Using the ROLLUP Clause

The ROLLUP clause extends GROUP BY to return a row containing a subtotal for each group along with a total for all groups. As you saw in Chapter 3, you use GROUP BY to group rows into blocks with a common column value. For example, the following query uses GROUP BY to group the rows from the employees2 table by department_id and uses SUM() to get the sum of the salaries for each division_id :

  SELECT division_id, SUM(salary)   FROM employees2   GROUP BY division_id;  DIV SUM(SALARY) --- ----------- BUS 1610000 OPE 1320000 SAL 4936000 SUP 1015000 

Passing a Single Column to ROLLUP

The following query rewrites the previous example to use ROLLUP . Notice the additional row at the end that contains the total salaries for all groups:

  SELECT division_id, SUM(salary)   FROM employees2   GROUP BY ROLLUP(division_id);  DIV SUM(SALARY) --- ----------- BUS 1610000 OPE 1320000 SAL 4936000 SUP 1015000  8881000 

Passing Multiple Columns to ROLLUP

You can pass multiple columns to ROLLUP , which then groups the rows into blocks with the same column values. The following example passes the division_id and job_id columns of the employees2 table to ROLLUP , which groups the rows by identical values in those columns. Notice the salaries are summed by division_id and job_id , and ROLLUP returns a row with the sum of the salaries in each division_id along with another row at the very end with the total salaries for all groups:

  SELECT division_id, job_id, SUM(salary)   FROM employees2   GROUP BY ROLLUP(division_id, job_id);  DIV JOB SUM(SALARY) --- --- ----------- BUS MGR 530000 BUS PRE 800000 BUS WOR 280000 BUS 1610000 OPE ENG 245000 OPE MGR 805000 OPE WOR 270000 OPE 1320000 SAL MGR 4446000 SAL WOR 490000 SAL 4936000 SUP MGR 465000 SUP TEC 115000 SUP WOR 435000 SUP 1015000  8881000 

Changing the Position of Columns Passed to ROLLUP

The next example switches division_id and job_id so that job_id is listed before division_id . This causes ROLLUP to return a row with the sum of the salaries in each job_id :

  SELECT job_id, division_id, SUM(salary)   FROM employees2   GROUP BY ROLLUP(job_id, division_id);  JOB DIV SUM(SALARY) --- --- ----------- ENG OPE 245000 ENG 245000 MGR BUS 530000 MGR OPE 805000 MGR SAL 4446000 MGR SUP 465000 MGR 6246000 PRE BUS 800000 PRE 800000 TEC SUP 115000 TEC 115000 WOR BUS 280000 WOR OPE 270000 WOR SAL 490000 WOR SUP 435000 WOR 1475000  8881000 

Using Other Aggregate Functions with ROLLUP

You can use any of the aggregate functions with ROLLUP (for a list of the aggregate functions, see Table 3-5 in Chapter 3). The following example uses AVG() to compute average salaries:

  SELECT division_id, job_id, AVG(salary)   FROM employees2   GROUP BY ROLLUP(division_id, job_id);  DIV JOB AVG(SALARY) --- --- ----------- BUS MGR 176666.667 BUS PRE 800000 BUS WOR 280000 BUS    322000 OPE ENG   245000 OPE MGR  201250 OPE WOR  135000 OPE 188571.429 SAL MGR 261529.412 SAL WOR  245000 SAL  259789.474 SUP MGR   232500 SUP TEC  115000 SUP WOR  145000 SUP  169166.667    240027.027 

Using the CUBE Clause

The CUBE clause extends GROUP BY to return rows containing a subtotal for all combinations of columns included in the CUBE clause along with a total at the end. The following example passes division_id and job_id to CUBE , which groups the rows by identical values in those columns. Notice the salaries are summed by division_id and job_id , and CUBE returns a row with the sum of the salaries in each division_id , along with the sum of all salaries in each job_id near the end, followed by another row at the very end with the total salaries:

  SELECT division_id, job_id, SUM(salary)   FROM employees2   GROUP BY CUBE(division_id, job_id);  DIV JOB SUM(SALARY) --- --- ----------- BUS MGR  530000 BUS PRE  800000 BUS WOR  280000 BUS   1610000 OPE ENG  245000 OPE MGR   805000 OPE WOR  270000 OPE   1320000 SAL MGR 4446000 SAL WOR 490000 SAL   4936000 SUP MGR  465000 SUP TEC   115000 SUP WOR   435000 SUP  1015000   ENG   245000   MGR  6246000   PRE  800000   TEC  115000   WOR 1475000     8881000 

Oracle9 i puts the extra rows from the CUBE at the end, but Oracle Database 10g puts the extra rows at the start. So, depending on the version of the database you are using, you may see the rows at the end or the beginning. You can always put in an ORDER BY clause if you must have the rows in a specific order. For example, you could add ORDER BY division_id, job_id to the previous query.

