Section 6.1. Using Behaviors

6.1. Using Behaviors

Atlas behaviors are similar to the behaviors introduced by Microsoft for Internet Explorer: you can attach a predefined Atlas behavior to an HTML element just as you can attach an Internet Explorer behavior. For instance, one behavior that ships with IE allows you to "do something when the mouse pointer hovers over an element," such as a button, perhaps altering its color or font. The base Atlas library ships with the following behaviors:

  • Sys.UI.PopupBehavior

  • Sys.UI.ClickBehavior

  • Sys.UI.HoverBehavior

  • Sys.UI.AutoCompleteBehavior

Each of these behaviors functions just as its name suggests. Each will be covered in greater detail in this chapter, except from AutoCompleteBehavior, which will be covered in Chapter 1.

Other behaviors are defined in additional Atlas libraries that you can optionally reference in your application. These include:

  • Sys.UI.FloatingBehavior (defined in AtlasUIDragDrop.js)

  • Sys.UI.OpacityBehavior (defined in AtlasUIGlitz.js)

  • Sys.UI.LayoutBehavior (defined in AtlasUIGlitz.js)

Of special interest is the AtlasUIGlitz.js library, which will be covered in Chapter 7, and the behavior for drag-and-drop operations from the AtlasUIDragDrop.js file, which is covered in Chapter 1.

6.1.1. Using the Click Behavior

The behavior defined in Sys.UI.ClickBehavior does what the name suggests: it ties an action to an HTML element. When the user clicks on the element, the action is executed.

The example shown in this section demonstrates this approach. This example emulates tabbed browsing, a popular feature of browsers such as Firefox, Opera, and Internet Explorer 7. Two <div> elements represent the two tabs; the user can toggle between the two tabs using two <span> elements:

 <div>   <span  style="background-color: Fuchsia;">Tab 1</span>   <span  style="background-color: Fuchsia;">Tab 2</span> </div> <div  style="visibility: visible; position: absolute; top: 35px; left: 10px">   This is the first tab.<br />   It is full of Atlas information.<br />   Although it seems to be full of dummy text. </div> <div  style="visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 35px; left: 10px">   This is the second tab.<br />   It is full of Atlas information as well.<br />   Although it seems to be full of dummy text, too. </div> 

The rest of the page will consist of declarative elements only, so no code is required. Once again, xml-script will come to life. First of all, the two <div> elements must be registered so that they can be accessed later using behaviors. As you probably remember, there is no client-side web control in Sys.UI that represents a <div> panel.

However, since the panels must only be made visible or invisible, a generic <control> element can be used, as shown in the following snippet:

 <control  /> <control  /> 

The behaviors must be attached to the individual <span> elements. First, the element itself is required:

 <label > ... </label> 

Then, a set of subelements comes into play:

  • A <behaviors> element for all behaviors to attach to the element.

  • An element to implement each behavior. In case of the click behavior, a <clickBehavior> element must be used.

  • Within this element, a <click> subelement must be defined, which identifies the event associated with this behavior. (It is possible for some behaviors to listen to more than one event.) Here's the markup:

     <label >   <behaviors>     <clickBehavior>       <click>       ...       </click>     </clickBehavior>   </behaviors> </label> 

Then, the <setProperty> or <invokeMethod> elements introduced in Chapter 5 enter the stage. When a user clicks the first <span> element, the first panel is made visible, and the second invisible. Here's the markup that accomplishes that:

 <label >   <behaviors>     <clickBehavior>       <click>     <setProperty target="Panel1" property="visible" value="true" />     <setProperty target="Panel2" property="visible" value="false" />       </click>     </clickBehavior>   </behaviors> </label> 

For the second <span> element, the first panel must be made invisible and the second one invisible. Example 6-1 shows the complete markup required to implement a tabbed page.

