Virtual Partition Host-Related Information


HP-UX Virtual Partitions
By Marty Poniatowski

Table of Contents
Chapter 13.  Networking


One aspect of Virtual Partitions that can be confusing is the host-related information associated with each Virtual Partition. Virtual Partitions are, for all intents and purposes, different hosts. This means that a system connecting to a Virtual Partition thinks it is an altogether separate host from any other Virtual Partition running on the same server. So for each Virtual Partition you have both information defining the Virtual Partition and information defining the host. From a networking standpoint, such as connecting to a Virtual partition using telnet, you would use the host name. From a Virtual Partition standpoint, such as issuing vPar commands such as vparstatus, you would use the vPar name. It is highly desirable for these two names to be the same so that you can issue any command using one name that defines both the vPar and hostname.

In our earlier example in Chapter 2 we loaded HP-UX 11i on two separate disks, each of which would be used for a separate Virtual Partition. When loading the operating systems for the respective Virtual Partitions, you can specify the host-related information when loading the operating systems. For instance, at the time you are loading HP-UX 11i, you can enter hostname and other system-related information. This information is different for each instance of HP-UX 11i because even though the Virtual Partitions are running on the same physical server, the instances of 11i are used for different Virtual Partitions. The Virtual Partitions are really different hosts and will, therefore, have different system-related parameters. The host-related information can be changed for each Virtual Partition using set_parms after the HP-UX 11i has been installed or after the Virtual Partition is up and running.

The concept of having multiple hosts on one physical computer can take a little getting used to for UNIX users who are accustomed to servers with only one instance of HP-UX and therefore only one set of host-related information.


The Virtual Partition-related information such as name can be modified with vparmodify. The host-related information is updated with set_parms (or manually by updating the appropriate files.) So for each Virtual Partition you have both information defining the Virtual Partition and information defining the host.

Let's take a look at two Virtual Partitions with vparstatus to view the I/O addresses corresponding to the LAN interfaces of the two vPars:

 # vparstatus -v  [Virtual Partition Details]  Name:         cable1  State:        Up  Attributes:   Dynamic,Manual  Kernel Path:  /stand/vmunix  Boot Opts:  [CPU Details]  Min/Max:  2/3  Bound [Path]:  33                 37  Unbound [Path]:  [IO Details]  BOOT  CONSOLE                            <-- LAN for cable1  [Memory Details]  Specified [Base  /Range]:            (bytes) (MB)  Total Memory (MB):  2048  [Virtual Partition Details]  Name:        cable2  State:       Up  Attributes:  Dynamic,Manual  Kernel Path: /stand/vmunix  Boot Opts:  [CPU Details]  Min/Max:  1/2  Bound [Path]:  97  Unbound [Path]:  101  [IO Details], BOOT                           <-- LAN for cable2  [Memory Details]  Specified [Base  /Range]:            (bytes) (MB)  Total Memory (MB):  1024  # 

These two hardware paths correspond to different Local Bus Adapters (LBAs), which is a requirement at the time of this writing. The first vPar uses the Core I/O card at LBA 0, and the second vPars uses LBA 10. Let's now proceed to see the software configuration of these two cards.

We had been working with a vPar name cable1 extensively with many of our examples in Chapter 2. The following shows the contents of the /etc/ hosts file on for the vPar cable1:

 # cat /etc/hosts  # @(#)B.11.11_LRhosts $Revision: $ $Date: 96/10/08  13:20:01 $  #  # The form for each entry is:  # <internet address>    <official hostname> <aliases>  #  # For example:  #    hpfcrm  loghost  #  # See the hosts(4) manual page for more information.  # Note: The entries cannot be preceded by a space.  #     The format described in this file is the correct format.  #      The original Berkeley manual page contains an error  in  #       the format description.  #    cvhdcon3    cvhdcon4       localhost       loopback  # 

There is no mention of the vPar name cable1 in this file. As far as HPUX is concerned, the hostname of cvhdcon3 is all that is required for this host and this Virtual Partition. The hostname for the second vPar running on this system is cvhdcon4. The communication between these two hosts is over the network cable using the two hostnames shown in /etc/hosts. The vPar names are not present in the /etc/hosts file. All of the vPar-related information is in /etc/vpdb. You may want to add an alias of the vPar name if indeed your hostname and Virtual Partition name are different. You could add an alias in the /etc/hosts file of cable1 for cvhdcon3 and an alias of cable2 for cvhdcon4.