The next example switches division_id and job_id so that job_id is listed before division_id . This still results in CUBE returning the sums of the salaries by job_id and division _id, but the sums by job_id are returned first:

  SELECT job_id, division_id, SUM(salary)   FROM employees2   GROUP BY CUBE(job_id, division_id);  JOB DIV SUM(SALARY) --- --- ----------- ENG OPE  245000 ENG    245000 MGR BUS  530000 MGR OPE   805000 MGR SAL 4446000 MGR SUP   465000 MGR    6246000 PRE BUS  800000 PRE  800000 TEC SUP  115000 TEC   115000 WOR BUS  280000 WOR OPE  270000 WOR SAL   490000 WOR SUP  435000 WOR   1475000  BUS  1610000  OPE  1320000   SAL  4936000   SUP  1015000     8881000 

Using the GROUPING() Function

The GROUPING() function accepts a column and returns 0 or 1. GROUPING() returns 1 when the column value is null, and returns 0 when the column value is non-null. GROUPING() is only used in queries that use ROLLUP or CUBE . GROUPING() is useful when you want to display a value when a null would otherwise be returned.

Using GROUPING() with a Single Column in a ROLLUP

As you saw earlier in the section Passing a Single Column to ROLLUP, the last row in the example s result set contained a total of the salaries:

  SELECT division_id, SUM(salary)   FROM employees2   GROUP BY ROLLUP(division_id);  DIV SUM(SALARY) --- ----------- BUS   1610000 OPE  1320000 SAL  4936000 SUP  1015000   8881000 

The division_id column for the last row is null. You can use the GROUPING() function to determine whether this column is null, as shown in the following query. Notice GROUPING() returns 0 for the rows that have non-null division_id values, and 1 for the last row that has a null division_id :

  SELECT GROUPING(division_id), division_id, SUM(salary)   FROM employees2   GROUP BY ROLLUP(division_id);  GROUPING(DIVISION_ID) DIV SUM(SALARY) --------------------- --- -----------    0 BUS  1610000       0 OPE  1320000        0 SAL  4936000      0 SUP 1015000     1   8881000 

Using DECODE() to Convert the Returned Value from GROUPING()

You can use the DECODE() function to convert the 1 in the previous example to a meaningful value. The following example uses DECODE() to convert 1 to the string All divisions :

  SELECT   DECODE(GROUPING(division_id), 1, 'All divisions', division_id) AS   div,   SUM(salary)   FROM employees2   GROUP BY ROLLUP(division_id);  DIV    SUM(SALARY) ------------- ----------- BUS      1610000 OPE       1320000 SAL    4936000 SUP   1015000 All divisions 8881000 

Using DECODE() and GROUPING() to Convert Multiple Column Values

The next example extends the idea of replacing null values to a ROLLUP containing both the division_id and job_id . Notice null division_id values are replaced with the string All divisions , and null job_id values are replaced with All jobs :

  SELECT   DECODE(GROUPING(division_id), 1, 'All divisions', division_id) AS   div,   DECODE(GROUPING(job_id), 1, 'All jobs', job_id) AS job,   SUM(salary)   FROM employees2   GROUP BY ROLLUP(division_id, job_id);  DIV   JOB  SUM(SALARY) ------------- -------- ----------- BUS    MGR   530000 BUS PRE    800000 BUS   WOR 280000 BUS   All jobs 1610000 OPE  ENG 245000 OPE  MGR  805000 OPE   WOR   270000 OPE     All jobs 1320000 SAL    MGR    4446000 SAL    WOR    490000 SAL     All jobs  4936000 SUP    MGR    465000 SUP    TEC    115000 SUP    WOR    435000 SUP   All jobs  1015000 All divisions All jobs  8881000 

Using GROUPING() with CUBE

You can use the GROUPING() function with CUBE . For example:

