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Just as with IBGP, EBGP routes might not get installed in the IP routing table, resulting in a lack of IP traffic reachability to those routes. Multiple causes of this problem might exist, depending on which EBGP scenario is being looked at. The most common causes of EBGP routes not getting installed are as follows :
The sections that follow discuss these causes and how to resolve the problem based on the cause. EBGP-Learned Route Not Getting Installed in IP Routing TableCause: BGP Routes Are DampenedDampening is the way to minimize instability in a local BGP network caused by unstable BGP routes from EBGP neighbors. RFC 2439, "BGP Route Flap Damping," describes in detail how dampening works. In short, dampening is the way to assign a penalty for a flapping BGP route. A withdrawal of a prefix is considered a flap. A penalty of 1000 is assigned for each flap; if the flap penalty reaches the suppress limit because of continued flaps (default 2000), the BGP path is suppressed and is taken out of the routing table. This penalty is decayed exponentially based on the half-life time (default 15 minutes). When the penalty reaches the reuse value (default 750), the path is unsuppressed and is installed in the routing table and advertised to other BGP neighbors. Any dampened path can be suppressed only until the max suppress time (default 60 minutes). Dampening is applied only to EBGP neighbors, not to IBGP neighbors. BGP dampening is off by default; the following BGP command turns on dampening: router bgp 109 bgp dampening Cisco IOS Software allows dampening parameters to be changed and are defined as follows: router bgp 1009 bgp dampening half-life-time reuse suppress maximum-suppress-time Here, the value range for the options is as follows:
Figure 15-22 shows the flowchart to follow to resolve this problem. Figure 15-22. Problem-Resolution Flowchart Debugs and VerificationFigure 15-23 shows a simple EBGP setup between R1 and R2 in AS 109 and AS 110, respectively. R2 has advertised to R1. To show how dampening works, R2 is made to flap multiple times. Removing the route in R2's routing table and putting it back can simulate flapping. R1 receives these flaps and, if configured with dampening, assigns penalties per flap. Figure 15-23. EBGP Setup to Demonstrate Route Dampening Example 15-53 shows the necessary debugs run to observe the dampening feature in R1 running Cisco IOS Software. Example 15-53 Observing the BGP Dampening FeatureR1# debug ip bgp dampening 1 R1# debug ip bgp updates 1 access-list 1 permit Most of the BGP debugs can be run along with an access list to limit the output created by these debugs. Access list 1 is permitting only Example 15-54 shows the debug output and flap statistics in BGP output. Example 15-54 Debugs to Verify Dampening of 13 03:33:57.966 MST: BGP(0): rcv UPDATE about -- withdrawn Dec 13 03:33:57.966 MST: BGP(0): charge penalty for path 110 with halflife-time 15 reuse/suppress 750/2000 Dec 13 03:33:57.966 MST: BGP(0): flapped 4 times since 00:02:58 . New penalty is 3838 R1# show ip bgp BGP routing table entry for, version 17 Paths: (1 available, no best path) Flag: 0x208 Not advertised to any peer 110, ( suppressed due to dampening ) from ( Origin IGP, metric 0, localpref 100, valid, external Dampinfo: penalty 3793, flapped 4 times in 00:03:13 , reuse in 00:35:00 Highlighted debug and show command output shows that has flapped four times in 3 minutes and 13 seconds. For each flap, a penalty of 1000 is assigned; because the suppress limit of 2000 has been exceeded, is suppressed and removed from the routing table. SolutionIf R1 wants to reinstall, it can do the following:
Example 15-55 shows how the dampened path can be cleared and immediately get installed in the routing table. debug ip bgp update 1 is on to display the activity in the BGP process. Example 15-55 Clearing BGP Dampening Through a Command Line with Debugs OnR1# clear ip bgp dampening Dec 13 03:36:56.205 MST: BGP(0): Revise route installing -> to main IP table The output in Example 15-55 came from debug ip bgp update 1 running to display activity of going into the IP routing table. Example 15-56 shows the final BGP routing table entries. Example 15-56 BGP Routing Table EntriesR1# show ip bgp BGP routing table entry for, version 18 Paths: (1 available, best #1, table Default-IP-Routing-Table) Flag: 0x208 Not advertised to any peer 110 from ( Origin IGP, metric 0, localpref 100, valid, external, best R1# show ip route Routing entry for Known via "bgp 109", distance 20, metric 0 Tag 110, type external Last update from 00:02:45 ago Routing Descriptor Blocks: *, from, 00:02:45 ago Route metric is 0, traffic share count is 1 AS Hops 1, BGP network version 0 EBGP-Learned Route Not Getting Installed in IP Routing TableCause: BGP Next Hop Not Reachable in Case of Multihop EBGPIn a multihop EBGP session, EBGP speakers are not directly connected. Peering between loopback addresses of adjacent routers also is considered multihop. This problem of an EBGP multihop route not getting installed in an IP routing table is identical to the IBGP next hop issue; however, most of the commonly seen problems occur when the router fails to resolve the next-hop address