Recipe 8.8. Autocompleting a Text Field


You want to create a text field that automatically completes the rest of a word fragment or partial phrase as the user enters it.


Use the autocompletion feature of the JavaScript library.

You need to define a list of possible matches for autocompletion to search. This solution draws from a list of musicians in a database. Define a musicians table, and populate it with a migration:


class CreateMusicians < ActiveRecord::Migration   def self.up     create_table :musicians do |t|       t.column :name, :string     end     Musician.create :name => 'Paul Motion'     Musician.create :name => 'Ed Blackwell'     Musician.create :name => 'Brian Blade'     Musician.create :name => 'Big Sid Catlett'     Musician.create :name => 'Kenny Clarke'     Musician.create :name => 'Jack DeJohnette'     Musician.create :name => 'Baby Dodds'     Musician.create :name => 'Billy Higgins'     Musician.create :name => 'Elvin Jones'     Musician.create :name => 'George Marsh'     Musician.create :name => 'Tony Williams'   end   def self.down     drop_table :musicians   end end

Then associate the table with an Active Record model:


class Musician < ActiveRecord::Base end

Next, use the javascript_include_tag in your layout to include the and Prototype JavaScript libraries.


<html> <head>   <title>Musicians: <%= controller.action_name %></title>   <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %> </head> <body> <%= yield %> </body> </html>

The controller contains a call to auto_complete_for; the arguments to this method are the model object and the field of that object to be used for completion possibilities:


class MusiciansController < ApplicationController   auto_complete_for :musician, :name   def index   end   def add     # assemble a band...   end end

The field being completed will typically be used as part of a form. Here we create a simple form for entering musicians:


<h1>Musician Selection</h1> <% form_tag :action => :add do %>    <%= text_field_with_auto_complete :musician, :name %>   <%= submit_tag 'Add' %> <% end %>


The JavaScript library provides support for autocompletion of text fields by displaying a list of possible completions as text is being entered. Users can enter a portion of the text and select the complete word or phrase from a drop-down list. As more text is entered, the list of suggested completions is continually updated to include only possibilities that contain that text. The matching is case insensitive, and a completion is selected with the Tab or Enter keys. By default, 10 possibilities are displayed in ascending alphabetical order.

The call to auto_complete_for in the controller takes the model, and the field to search in that model, as arguments. An optional third argument is a hash that lets you override the defaults for what possibilities are selected and how they're returned. This hash can contains any option accepted by the find method.

Figure 8-8 demonstrates how a list of possible completions are displayed as text is entered.

Figure 8-8. A text input field with an autocomplete drop-down menu

See Also

  • Section 8.9"

Rails Cookbook
Rails Cookbook (Cookbooks (OReilly))
ISBN: 0596527314
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 250
Authors: Rob Orsini © 2008-2017.
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