  SELECT   DECODE(GROUPING(division_id), 1, 'All divisions', division_id) AS div,   DECODE(GROUPING(job_id), 1, 'All jobs', job_id) as job,   SUM(salary)   FROM employees2   GROUP BY CUBE(division_id, job_id);  DIV   JOB SUM(SALARY) ------------- -------- ----------- BUS   MGR   530000 BUS   PRE    800000 BUS   WOR   280000 BUS    All jobs  1610000 OPE  ENG  245000 OPE  MGR   805000 OPE   WOR   270000 OPE   All jobs 1320000 SAL   MGR    4446000 SAL    WOR     490000 SAL    All jobs 4936000 SUP    MGR   465000 SUP  TEC    115000 SUP   WOR   435000 SUP   All jobs  1015000 All divisions ENG   245000 All divisions MGR  6246000 All divisions PRE   800000 All divisions TEC     115000 All divisions WOR    1475000 All divisions All jobs 8881000 

Using the GROUPING SETS Clause

You use the GROUPING SETS clause to just get the subtotal rows. The following example uses GROUPING SETS to get the subtotals for salaries by division_id and job_id :

  SELECT division_id, job_id, SUM(salary)   FROM employees2   GROUP BY GROUPING SETS(division_id, job_id);  DIV JOB SUM(SALARY) --- --- ----------- BUS   1610000 OPE    1320000 SAL  4936000 SUP  1015000  ENG 245000  MGR  6246000  PRE 800000   TEC  115000  WOR 1475000 

Notice only subtotals for the division_id and job_id columns are returned: the total for all salaries is not returned. You ll see how you can get the total as well as the subtotals using the GROUPING_ID() function in the next section.

Using the GROUPING_ID() Function

You can use the GROUPING_ID() function to filter rows using a HAVING clause to exclude rows that don t contain a subtotal or total. The GROUPING_ID() function accepts one or more columns and returns the decimal equivalent of the GROUPING bit vector. The GROUPING bit vector is computed by combining the results of a call to the GROUPING() function for each column in order.

Computing the GROUPING Bit Vector

Earlier in the section Using the GROUPING() Function, you saw that GROUPING() returns 1 when the column value is null, and returns 0 when the column value is non-null.

For example:

  • If both division_id and job_id are non-null, GROUPING() would return 0 for both columns. The result for division_id is combined with the result for job_id , giving a bit vector of 00, whose decimal equivalent is 0. GROUPING_ID() therefore returns 0 when division_id and job_id are non-null.

  • If division_id is non-null (the GROUPING bit is 0), but job_id is null (the GROUPING bit is 1), the resulting bit vector is 01 and GROUPING_ID() returns 1.

  • If division_id is null (the GROUPING bit is 1), but job_id is non-null (the GROUPING bit is 0), the resulting bit vector is 10 and GROUPING_ID() returns 2.

  • If both division_id and job_id are null (both GROUPING bits are 0), the bit vector is 11 and GROUPING_ID() returns 3.

The following table summarizes these results.



Bit Vector

GROUPING_ID() Return Value
















An Example Query that Illustrates the Use of GROUPING_ID()

The following example passes division_id and job_id to GROUPING_ID() . Notice the output from the GROUPING_ID() function agrees with the expected returned values documented in the previous section:

  SELECT   division_id, job_id,   GROUPING(division_id) AS DIV_GRP,   GROUPING(job_id) AS JOB_GRP,   GROUPING_ID(division_id, job_id) AS grp_id,   SUM(salary)   FROM employees2   GROUP BY CUBE(division_id, job_id);  DIV JOB DIV_GRP  JOB_GRP  GRP_ID SUM(SALARY) --- --- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- BUS MGR    0   0  0  530000 BUS PRE   0   0   0  800000 BUS WOR    0    0     0   280000 BUS     0    1     1  1610000 OPE ENG  0    0  0  245000 OPE MGR    0    0  0   805000 OPE WOR   0   0    0  270000 OPE     0    1  1  1320000 SAL MGR   0  0    0 4446000 SAL WOR    0   0    0  490000 SAL   0   1  1  4936000 SUP MGR    0    0   0  465000 SUP TEC   0  0   0  115000 SUP WOR   0   0 0  435000 SUP     0    1   1  1015000   ENG    1   0    2  245000   MGR   1   0   2 6246000  PRE   1    0   2  800000   TEC  1   0  2  115000   WOR   1   0    2   1475000       1   1  3   8881000 

