

release builds, checking for, 275

using with ilasm.exe, 106

viewing assembly, 174

viewing C# generated IL, 106

viewing C++ generated IL, 111

viewing Visual Basic .NET generated IL, 109

ILGenerator class

Emit() method, 315


Idstr command, 318

System.Reflection.Emit, 314

Image class

FromHbitmap() method, 451

Save() method, 451

System.Drawing, 451

Image files

PE files, 159


PE header, 164

Imperative security, 471

CAS, 471

CLR, 471

CodeAccessPermlssion class, 471

declarative security, compared to, 473

FileDialogPermission class, 471

Security permission, 471

SecurityPermission class, 471

SiteIdentityPermission class, 472

IndentString property

CodeGeneratorOptions class, 331

init keyword

.locals directive, 75

initblk command, 139

initobj instruction

initializing value type by zeroing fields, 75

inlining methods

JIT optimizations, 245

limitations, 246

virtual methods not inlined, 246

InputBlockSize property

ICryptoTransform interface, 501

Int32 structure, 82

ToString() method, 82


using IL data types on evaluation stack, 29

Interlocked class

Decrement() method, 377

System.Threading, 361

thread synchronization, 361

Intermediate Language, see IL.

Internal Call

calling unmanaged code with Internal Call, 141

Internet permission, 468

Interruptible code

control of threads by garbage collector, 212

Intersect() method

IPermission interface, 483

IntPtr structure, 152

handles, 222

ToPointer() method, 154

Invalid program

compile-time IL errors, 57

generating using ilasm.exe, 57

Invalidate() method

Control class, 422

Invoke() method

Control class, 424

IPermission Interface

Copy() method, 483

Intersect() method, 483

IsSubsetOf() method, 483

System.Security, 477

IsAlive property

Thread class, 378

IsBackground property

Thread class, 342

IsCompleted property

IAsyncResult interface, 346

ISecurityEncodable Interface

FromXml() method, 484

System.Security, 477

ToXml() method, 484

IsJITOptimizerDisabled property

DebuggableAttribute class, 249

IStackWalk interface

Assert() method, 477

Demand() method, 477

System.Security, 477

IsTrackingEnabled property

DebuggableAttribute class, 249

It Just Works, see IJW

ItemHeight property

ListBox class, 445

IV property

DESCryptoServiceProvider class, 502

Advanced  .NET Programming
Advanced .NET Programming
ISBN: 1861006292
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 124

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