Let's now run ifconfig on both hosts to see how the network interfaces are set up:

 # hostname  cvhdcon3  # ifconfig lan0  lan0: flags=843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>          inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast  #  ---------------------------- #  hostname  cvhdcon4  # ifconfig lan1  lan1: flags=843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>          inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast  # 

Note the LAN interface for the first vPar is lan0 and the second is lan1. There are two LAN interfaces in this server, and even though they are separate vPars and instances of HP-UX, two different LAN interface names are required for the server to discern one interface from the other, as we'll see in the upcoming netconf files.

Host-related information is stored in /etc/rc.config.d/netconf. The following listing shows information related to cvhdcon3 and again has no mention of the vPar name cable1:

netconf on host cvhdcon3 (vPar cable1)

 # cat /etc/rc.config.d/netconf  # netconf:  configuration values for core networking subsystems  #  # @(#)B.11.11_LR $Revision: $ $Date: 97/09/10 15:56:01 $  #  # HOSTNAME:           Name of your system for uname -S and hostname  #  # OPERATING_SYSTEM:   Name of operating system returned by uname -s  #                     ---- DO NOT CHANGE THIS VALUE ---- #  # LOOPBACK_ADDRESS:   Loopback address  #                     ---- DO NOT CHANGE THIS VALUE ---- #  # IMPORTANT:  for 9.x-to-10.0 transition, do not put blank lines between  # the next set of statements  HOSTNAME="cvhdcon3"  OPERATING_SYSTEM=HP-UX  LOOPBACK_ADDRESS=  # Internet configuration parameters.  See ifconfig(1m), autopush(1m)  #  # INTERFACE_NAME:     Network interface name (see lanscan(1m))  #  # IP_ADDRESS:         Hostname (in /etc/hosts) or IP address in decimal-dot  #                     notation (e.g.,  #  # SUBNET_MASK:        Subnetwork mask in decimal-dot notation, if different  #                     from default  #  # BROADCAST_ADDRESS:  Broadcast address in decimal-dot notation, if  #                     different from default  #  # INTERFACE_STATE:    Desired interface state at boot time.  #                     either up or down, default is up.  #  # DHCP_ENABLE         Determines whether or not DHCP client functionality  #                     will be enabled on the network interface (see  #                     auto_parms(1M), dhcpclient(1M)). DHCP clients get  #                     their IP address assignments from DHCP servers.  #                     1 enables DHCP client functionality; 0 disables it.  #  # For each additional network interfaces, add a set of variable assignments  # like the ones below, changing the index to "[1]", "[2]" et cetera.  #  # IMPORTANT:  for 9.x-to-10.0 transition, do not put blank lines between  # the next set of statements  INTERFACE_NAME[0]=lan0                     <-- lan0  IP_ADDRESS[0]=  SUBNET_MASK[0]=  BROADCAST_ADDRESS[0]=""  INTERFACE_STATE[0]=""  DHCP_ENABLE[0]=0  # Internet routing configuration.  See route(1m), routing(7)  #  # ROUTE_DESTINATION:  Destination hostname (in /etc/hosts) or host or network  #                     IP address in decimal-dot notation, preceded by the word  #                     "host" or "net"; or simply the word "default".  #  # ROUTE_MASK:         Subnetwork mask in decimal-dot notation, or C language  #                     hexadecimal notation.  This is an optional field.  #                     A IP address, subnet mask pair uniquely identifies  #                     a subnet to be reached. If a subnet mask is not given,  #                     then the system will assign the longest subnet mask  #                     of the configured network interfaces to this route.  #                     If there is no matching subnet mask, then the system  #                     will assign the default network mask as the route's  #                     subnet mask.  #  # ROUTE_GATEWAY:      Gateway hostname (in /etc/hosts) or IP address in  #                     decimal-dot notation.  If local interface, must use the  #                     same form as used for IP_ADDRESS above (hostname or  #                     decimal-dot notation). If loopback interface, i.e.,  #           , the ROUTE_COUNT must be set to zero.  #  # ROUTE_COUNT:        An integer that indicates whether the gateway is a  #                     remote interface (one) or the local interface (zero)  #                     or loopback interface (e.g., 127.*).  #  # ROUTE_ARGS:         Route command arguments and options.  This variable  #                     may contain a combination of the following arguments:  #                     "-f", "-n" and "-p pmtu".  #  # For each additional route, add a set of variable assignments like the ones  # below, changing the index to "[1]", "[2]" et cetera.  #  # IMPORTANT:  for 9.x-to-10.0 transition, do not put blank lines between  # the next set of statements  # ROUTE_DESTINATION[0]=default  # ROUTE_MASK[0]=""  # ROUTE_GATEWAY[0]=""  # ROUTE_COUNT[0]=""  # ROUTE_ARGS[0]=""  # Dynamic routing daemon configuration.  See gated(1m)  #  # GATED:        Set to 1 to start gated daemon.  # GATED_ARGS:   Arguments to the gated daemon.  GATED=0  GATED_ARGS=""  #  # Router Discover Protocol daemon configuration.  See rdpd(1m)  #  # RDPD:         Set to 1 to start rdpd daemon  #  RDPD=0  #  # Reverse ARP daemon configuration.  See rarpd(1m)  #  # RARP:         Set to 1 to start rarpd daemon  #  RARP=0  ROUTE_GATEWAY[0]=  ROUTE_COUNT[0]=1  ROUTE_DESTINATION[0]=default  # 

