The Parts of Web Parts


The Parts of Web Parts

When you first start to work with Web Parts, the number of controls available is somewhat daunting. Figure 4-4 shows the Web Parts available in the Microsoft Visual Studio Toolbox.

Figure 4-4: Web Parts in the Visual Studio Toolbox

To fully understand how Web Parts work, you must first understand the individual elements of Web Parts. Table 4-1 describes most of the Web Parts components, as well as how they might be used.

Table 4-1: Web Parts Components





The central class in the Web Part control set. This is a non-visual control that will never appear to the user.

Always required for Web Parts to work.


The class used when the WebPartManager component is on the Master page in use by the page in question.

Used when you have the WebPartManager component on a Master page.


The central class in the Web Parts control set for hosting Web Parts.

Always used. A place for the user to drag and drop controls onto the form.


The central class in the Web Parts control set for hosting CatalogPart controls in the control set for hosting Web Parts. The next three types are CatalogPart-type controls.

Used to give users the ability to view a catalog of available Web Parts in Visual Studio Design view.


A CatalogZone component that allows developers to add a set of server controls declaratively on a page.

Commonly used to make controls available by simply adding markup for controls inside the DeclarativeCatalogPart zone.


A CatalogZone component that allows users to re-activate controls previously closed.

Used only if the page allows controls to be closed.


A component that allows users to import a description file that describes the settings on a Web Part control or server control that they want to add to a Web page.

Used when the user has exported the description from a control that supports the Export verb from the Web Part Verb menu.


A component that allows users to modify Web pages according to their preferences. The following three controls in this table must be contained in the EditorZone component.

Used to contain components to allow users to edit the appearance, behavior, and layout of Web Part properties.


A component that allows users to edit several user interface properties of an associated Web Part.

Used to allow a user to edit the appearance of a Web Part.


A component that allows users to edit several properties to affect the behavior of the associated Web Part.

Used to change the visibility of verbs such as close, minimize, and restore.


A component that allows users to edit several properties to affect the layout of the associated Web Part.

Used to change the location of a Web Part.


If you are going to allow users to close Web Parts, it is critical to have a PageCatalogPart component on the page to allow users to retrieve the Web Parts they have closed.

When designing with Web Parts, you will first drag and drop a variety of Web Part related controls onto the form. A WebPartManager control must be the first control dragged onto the form. You will also want to drag at least one WebPartZone control onto the form; adding at least two WebPartZone controls makes the most sense, because you will want to give users the ability to alter the look of the page. You will also want to provide some way for users to change modes. The default mode is Browse. You will almost always want to allow Edit mode, so that users can move Web Parts from zone to zone, and Catalog mode, to allow users to make closed Web Parts visible again.

Now that you have a basic introduction to these controls, it makes sense to look at the markup and code of a simple example, as shown in Listing 4-1, later in this section. Of course, in the world of Web Parts, even a simple example can be a little involved.