to an interface. In this problem, the multihop EBGP next hop is reachable through a BGP route whose next hop is again the original multihop BGP next hop. For example, to reach prefix A, the next hop is prefix B; to reach prefix B, the next hop is again B. This is considered a recursion problem in which a router cannot resolve to an interface to reach the next hop B. Figure 15-24 shows how R2 will not install routes from R1 whose next hop cannot be resolved to an interface. Figure 15-24. R2 Fails to Install Routes from R1 Because of Next Hop/Interface Resolution Figure 15-25 shows the flowchart to follow to resolve this problem. Figure 15-25. Problem-Resolution Flowchart Debugs and VerificationR1 and R2 are peering to each other's Loopback addresses. R1 is advertising to its multihop EBGP neighbor R2 with a next hop of R2 has a default route that it uses to form a BGP neighbor relationship with R1, but failure to resolve the next hop to an interface results in routes not getting installed in the routing table. Example 15-49 shows that R2 is receiving from R1 with the next hop of However, this next hop is advertised by R1 to R2 only through BGP. Notice in the output of Example 15-57 that the next hop for BGP update of is R2 can never resolve the reachability for through any physical interface. In Cisco IOS Software, BGP can detect this behavior and marks as an unacceptable route to go in Best Path calculation and thus never go in the IP routing table. Example 15-57 EBGP Multihop Will Not Be Capable of Resolving the Next HopR2# show ip bgp BGP routing table entry for, version 2 Paths: (1 available, best #1, table Default-IP-Routing-Table) Flag: 0x208 Not advertised to any peer 109 from ( Origin IGP, metric 0, localpref 100, valid, external, best R2# show ip bgp BGP routing table entry for, version 5 Paths: (1 available, no best path) Flag: 0x208 Not advertised to any peer 109 (inaccessible) from ( Origin IGP, metric 0, localpref 100, valid, external R2# show ip route Routing entry for Known via "bgp 110", distance 20, metric 0 Tag 109, type external Last update from 00:00:38 ago Routing Descriptor Blocks: * , from 131.108. 10.1, 00:00:38 ago Route metric is 0, traffic share count is 1 AS Hops 1 R2# show ip route Routing entry for Known via "bgp 110", distance 20, metric 0 Tag 109, type external Last update from 00:00:38 ago Routing Descriptor Blocks: * , from 131.108. 10.1, 00:00:04 ago Route metric is 0, traffic share count is 1 AS Hops 1 Note the time stamp in IP route output; it is resetting every minute. This route in Example 15-57 will keep coming and going every minute as the Cisco IOS Software BGP scanner process detects such inconsistencies in the BGP next hop and removes that route. SolutionThe solution to this problem based on this cause is to simply have a more specific route for the next-hop address. In the case of EBGP, this is commonly done by having a static route for the multihop EBGP peering address. This instance is observed in the case of multihop EBGP sessions when the next-hop address is not directly connected and the IP routing table must have an explicit route to the next-hop address. The simple solution lies in creating a static route from R2 to reach the R1 loopback, which is the next hop of all prefixes advertised by R1 to R2. This can be done with the following command on R2: ip route The static route is the loopback address of R1, and is the physical interface address of R1. EBGP-Learned Route Not Getting Installed in the Routing TableCause: Multiexit Discriminator (MED) Value Is InfiniteIn Cisco IOS Software, if a multiexit discriminator (MED) is set to infinite 4294967295, the router will not install this route in the routing table. Figure 15-26 shows the flowchart to follow to resolve this problem. Figure 15-26. Problem-Resolution Flowchart Debugs and VerificationIn Cisco IOS Software, an infinite MED in a BGP update makes it incapable of entering the routing table. This rare occurrence is typically the result of misconfiguration. Example 15-58 shows the output of the BGP table for prefix Notice the metric value of 4.29 billion, which Cisco IOS Software considers as infinite. Example 15-58 also shows how R2 can be configured to set the MED value equal to 4.29 billion. The infinite metric sometimes is used in route servers, which provide a mirror view of the Internet BGP table. Setting the metric to infinity prohibits such routes from going in the IP routing table, so no IP traffic will use those routes. This case is discussed here just to show a corner case of a BGP path not getting installed in the routing table. Such a configuration is not seen in real BGP networks. Example 15-58 BGP Route Table for Prefix Indicates a Metric Set to InfinityR2# show ip bgp BGP routing table entry for, version 0 Paths: (1 available, no best path) Not advertised to any peer 1 from ( Origin IGP, metric 4294967295 , localpref 100, valid, external R2# show ip route % Network not in table R2# router bgp 2 no synchronization neighbor remote-as 1 neighbor route-map SET_MED in R2# show route-map SET_MED route-map SET_MED, permit, sequence 10 Match clauses: Set clauses: metric 4294967295 Policy routing matches: 0 packets, 0 bytes |
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