Although there is a substantial amount of information in this file such as hostname, IP address, subnet mask, and gateway, there is no entry for any vPar-specific information.

The /etc/rc.config.d/netconf for cvhdcon4 specifies lan1 as the networking interface for this vPar, as shown in the following listing. These are two separate hosts that must communicate over their respective networking interfaces. The system has in it one lan interface (lan0) devoted to cvhdcon3 (vPar cable1) and a second lan interface (lan1) devoted to cvhdcon4 (vPar cable2). The lan0 and lan1 references in the respective netconf files are required in order to devote the two lan cards to their respective vPars.

netconf on host cvhdcon4 (vPar cable2)

 # cat /etc/rc.config.d/netconf  # netconf:  configuration values for core networking subsystems  #  # @(#)B.11.11_LR $Revision: $ $Date: 97/09/10 15:56:01 $  #  # HOSTNAME:           Name of your system for uname -S and hostname  #  # OPERATING_SYSTEM:   Name of operating system returned by uname -s  #                     ---- DO NOT CHANGE THIS VALUE ---- #  # LOOPBACK_ADDRESS:   Loopback address  #                     ---- DO NOT CHANGE THIS VALUE ---- #  # IMPORTANT:  for 9.x-to-10.0 transition, do not put blank lines between  # the next set of statements  HOSTNAME="cvhdcon4"  OPERATING_SYSTEM=HP-UX  LOOPBACK_ADDRESS=  # Internet configuration parameters.  See ifconfig(1m), autopush(1m)  #  # INTERFACE_NAME:     Network interface name (see lanscan(1m))  #  # IP_ADDRESS:         Hostname (in /etc/hosts) or IP address in decimal-dot  #                     notation (e.g.,  #  # SUBNET_MASK:        Subnetwork mask in decimal-dot notation, if different  #                     from default  #  # BROADCAST_ADDRESS:  Broadcast address in decimal-dot notation, if  #                     different from default  #  # INTERFACE_STATE:    Desired interface state at boot time.  #                     either up or down, default is up.  #  # DHCP_ENABLE         Determines whether or not DHCP client functionality  #                     will be enabled on the network interface (see  #                     auto_parms(1M), dhcpclient(1M)). DHCP clients get  #                     their IP address assignments from DHCP servers.  #                     1 enables DHCP client functionality; 0 disables it.  #  # For each additional network interfaces, add a set of variable assignments  # like the ones below, changing the index to "[1]", "[2]" et cetera.  #  # IMPORTANT:  for 9.x-to-10.0 transition, do not put blank lines between  # the next set of statements  INTERFACE_NAME[0]=lan1                     <-- lan1  IP_ADDRESS[0]=  SUBNET_MASK[0]=  BROADCAST_ADDRESS[0]=""  INTERFACE_STATE[0]=""  DHCP_ENABLE[0]=0  # Internet routing configuration.  See route(1m), routing(7)  #  # ROUTE_DESTINATION:  Destination hostname (in /etc/hosts) or host or network  #                     IP address in decimal-dot notation, preceded by the word  #                     "host" or "net"; or simply the word "default".  #  # ROUTE_MASK:         Subnetwork mask in decimal-dot notation, or C language  #                     hexadecimal notation.  This is an optional field.  #                     A IP address, subnet mask pair uniquely identifies  #                     a subnet to be reached. If a subnet mask is not given,  #                     then the system will assign the longest subnet mask  #                     of the configured network interfaces to this route.  #                     If there is no matching subnet mask, then the system  #                     will assign the default network mask as the route's  #                     subnet mask.  #  # ROUTE_GATEWAY:      Gateway hostname (in /etc/hosts) or IP address in  #                     decimal-dot notation.  If local interface, must use the  #                     same form as used for IP_ADDRESS above (hostname or  #                     decimal-dot notation). If loopback interface, i.e.,  #           , the ROUTE_COUNT must be set to zero.  #  # ROUTE_COUNT:        An integer that indicates whether the gateway is a  #                     remote interface (one) or the local interface (zero)  #                     or loopback interface (e.g., 127.*).  #  # ROUTE_ARGS:         Route command arguments and options.  This variable  #                     may contain a combination of the following arguments:  #                     "-f", "-n" and "-p pmtu".  #  # For each additional route, add a set of variable assignments like the ones  # below, changing the index to "[1]", "[2]" et cetera.  #  # IMPORTANT:  for 9.x-to-10.0 transition, do not put blank lines between  # the next set of statements  # ROUTE_DESTINATION[0]=default  # ROUTE_MASK[0]=""  # ROUTE_GATEWAY[0]=""  # ROUTE_COUNT[0]=""  # ROUTE_ARGS[0]=""  # Dynamic routing daemon configuration.  See gated(1m)  #  # GATED:        Set to 1 to start gated daemon.  # GATED_ARGS:   Arguments to the gated daemon.  GATED=0  GATED_ARGS=""  #  # Router Discover Protocol daemon configuration.  See rdpd(1m)  #  # RDPD:         Set to 1 to start rdpd daemon  #  RDPD=0  #  # Reverse ARP daemon configuration.  See rarpd(1m)  #  # RARP:         Set to 1 to start rarpd daemon  #  RARP=0  ROUTE_GATEWAY[0]=  ROUTE_COUNT[0]=1  ROUTE_DESTINATION[0]=default  # 

We can also view and configure networking-related in SAM. Figure 13-1 shows networking-related information for lan1 on the second vPar (cable2) in SAM:

Figure 13-1. SAM LAN Card Configuration for Second vPar


These windows display the information that we viewed in various files and at the command line earlier. Some system administrators prefer modifying and viewing information in SAM and others at the command line.


    HP-UX Virtual Partitions
    HP-UX Virtual Partitions
    ISBN: 0130352128
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2002
    Pages: 181 © 2008-2017.
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