

Back Clipping On/Off tool, 723
Back UCS orientation, 674, 675
Background dialog box, 741 “742, 741, 752
background grids, 91 “93
for icons, 875
information on, 617
Background Image dialog box, 741
background plots, 343
background scenes and images, 741 “742 , 741 “742
in Layout tabs, 307, 307
for text, 832 “833 , 833
backslashes (\)
in menus , 884
for spaces, 464
Backspace key, 45
backwards text, 369
base angles, 85
base points
for blocks, 129 “130
with inserting symbols, 138, 180
for selecting objects, 58 “62
with stretching, 67
Baseline tool, 418
Baseline Dimension tool, 419
baselines, dimensions from, 418 “419 , 419
batch plotting
sheet sets, 993 “994 , 993
working with, 345 “346
Batch Standards Checker, 947 “950 , 948 “949
Batting line type, 176, 233, 899
BC text option, 377
Begin grouping operator, 563
Beside The Dimension Line option, 413
Bezier curves, measuring, 227
Binary option for .dxf files, 624
Bind external reference option, 279
Bind External References option, 909
bisecting Xline angles, 222
bitmap images
in 3D models, 753 “758 , 754 “758
brightness, contrast, and strength of, 498 “500 , 500
clipping, 498 , 499
exporting, 626 “628 , 627
frames for, 500 “502 , 501 “502
for icons, 875
importing, 492 “495
plotting, 338
quality of, 500 “501 , 501 “502
saving rendered views as, 762
scaling, 496
scanning, 492 “495
transparency of, 501 “502
visibility of, 496 “497
Bitmap OLE option, 636
BL text option, 377
Blipmode system variable, 243, 610
blips, 50, 243
Block Attribute Manager dialog box, 466 “467, 466
Block command, 130
Block Definition dialog box, 129 “132, 129, 986
Block option for break lines, 841
Block Reference option, 442
adding and removing objects in, 285 “286 , 285 “286
with associative dimensioning, 431
with attributes, 452 “454 , 453, 457 “460 , 459 “460,467 “468
exploding, 139 “140
Express Tools for, 836 “837 , 837
vs. external references, 272 “273, 277
extracting information from, 471 “473 , 472 “473
with frozen layers , 253
inserting, 132 “136 , 132 “134, 259, 457 “460
layers for, 161
for leader text, 442
listing, 181 “182
log files for, 182 “184
as markers, 602
moving, 138, 139
names for, 141 “142, 260, 287
purging, 235 “236
redefining, 139 “140
replacing, 142 “143
saving, 141 “142
shapes for, 846 “848 , 847
with sheet sets, 975 “983 , 975, 978 “981
substituting, 260 , 288, 289
for symbols, 128 “132
with UCS, 687
unblocking, 139 “140
updating, 259 “261 , 260
Blocktoxref dialog box, 837, 837
.bmp files. See bitmap images
bo command, 612
Boolean operations, 73, 772 “773, 774
BORDER linetypes , 175, 895
for tables, 389 “390, 389, 394
for viewports, 540
Bottom UCS orientation, 674, 675
Boundary Creation dialog box, 612 “613, 612
Boundary Hatch And Fill dialog box, 254 “256, 254
advanced options for, 265 “267 , 265
for gradients, 267 “269 , 268
options in, 264 “265
for solid fills, 604
tips for, 269 “270
Boundary Set options, 266 “267
Boundary utility, 611 “613
boundary windows , 348, 349, 351, 351, 355 “356 , 355
bounded space, area of, 611 “613 , 612
BOX command, 775
Box tool, 775
boxes, 772, 773, 775 “776
BR text option, 377
brackets ([] <>)
with calculator, 569
for default options, 51
for line types, 898 “899
for menu items, 886 “887
Break at Point command, 163
Break at Point tool, 37, 37, 163, 163
Break-Line Symbol tool, 841
break lines, 841 “842
Break Link option, 635
Break tool, 37, 37, 506 “507, 583
breakat macro, 862 “864 , 863
keyboard macro for, 861 “864 , 863
lines, 163, 506 “507, 507
objects, 217 “218 , 217
polylines, 583
vertices, 583, 583
brightness of raster images, 498 “500 , 500
Browse external reference option, 279
Browse feature in DesignCenter searches, 936
Browse For Folder dialog box, 183
Browse The Web dialog box, 926
Browse The Web-Select Hyperlink dialog box, 927
Browse To Another Sheet Set To Use As An Example
option, 967
Browsed Pages option, 929
building on objects, 510 “518 , 510 “518
Button Editor dialog box, 874 “876, 874
Button Properties tab, 869 “870 , 869, 872 “873, 873
buttons , 869 “870
creating, 872 “876
editing, 879
icons for, 874 “876 . See also icons
ByBlock color assignment, 181
ByLayer color assignment, 181, 953

Mastering AutoCAD 2005 and AutoCAD LT 2005
Mastering AutoCAD 2005 and AutoCAD LT 2005
ISBN: 0782143407
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 261
Authors: George Omura © 2008-2017.
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