Don t waste the chance

Don’t waste the chance

It’s easy to implement e-learning badly. You take out a contract with a provider of off-the-shelf product, you load it on your intranet and send an email around to say that e-learning courses are now available as and when needed (as long as it’s in your own time). These courses are not related to priority business objectives, neither do they lead to valued external qualifications. The rest of the training programme stays as it always was. So what happens? Nothing. What did you expect?

E-learning is not just another way of delivering product to your empty open learning centres. It’s a route to strategic change in training. To more learning, cheaper learning, more accessible learning, more measurable learning. Don’t waste the chance.

E-Learning's Greatest Hits
E-learnings Greatest Hits
ISBN: 0954590406
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 198 © 2008-2017.
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