D.2 snmpmgr.c

This is the main C file that provides function definitions and the implementation of the program.

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#include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <snmp.h> #include <mgmtapi.h> #include "snmpdefs.h" INT _CRTAPI1 main( IN int argumentCount, IN char *argumentVector[]) { startupRoutine (argumentCount, argumentVector); dispatchOperation(programMode, argumentVector); return 0; } /****************************************************** * This routine checks the command line parameters and issues a usage statement if there are insufficient entries. *******************************************************/ int startupRoutine(int argc, char *argv []) { int loop; programMode = 0; switch (argc) {//GET, GETNEXT, SET, WALK, TRAP case 2: { programMode = TRAP; // printf("Program Mode is TRAP %d\n", programMode); break; } case 5: { programMode = GET; // printf("Program Mode is GET %d\n", programMode); break; } case 6: { programMode = SET; // printf("Program Mode is SET %d\n", programMode); break; } default: { printf ("usage: %s <Mode> <Agent> <Community> <Object ID> [<Value>]\n", argv [0]); exit (0x01); } } for (loop = 0; loop < TRAP; loop++) { if (!strcmp(argv[1], operationsArray[loop])) { programMode = loop; break; } } // printf("Final Program Mode is %s value %d\n", operationsArray[loop], // programMode); return programMode; } /******************************************************* * Issue the required operation *******************************************************/ int dispatchOperation(int programMode, char * argumentVector[]) { switch (programMode) { case GET: { doSnmpOperation(programMode, argumentVector[2], argumentVector[3], argumentVector[4], NULL); break; } case GETNEXT: { doSnmpOperation(programMode, argumentVector[2], argumentVector[3], argumentVector[4], NULL); break; } case WALK: { doSnmpOperation(programMode, argumentVector[2], argumentVector[3], argumentVector[4], NULL); break; } case SET: { doSnmpOperation(programMode, argumentVector[2], argumentVector[3], argumentVector[4], argumentVector[5]); break; } case TRAP: { doSnmpOperation(programMode, argumentVector[1], NULL, NULL, NULL); break; } default: { printf("Unknown dispatchOperation mode\n"); break; } } return 0; } /***************************************************** * Prepare for the user-requested operation including traps *******************************************************/ int prepareForOp(enum Operations reqOperation, LPSTR agentName, LPSTR community, char *objectIdentifier, char *objectValue) { if (reqOperation != TRAP) { allocateResources(agentName, community, objectIdentifier); prepareDataForOperation(reqOperation, objectValue); } return 0; } /******************************************************* * The following function is for a complete SNMP Agent operation. * The syntax for its use is as follows: * (i) reqOperation may have the value GET/SET/TRAP * (ii) agentName is the IP address or DNS name of the agent * (iii) community is the name of the SNMP community * (iv) objectIdentifier is the OID of interest * (v) objectValue is the value of the OID for set operations *******************************************************/ int doSnmpOperation(enum Operations reqOperation, LPSTR agentName, LPSTR community, char *objectIdentifier, char *objectValue) { prepareForOp(reqOperation, agentName, community, objectIdentifier, objectValue); switch (reqOperation) { case GETNEXT: case GET: case SET: { executeRequest(); displayMIBInstanceValue(reqOperation); break; } case WALK: { executeMibWalk(); break; } case TRAP: { waitForTraps(); break; } default: { break; } } return 0; } /******************************************************* * The following function copies the parameters into * the corresponding member variables. It does the following: * (i) Copies the SNMP Agent name into a private data member, * (ii) Copies the SNMP community name into a private data member, * (iii) Converts the object name into the correct OID format, * (iv) Sets up the variable bindings structure *******************************************************/ int allocateResources(LPSTR agentName, LPSTR community, char *objectIdentifier) { AsnObjectIdentifier reqObject; // Allocate space for the SNMP agent name or IP address SNMPAgentName = (LPSTR)SNMP_malloc(strlen(agentName) + 1); strcpy(SNMPAgentName, agentName); // Allocate space for the agent community SNMPCommunity = (LPSTR)SNMP_malloc(strlen(community) + 1); strcpy(SNMPCommunity, community); // Open an SNMP session createSNMPSession(); // Get specified object identifiers variableBindings.list = NULL; variableBindings.len = 0; // Convert the OID string representation to the internal representation. if (!SnmpMgrStrToOid(objectIdentifier, &reqObject)) { printf("Error: Invalid oid, %s, specified.