Conversion Functions

Conversion functions are used to convert a value from one format to another. An example would be converting a numeric value into a string or converting the string back into a numeric value. These functions are extremely useful for switching values between various formats. For example, you may have a four-figure number where you want the second digit on its own. One of the easiest ways to do this is to convert the number into a string and then use the Mid function to separate out that digit. You can then convert it back to a numeric for the purposes of performing further calculations.


Cstr converts a value to a string. The following example will produce the string "1234":



CInt converts a value or a string to an integer (2 bytes). There are no decimal places shown. Both of the following examples will give the value 123:

 CInt (123.45) 

CInt does not work like the Int function and instead rounds to the nearest whole number instead of rounding down. If there are any non-numerical characters in the expression, you will get a Type Mismatch error.


CLng converts a value or a string to a long integer (4 bytes). There are no decimal places shown. Both of the following examples will return the value 123456789:


Note that CLng does not work like the Int function and rounds to the nearest whole number instead of rounding down. If there are any non-numerical characters in the expression, you will get a Type Mismatch error.


CDbl converts a value or a string to a double precision floating point number (8 bytes) where decimal places are allowed:


This will return the value 123.56789.

If there are any nonnumeric characters in the expression, you will get a Type Mismatch error.


Val converts a string to a value. It is more forgiving than CInt or CLng because it will accept nonnumeric characters:


This will give the value 123. The following will give the value 123.45:


The next example will give the value 12:


The following will give the value 0, meaning there are no numeric characters to evaluate:


Excel VBA Macro Programming
Excel VBA Macro Programming
ISBN: 0072231440
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 141 © 2008-2017.
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