vapor corrosion inhibitors (VCIs), 653
VBR (Variable Bit Rate) parameter, 98
VC (virtual-circuit)-based multiplexing, 89
VCI-to-IP address mapping, 98
VCIs (vapor corrosion inhibitors), 653
VCIs (virtual circuit identifiers)
in ATM, 90-91, 93
defined, 653
for ATM, 90
defined, 653
ATM interfaces, 93-97
community tagging, 519-520
customer site export policy, 527-529
damping, 508-511
Martian filtering, 515-517
next hop self, 523-525
peer site export policy, 530-538
transit provider export policy, 540
Frame Relay, 79-80
authentication, 386
confederations, 413-420
peering and policies, 379-383
route reflection, 395-402
in IS-IS
area 49.0002, 271
area 49.0003, 290
multi-level, 261-263
overall, 272, 274-275
r3, 268-270
r5, 265-267
route leaking, 292-293
route redistribution, 311-313
summarization, 295-297
lab accounts, 15-17
leaky bucket rate limiting, 121-124, 122-123
lo0 interface, 61-64
MAC address filtering, 113
NTP, 25-28
ops account, 19
authentication, 176-177
external LSA generation, 182
NSSAs, 191-194
overall, 161-164
r3, 160-161
r4, 157
r5, 158-159
routing policies, 213-221, 214-215
stub areas, 184-186
totally stubby areas, 187-188
POS interfaces, 69-71
PPP, 83-85
root accounts, 12-14, 12, 14
SNMP, 23-24
syslog parameters, 21-22
unnumbered interfaces, 126
configuration, 107
interface tracking, 109-111
versions, software, 29-30
VIP (Virtual IP) addresses
in EBGP peering, 496
in Ethernet interfaces, 102
for VRRP, 106
virtual-circuit (VC)-based multiplexing, 89
virtual circuit identifiers (VCIs)
in ATM, 90-91, 93
defined, 653
virtual circuits (VCs)
for ATM, 90
defined, 653
Virtual IP (VIP) addresses
in EBGP peering, 496
in Ethernet interfaces, 102
for VRRP, 106
virtual links
defined, 653
in OSPF, 198-201, 198
virtual local area networks (VLANs)
defined, 653
for Ethernet interfaces
r1, 103-105
r2, 105-107
virtual path identifiers (VPIs)
in ATM, 93
defined, 653
virtual paths (VPs)
in ATM, 90-91
defined, 653
virtual private networks (VPNs), 653
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)
defined, 653
in EBGP peering, 495-497
for Ethernet, 101
authentication and tracking, 107-111
r1, 103-105
r2, 105-107
VLAN IDs for Ethernet interfaces, 102-103
VLAN tagging
for Ethernet interfaces, 101
for VLAN and VRRP configuration, 103-105
VLANs (virtual local area networks)
defined, 653
for Ethernet interfaces
r1, 103-105
r2, 105-107
voice/data integration, 89
VPIs (virtual path identifiers)
in ATM, 93
defined, 653
VPNs (virtual private networks), 653
VPs (virtual paths)
in ATM, 90-91
defined, 653
VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol)
defined, 653
for Ethernet interfaces, 101
authentication and tracking, 107-111
r1, 103-105
r2, 105-107