\n", objectIdentifier); return FUNCTION_FAILED; } else { // Set up the variable bindings for the SNMP operation OIDstring = (LPSTR)SNMP_malloc(MAX_OID_NAME_LENGTH); if (!SnmpMgrOidToStr(&reqObject, &OIDstring)) { printf("Error: Invalid oid, %s, returned\n", OIDstring); return FUNCTION_FAILED; } SNMP_free(OIDstring); // It is here that the size of the variable bindings needs to be // decided and acted upon. The number of objects in this operation // is determined by the value of variableBindings.len // Add the required OID to the variable bindings list. variableBindings.len++; if ((variableBindings.list = (RFC1157VarBind *)SNMP_realloc( variableBindings.list, sizeof(RFC1157VarBind) * variableBindings.len)) == NULL) { printf("Error: Error allocating oid, %s.\n", objectIdentifier); return FUNCTION_FAILED; } variableBindings.list[variableBindings.len - 1].name = reqObject; // NOTE! structure copy variableBindings.list[variableBindings.len - 1].value.asnType = ASN_NULL; } return FUNCTION_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************* * The following function frees these parameters: * (i) The SNMP Agent name, * (ii) The SNMP community name, * (iii) The object name, * (iv) The variable bindings structure * (v) The SNMP session *******************************************************/ int deallocateResources() { // Free any dynamically allocated memory objects if(SNMPAgentName) { SNMP_free(SNMPAgentName); SNMPAgentName = NULL; } if(SNMPCommunity) { SNMP_free(SNMPCommunity); SNMPCommunity = NULL; } // Free the variable bindings that have been allocated. SnmpUtilVarBindListFree(&variableBindings); // Close the SNMP session with the remote agent if (!SnmpMgrClose(SNMPsession)) { printf("error on SnmpMgrClose %d\n", GetLastError()); return FUNCTION_FAILED; } return FUNCTION_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************* * Prepare for the required request *******************************************************/ int prepareDataForOperation(enum Operations reqOperation, unsigned char *newObjectValue) { int returnValue = FUNCTION_SUCCESS; switch (reqOperation) { case GET: { prepareGetOperation(); break; } case GETNEXT: { prepareGetNextOperation(); break; } case SET: { prepareSetOperation(newObjectValue); break; } case WALK: { break; } case TRAP: { break; } default: { returnValue = FUNCTION_FAILED; break; } } return returnValue; } /******************************************************* * Prepare for a Set request *******************************************************/ int prepareSetOperation(unsigned char *newObjectValue) { requestType = ASN_RFC1157_SETREQUEST; // Request that the API carry out the desired operation. variableBindings.len = 1; /* This is not sufficiently generalized, the type needs to be passed in as a parameter */ variableBindings.list[variableBindings.len - 1].value.asnType = ASN_OCTETSTRING; variableBindings.list[variableBindings.len - 1].value.asnValue.string.stream = (unsigned char *)newObjectValue; variableBindings.list[variableBindings.len - 1].value.asnValue.string.length = strlen((const char *) variableBindings.list[variableBindings.len - 1].value.asnValue.string. graphics/ccc.gif stream); return FUNCTION_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************* * Prepare for a Get request *******************************************************/ int prepareGetOperation() { requestType = ASN_RFC1157_GETREQUEST; return FUNCTION_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************* * Prepare for a GetNext request *******************************************************/ int prepareGetNextOperation() { requestType = ASN_RFC1157_GETNEXTREQUEST; return FUNCTION_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************* * Create a session with a remote agent *******************************************************/ int createSNMPSession() { if ((SNMPsession = SnmpMgrOpen(SNMPAgentName, SNMPCommunity, timeout, retries)) == graphics/ccc.gif NULL) { printf("error on SnmpMgrOpen %d\n", GetLastError()); return FUNCTION_FAILED; } return FUNCTION_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************* * Execute a MIB walk *******************************************************/ int executeMibWalk() { // Walk is a common term used to indicate that all MIB variables // under a given OID are to be traversed and displayed. This is // a more complex operation requiring tests and looping in addition // to the steps for get/getnext above. AsnObjectIdentifier root; AsnObjectIdentifier tempOid; SnmpUtilOidCpy(&root, &variableBindings.list[0].name); requestType = ASN_RFC1157_GETNEXTREQUEST; while(1) { if (!SnmpMgrRequest(SNMPsession, requestType, &variableBindings, &errorStatus, &errorIndex)) { // The API is indicating an error. printf("error on SnmpMgrRequest %d\n", GetLastError()); break; } else { // The API succeeded, errors may be indicated from the remote // agent. Test for end of subtree or end of MIB. if (errorStatus == SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_NOSUCHNAME SnmpUtilOidNCmp(&variableBindings.list[0].name, &root, root.idLength)) { printf("End of MIB subtree.