Chapter Summary

[Page 18 (continued)]

Technical Terms





class hierarchy

class inheritance

class method

class variable


computer program


high-level language


instance method

instance variable





object code

object oriented


source code



Unified Modeling Language (UML)


[Page 19]

Summary of Important Points

  • A computer system generally consists of input/output devices, primary and secondary memory, and a central processing unit. A computer can only run programs in its own machine language, which is based on the binary code. Special programs known as compilers and interpreters translate source code programs written in a high-level language, such as Java, into machine language object code programs.

  • Application software refers to programs designed to provide a particular task or service; systems software assists the user in using application software.

  • The client/server model is a form of distributed computing in which part of the software for a task is stored on a server and part on client computers.

  • HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the language used to encode WWW documents.

  • A Java program is a set of interacting objects. This is the basic metaphor of object-oriented programming.

  • An object in a Java program encapsulates the program's attributes (or variables) and actions (or methods). A variable is a named memory location where data of an appropriate type can be stored. A method is a named section of code that can be called (or invoked) when needed.

  • An object's methods are used to pass messages to it.

  • A class is an abstract template that defines the characteristics and behaviors of all objects of a certain type.

  • An object is an instance of a class. An object has instance methods and instance variables. A class method (or class variable) is a method (or variable) that is associated with the class itself, not with its instances.

  • A constructor is a special method that is used to construct objects.

  • Java classes are organized into a class hierarchy, with the Object class at the top of the hierarchy. For a given class, classes that occur below it in the hierarchy are called its subclasses, while classes that occur above it are called its superclasses.

  • Classes inherit attributes and methods from their superclasses. This is known as class inheritance.

  • The main principles of the object-oriented programming approach are as follows:

    - Divide and Conquer: Successful problem solving involves breaking a complex problem into objects.

    - Encapsulation and Modularity: Each object should be assigned a clear role.

    - Public Interface: Each object should present a clear public interface that determines how other objects will use it.

    - Information Hiding: Each object should shield its users from unnecessary details of how it performs its role.

    - Generality: Objects should be designed to be as general as possible.

    - Extensibility: Objects should be designed so that their functionality can be extended to carry out more specialized tasks.

    - Abstraction is the ability to focus on certain important features of an object while ignoring other features.

Java, Java, Java(c) Object-Orienting Problem Solving
Java, Java, Java, Object-Oriented Problem Solving (3rd Edition)
ISBN: 0131474340
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 275 © 2008-2017.
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