

EDIT command, 8, 146, 352
editing commands (SQL*Plus), 143 “145
editing SQL statements, 143 “145
editor, setting the default, 146
ELSE keyword, 335
ELSIF keyword, 335
employee relationships tree, 195
employees table, 18, 19
employees2 table, 202 “203
EMPTY_BLOB() function, 431
EMPTY_CLOB() function, 431
ENABLE NOVALIDATE clause, 301, 304
ENABLE_AT_TIME() procedure, 267
END IF keyword, 335
END keyword, 333, 349
ENTER, pressing at the end of SQL statements, 28
environment variables , setting for Java, 477 “478
equal_example() procedure, 417
equality operator (=)
to compare nested tables, 417 “418
in joins, 45, 49
in a WHERE clause, 37, 167
equijoins , 49
era, datetime formatting parameters for, 108
ERASE() function, 449 “450
erase_example() procedure, 449 “450
error handling (PL/SQL), 333
Error ORA-00001 unique constraint violated, 253
Error ORA-00934 group function not allowed here, 97
Error ORA-00937 not a single-group function, 96
Error ORA-00942 table or view does not exist, 283 “284
Error ORA-01017 invalid username/password, 508
Error ORA-01031 insufficient privileges, 277
Error ORA-01427 single-row subquery returns more than one row, 170
Error ORA-02291 integrity constraint violated, 254
Error ORA-02292 integrity constraint violated, 254
Error PLS-00370 OTHERS handler must be last, 347
ESCAPE option, 40
EXCEPTION block (PL/SQL), 26, 333, 342, 345 “346,  349
exception handling, in Java, 498 “499
table of predefined, 343 “344
thrown by APPEND(), 441
thrown by COMPARE(), 445
thrown by COPY(), 447
thrown by CREATETEMPORARY(), 448
thrown by ERASE(), 449
thrown by FILECLOSE(), 451
thrown by FILECLOSEALL(), 451
thrown by FILEEXISTS(), 452
thrown by FILEGETNAME(), 452
thrown by FILEISOPEN(), 453
thrown by FILEOPEN(), 454
thrown by FREETEMPORARY(), 454
thrown by GETCHUNKSIZE(), 455
thrown by GETLENGTH(), 457
thrown by INSTR(), 457
thrown by ISOPEN(), 459
thrown by ISTEMPORARY(), 461
thrown by LOADBLOBFROMFILE(), 465
thrown by LOADCLOBFROMFILE(), 466
thrown by LOADFROMFILE(), 461
thrown by OPEN(), 467
thrown by READ(), 437
thrown by SUBSTR(), 468
thrown by TRIM(), 469
thrown by WRITE(), 441
thrown by WRITEAPPEND(), 469
exceptions (PL/SQL), 342 “347
executable statements (PL/SQL), 333
Execute button, 8
EXECUTE privilege on DBMS_FLASHBACK, 266
execute() method (JDBC), 487 “488, 491 “492, 498, 511
executeQuery() method, 487
executeUpdate() method, 491 “492
execution plan operations, table of, 547
execution plans, 542 “547
comparing, 541 “548
explained, 509
generating, 543 “544
involving table joins, 546 “547
stored in plan table, 545
EXISTS operator, 171, 174 “176, 547
with a correlated subquery, 174 “176
vs. DISTINCT, 537 “538
vs. IN, 175 “176, 537
EXIT command (SQL*Plus), 10, 25
EXIT statement, 336
EXIT WHEN statement, 336
EXPLAIN PLAN command (SQL*Plus), 542 “544
explain_plan.sql, 545 “546
expressions, using with functions, 71
EXTEND, using, 409 “410
extend_addresses() procedure, 409
extended GROUP BY clauses, 201 “203, 206 “207
EXTRACT() function, 130 “131

Oracle Database 10g SQL
Oracle Database 10g SQL (Osborne ORACLE Press Series)
ISBN: 0072229810
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 217 © 2008-2017.
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