Listing 4-1: Markup for Simple Web Part Example

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<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true"         CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" > <head runat="server">     <title>Default Web Parts Page</title> </head> <body>     <form  runat="server">         <div>             <asp:WebPartManager  runat="server">             </asp:WebPartManager>             Mode: <asp:DropDownList  runat="server"                   AutoPostBack="True"                   OnSelectedIndexChanged=                   "DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged">                 <asp:ListItem Selected="True">Browse</asp:ListItem>                 <asp:ListItem>Design</asp:ListItem>                 <asp:ListItem>Catalog</asp:ListItem>             </asp:DropDownList>         </div>         <asp:WebPartZone  runat="server"             BorderColor="#CCCCCC" Font-Names="Verdana"             Padding="6">             <PartChromeStyle BackColor="#F7F6F3" BorderColor="#E2DED6"                 Font-Names="Verdana" ForeColor="White" />             <MenuLabelHoverStyle ForeColor="#E2DED6" />             <EmptyZoneTextStyle Font-Size="0.8em" />             <MenuLabelStyle ForeColor="White" />             <MenuVerbHoverStyle BackColor="#F7F6F3"                 BorderColor="#CCCCCC" BorderStyle="Solid"                 BorderWidth="1px" ForeColor="#333333" />             <HeaderStyle Font-Size="0.7em" ForeColor="#CCCCCC"                 HorizontalAlign="Center" />             <ZoneTemplate>                 <asp:Label  runat="server"                      Text="Label"></asp:Label>                 <asp:Label  runat="server"                      Text="Label"></asp:Label>             </ZoneTemplate>             <MenuVerbStyle BorderColor="#5D7B9D" BorderStyle="Solid"                 BorderWidth="1px" ForeColor="White" />             <PartStyle Font-Size="0.8em" ForeColor="#333333" />             <TitleBarVerbStyle Font-Size="0.6em" Font-Underline="False"                 ForeColor="White" />             <MenuPopupStyle BackColor="#5D7B9D" BorderColor="#CCCCCC"                 BorderWidth="1px" Font-Names="Verdana"                 Font-Size="0.6em" />             <PartTitleStyle BackColor="#5D7B9D" Font-Bold="True"                 Font-Size="0.8em" ForeColor="White" />         </asp:WebPartZone>         &nbsp;&nbsp;         <asp:WebPartZone  runat="server"             BorderColor="#CCCCCC" Font-Names="Verdana"             Padding="6">             <PartChromeStyle BackColor="#E3EAEB" BorderColor="#C5BBAF"                 Font-Names="Verdana" ForeColor="#333333" />             <MenuLabelHoverStyle ForeColor="Yellow" />             <EmptyZoneTextStyle Font-Size="0.8em" />             <MenuLabelStyle ForeColor="#333333" />             <MenuVerbHoverStyle BackColor="#E3EAEB" BorderColor="#CCCCCC"                 BorderStyle="Solid"                 BorderWidth="1px" ForeColor="#333333" />             <HeaderStyle Font-Size="0.7em" ForeColor="#CCCCCC"                 HorizontalAlign="Center" />             <MenuVerbStyle BorderColor="#1C5E55" BorderStyle="Solid"                 BorderWidth="1px" ForeColor="White" />             <PartStyle Font-Size="0.8em" ForeColor="#333333" />             <TitleBarVerbStyle Font-Size="0.6em" Font-Underline="False"                 ForeColor="White" />             <MenuPopupStyle BackColor="#1C5E55" BorderColor="#CCCCCC"                 BorderWidth="1px" Font-Names="Verdana"                 Font-Size="0.6em" />             <PartTitleStyle BackColor="#1C5E55" Font-Bold="True"                 Font-Size="0.8em" ForeColor="White" />         </asp:WebPartZone>         <asp:CatalogZone  runat="server">             <ZoneTemplate>                 <asp:PageCatalogPart                      runat="server" />             </ZoneTemplate>         </asp:CatalogZone>         &nbsp;     </form> </body> </html> 
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Setting Up ASP.NET for Web Parts

ASP.NET uses a database to store information about the personalization of the page so that the changes made to the location and visibility of Web Parts on the page can be persisted or stored. If you are using Visual Studio with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition (which is the new version of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine, or MSDE), the database should be created for you automatically. If you do not have SQL Server Express installed, you might have to manually create the database in either SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2000 and add the connection information to the Web.config file in the Web site. The first time you try to run a page using Web Parts, you will get an error message related to a SQL Server timeout if the database has not been created. For example, my Web.config file had the following entries added to the ConnectionStrings section (I have added line breaks for readability).

<remove name="LocalSqlServer"/> <add name="LocalSqlServer"         connectionString="data source=.;         Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=aspnetdb"         providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/> 

The Microsoft .NET Framework contains a program named aspnet_regsql.exe that can be run to create the database that ASP.NET requires, if it cannot be created automatically. aspnet_regsql.exe presents a wizard that allows you to decide where the database should be installed. The second page of the wizard allows you to configure the database that ASP.NET uses, as shown here.

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The next page allows you to select the server and database to use, as well as user credentials, as shown here.

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When you finish the wizard, the database creates the following tables, and you will be able to use Web Part personalization.

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I created a Web site in Visual Studio named WebParts. On the Web Form created by Visual Studio, named Default.aspx, I dragged several controls onto the form. First I dragged a WebPartManager control onto the form, which must be the first Web Part related control on the form. Then I dragged a DropDownList control onto the page; by using the control's smart tag, I opened the DropDownList Tasks menu that allowed me to edit the items in the drop-down list. I added three items, and I changed the Text property of the three items to Browse, Design, and Catalog.

