
I accidentally closed Excel without saving my workbook. Is it gone?


If you were working on a brand-new workbook and exited Excel without saving, the file is gone. If you were working on an existing file, only the changes you made since the last save are lost.


If I save a workbook file with a new name , what happens to the original file?


Absolutely nothing! At the time you save a file with a new name, the old file closes and remains in the same folder. You can access it at any time.


How can I tell which one of my co-workers worked on my worksheet?


Unless your co-worker completed the file summary information, you won't be able to determine who changed the file last. However, your network administrator might be able to tell you who saved the file last.


I accidentally deleted a file that I need. Can I bring the file back?


If you did not empty the Recycle Bin after deleting the file, you should be able to restore that file. Go to your Windows Desktop, right-click on the Recycle Bin icon, and choose Open . Select the file in the list, and choose File, Restore.


When I attempt to delete a file, I see a message telling me that access to the file is denied .


You're deleting a file that is currently open. Check to see whether you or one of your co-workers is using the file.

Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Office Excel 2003 in 24 Hours
Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Office Excel 2003 in 24 Hours (Sams Teach Yourself in 24 Hours)
ISBN: 1435276337
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 279
Authors: Trudi Reisner © 2008-2017.
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