\n\n"); break; } // Test for general error conditions or sucesss. if (errorStatus > 0) { printf("Error: errorStatus=%d, errorIndex=%d \n", errorStatus, errorIndex); break; } else { // Display resulting variable binding for this iteration. char *string = NULL; SnmpMgrOidToStr(&variableBindings.list[0].name, &string); printf("Variable = %s\n", string); if (string) SNMP_free(string); printf("Value = "); SnmpUtilPrintAsnAny(&variableBindings.list[0].value); } } // end if() // Prepare for the next iteration. Make sure the returned oid is // preserved and the returned value is freed. SnmpUtilOidCpy(&tempOid, &variableBindings.list[0].name); SnmpUtilVarBindFree(&variableBindings.list[0]); SnmpUtilOidCpy(&variableBindings.list[0].name, &tempOid); variableBindings.list[0].value.asnType = ASN_NULL; SnmpUtilOidFree(&tempOid); } // end while() // Free the variable bindings that have been allocated. SnmpUtilVarBindListFree(&variableBindings); SnmpUtilOidFree(&root); return 0; } /******************************************************* * Execute the required SNMP operation *******************************************************/ int executeRequest() { // Request that the API carry out the desired operation. if (!SnmpMgrRequest(SNMPsession, requestType, &variableBindings, &errorStatus, &errorIndex)) { // The API is indicating an error. printf("error on SnmpMgrRequest %d\n", GetLastError()); return FUNCTION_FAILED; } return FUNCTION_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************* * Display the retrieved OID instance value and type *******************************************************/ int displayMIBInstanceValue(enum Operations reqOperation) { // Display the resulting variable bindings. UINT i; char *string = NULL; printf ("SNMP Operation Type %s\n", operationsArray[reqOperation]); for (i = 0; i < variableBindings.len; i++) { SnmpMgrOidToStr(&variableBindings.list[i].name, &string); printf("MIB Object Instance = %s\n", string); if (string) SNMP_free(string); printf("Type and Value = "); SnmpUtilPrintAsnAny(&variableBindings.list[i].value); // Save the value of the retrieved instance //retrievedInstanceValue = variableBindings.list[i].value; } return FUNCTION_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************* * Initiate the process of listening for traps *******************************************************/ int waitForTraps() { // Trap handling can be done two different ways: event driven or // polled. The following code illustrates the steps to use event // driven trap reception in a management application. HANDLE hNewTraps = NULL; if (!SnmpMgrTrapListen(&hNewTraps)) { printf("error on SnmpMgrTrapListen %d\n", GetLastError()); } else { printf("snmputil: listening for traps...\n"); } while(1) { DWORD dwResult; if ((dwResult = WaitForSingleObject(hNewTraps, 0xffffffff)) == 0xffffffff) { printf("error on WaitForSingleObject %d\n", GetLastError()); } else if (!ResetEvent(hNewTraps)) { printf("error on ResetEvent %d\n", GetLastError()); } else { AsnObjectIdentifier enterprise; AsnNetworkAddress IPAddress; AsnInteger genericTrap; AsnInteger specificTrap; AsnTimeticks timeStamp; RFC1157VarBindList variableBindings; UINT i; char *string = NULL; while(SnmpMgrGetTrap(&enterprise, &IPAddress, &genericTrap, &specificTrap, &timeStamp, &variableBindings)) { printf("snmputil: trap generic=%d specific=%d\n", genericTrap, specificTrap); if (IPAddress.length == 4) { printf(" from -> %d.%d.%d.%d\n", (int)IPAddress.stream[0], (int)IPAddress.stream[1], (int)IPAddress.stream[2], (int)IPAddress.stream[3]); } if (IPAddress.dynamic) { SNMP_free(IPAddress.stream); } for (i = 0; i < variableBindings.len; i++) { SnmpMgrOidToStr(&variableBindings.list[i].name, &string); printf("Variable = %s\n", string); if (string) SNMP_free(string); printf("Value = "); SnmpUtilPrintAsnAny(&variableBindings.list[i].value); } // end for() printf("\n"); SnmpUtilOidFree(&enterprise); SnmpUtilVarBindListFree(&variableBindings); } } } // end while() }

Network Management, MIBs and MPLS
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ISBN: 0131011138
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 150

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