Next, I dragged two WebPartZone controls onto the form. More than one WebPartZone control makes a Web Form much more useful. Then I added a CatalogZone component to the Web Form. To give me something to work with, I dragged two label controls onto the first WebPartZone control. Note that any control can be dragged onto a WebPartZone control, and the control will become a Web Part. Finally, I added a PageCatalogPart control to the CatalogZone component. The PageCatalogPart control must be added to a CatalogZone component.

The default look for WebPartZone controls is rather bleak, as shown in Figure 4-5.

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Figure 4-5: The default appearance of a Web Form with Web Parts

To make the WebPartZone components a little more attractive, I used the smart tags for the controls to open the WebPartZone Tasks menu. From that menu, I selected Auto Format, and in the resulting dialog box, I selected the Professional scheme. The resulting markup is shown in Listing 4-1.

This looks like quite a bit of markup; however, all of the markup related to styles inside the WebPartZone tags was added automatically when I applied the scheme in the Auto Format dialog box.

At the top of the page is the WebPartManager control. This is a non-visual control, meaning that it is present at design time but will not appear to the end user. Several events and methods are exposed by the WebPartManager control; the most important of these are described in Table 4-2.

Table 4-2: WebPartManager Events and Methods

Event or Method



Event fired when the display mode has changed.


Event fired before the display mode is changed, offering the ability to cancel the change.


Event fired when a Web Part has been added.


Event fired before a Web Part is added, offering the ability to cancel the addition.


Event fired when a Web Part has been closed.


Event fired before a Web Part is closed, offering the ability to cancel the closing.


Event fired when a Web Part has been moved.


Event fired before a Web Part is moved, offering the ability to cancel the move.


Method to add a Web Part to a page programmatically.


Method to test whether Web Parts can connect.


Method to create a Web Part from a standard control.


Method to import a Web Part from an XML stream.

Next in the markup is a drop-down list that includes the Browse, Design, and Catalog options. Most importantly, the AutoPostback attribute is set to true, meaning that the control will post back when the selection is changed. The event handler for the selected index change is shown in the following code.

protected void DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender,         EventArgs e) {     if (DropDownList1.SelectedValue.ToLower() == "browse")     {         WebPartManager1.DisplayMode = WebPartManager.BrowseDisplayMode;     }     else if (DropDownList1.SelectedValue.ToLower()=="design")     {         WebPartManager1.DisplayMode = WebPartManager.DesignDisplayMode;     }     else // DropDownList1.SelectedValue.ToLower() == "catalog"     {        WebPartManager1.DisplayMode = WebPartManager.CatalogDisplayMode;     } } 

This code sets the DisplayMode property of the WebPartManager1 object based on the selection made in the drop-down list. For many developers of simple applications, this might be the only interaction with the WebPartManager non-visual control. I will cover the DisplayMode property settings in the next section.

After the drop-down list are two WebPartZone tags. The markup for the WebPartZone controls includes several styles (added using the Auto Format dialog box in Visual Studio, described previously). For instance, the following markup describes the style that should be used for the WebPartZone1 control, specifying the font size, foreground color, and horizontal alignment.

<HeaderStyle Font-Size="0.7em" ForeColor="#CCCCCC"     HorizontalAlign="Center" /> 

See the MSDN documentation for a complete listing of all the possible style elements and all the areas of the WebPartZone control that allow the application of styles.

Inside the first WebPartZone tag is a ZoneTemplate tag that contains the default content for the zone in this example, two labels that I dragged onto the Web Part zone. Note that in addition to using objects specifically created as Web Parts, any user control or server control can be dragged onto a WebPartZone control or manually added inside a ZoneTemplate tag.

Finally, a CatalogZone tag contains a ZoneTemplate tag, which contains a PageCatalogPart tag that I dragged onto the CatalogZone control in Visual Studio. The PageCatalogPart tag allows the user to reopen previously closed Web Parts. Other than providing the CatalogZone control and the PageCatalogPart control, you don't have to do anything else to allow your users to access previously closed controls in the CatalogZone control.


Programming Microsoft Web Forms
Programming Microsoft Web Forms (Pro Developer)
ISBN: 0735621799
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 70
Authors: Douglas J. Reilly
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