A Useful Application of GROUPING_ID()

One useful application of GROUPING_ID() is to filter rows using a HAVING clause. Your HAVING clause can exclude rows that don t contain a subtotal or total by simply checking if GROUPING_ID() returns a value greater than 0. For example:

  SELECT   division_id, job_id,   GROUPING_ID(division_id, job_id) AS grp_id,   SUM(salary)   FROM employees2   GROUP BY CUBE(division_id, job_id)   HAVING GROUPING_ID(division_id, job_id)  >  0;  DIV JOB GRP_ID SUM(SALARY) --- --- ---------- ----------- BUS    1  1610000 OPE     1  1320000 SAL      1  4936000 SUP   1  1015000  ENG   2  245000   MGR   2  6246000  PRE   2  800000  TEC   2  115000  WOR   2  1475000        3  8881000 

Using a Column Multiple Times in a GROUP BY Clause

You can use a column multiple times in a GROUP BY clause, which can enable you to reorganize your data or report on different groupings of data. For example, the following query contains a GROUP BY clause that uses division_id twice, once to group by division_id and the second in a ROLLUP :

  SELECT division_id, job_id, SUM(salary)   FROM employees2   GROUP BY division_id, ROLLUP(division_id, job_id);  DIV JOB SUM(SALARY) --- --- ----------- BUS MGR   530000 BUS PRE   800000 BUS WOR   280000 OPE ENG   245000 OPE MGR  805000 OPE WOR   270000 SAL MGR  4446000 SAL WOR  490000 SUP MGR  465000 SUP TEC   115000 SUP WOR  435000 BUS  1610000 OPE    1320000 SAL   4936000 SUP   1015000 BUS   1610000 OPE    1320000 SAL   4936000 SUP   1015000 

Notice, however, that the last four rows are duplicates of the previous four rows. You can eliminate these duplicates using the GROUP_ID() function, which you ll learn about next.

Using the GROUP_ID() Function

You can use the GROUP_ID() function to remove duplicate rows returned by a GROUP BY clause. GROUP_ID() doesn t accept any parameters. If n duplicates exist for a particular grouping, GROUP_ID returns numbers in the range 0 to n -1.

The following example rewrites the query shown in the previous section to include the output from GROUP_ID() . Notice GROUP_ID() returns 0 for all rows except the last four, which are duplicates of the previous four rows and GROUP_ID() returns 1:

  SELECT division_id, job_id, GROUP_ID(), SUM(salary)   FROM employees2   GROUP BY division_id, ROLLUP(division_id, job_id);  DIV JOB GROUP_ID() SUM(SALARY) --- --- ---------- ----------- BUS MGR    0  530000 BUS PRE  0  800000 BUS WOR    0   280000 OPE ENG   0  245000 OPE MGR  0   805000 OPE WOR    0  270000 SAL MGR  0   4446000 SAL WOR    0   490000 SUP MGR  0  465000 SUP TEC  0  115000 SUP WOR  0  435000 BUS   0 1610000 OPE    0 1320000 SAL    0  4936000 SUP    0  1015000 BUS      1   1610000 OPE    1  1320000 SAL     1  4936000 SUP      1   1015000 

You can eliminate duplicate rows using a HAVING clause that only allows rows whose GROUP_ID() is 0; for example:

  SELECT division_id, job_id, GROUP_ID(), SUM(salary)   FROM employees2   GROUP BY division_id, ROLLUP(division_id, job_id)   HAVING GROUP_ID() = 0;  DIV JOB GROUP_ID() SUM(SALARY) --- --- ---------- ----------- BUS MGR     0  530000 BUS PRE    0  800000 BUS WOR    0  280000 OPE ENG  0   245000 OPE MGR     0   805000 OPE WOR  0  270000 SAL MGR    0 4446000 SAL WOR   0  490000 SUP MGR   0  465000 SUP TEC   0  115000 SUP WOR  0  435000 BUS    0 1610000 OPE      0  1320000 SAL    0 4936000 SUP  0  1015000 

This concludes the discussion of the extended GROUP BY clauses.

Oracle Database 10g SQL
Oracle Database 10g SQL (Osborne ORACLE Press Series)
ISBN: 0072229810
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 217 © 2008-2017.
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