Example 6-1. Using the click behavior

 BehaviorClick.aspx <%@ Page Language="C#" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head runat="server">   <title>Atlas</title> </head> <body>   <form  runat="server">     <atlas:ScriptManager runat="server"  />     <div>       <span  style="background-color: Fuchsia;">Tab 1</span>       <span  style="background-color: Fuchsia;">Tab 2</span>     </div>     <div  style="visibility: visible; position: absolute; top: 35px; left: 10px">       This is the first tab.<br />       It is full of Atlas information.<br />       Although it seems to be full of dummy text.     </div>     <div  style="visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 35px; left: 10px">       This is the second tab.<br />       It is full of Atlas information, as well.<br />       Although it seems to be full of dummy text, too.     </div>   </form>   <script type="text/xml-script">     <page xmlns:script="">       <components>         <control  />         <control  />     <label >     <behaviors>     <clickBehavior>     <click>     <setProperty target="Panel1" property="visible" value="true" />     <setProperty target="Panel2" property="visible" value="false" />     </click>     </clickBehavior>     </behaviors>     </label>     <label >     <behaviors>     <clickBehavior>     <click>     <setProperty target="Panel1" property="visible" value="false" />     <setProperty target="Panel2" property="visible" value="true" />     </click>     </clickBehavior>     </behaviors>     </label>       </components>     </page>   </script> </body> </html> 

Figure 6-1 shows the page displayed by the markup in Example 6-1.

Figure 6-1. Clicking on the labels loads the associated tab

Note that the mouse cursor does not change when hovering over the click area, unlike the way it would when hovering over a hyperlink.

6.1.2. Using the Hover Behavior

An event quite similar to the client click event is the hover event. In Java-Script, the correct events are mouseover and focus, but hover is more common in the CSS world (for instance, the hover CSS pseudoclass introduced in Internet Explorer).

To use the hover behavior, only a few changes are required from the click example. Instead of specifying <clickBehavior>, you use <hoverBehavior>; and instead of <click>, you use <hover> to specify the event.

Example 6-2 implements the application shown in Example 6-1, but this time, hovering over the <span> elements triggers the tab swapping that previously required a click.

Example 6-2. Using the hover behavior

 BehaviorHover.aspx <%@ Page Language="C#" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head runat="server">   <title>Atlas</title> </head> <body>   <form  runat="server">     <atlas:ScriptManager runat="server"  />     <div>       <span  style="background-color: Fuchsia;">Tab 1</span>       <span  style="background-color: Fuchsia;">Tab 2</span>     </div>     <div  style="visibility: visible; position: absolute; top: 35px; left: 10px">       This is the first tab.<br />       It is full of Atlas information.<br />       Although it seems to be full of dummy text.     </div>     <div  style="visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 35px; left: 10px">       This is the second tab.<br />       It is full of Atlas information, as well.<br />       Although it seems to be full of dummy text, too.     </div>   </form>   <script type="text/xml-script">     <page xmlns:script="">       <components>         <control  />         <control  />         <label >           <behaviors>     <hoverBehavior>     <hover>                 <setProperty target="Panel1" property="visible" value="true" />                 <setProperty target="Panel2" property="visible" value="false" />     </hover>     </hoverBehavior>           </behaviors>         </label>         <label >           <behaviors>     <hoverBehavior>     <hover>                 <setProperty target="Panel1" property="visible" value="false" />                 <setProperty target="Panel2" property="visible" value="true" />     </hover>     </hoverBehavior>           </behaviors>         </label>       </components>      </page>   </script> </body> </html> 

There are two new features as well. First, there is an additional element, <unhover>, which describes an event that occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the element (in JavaScript terms, mouseout). Second, the hover behavior (or, the <hoverBehavior> element, to be exact) supports the unhoverDelay property. It denotes in milliseconds the delay between hovering over the element and the moment the unhover event is actually raised. The default value for unhoverDelay is 0, so the event is fired immediately.

Note that in Example 6-2, the <unhover> element is not used. Since users like to move the mouse pointer when reading text, the tabs remain visible even after the mouse moves away from the <span> elements.

Programming Atlas
Programming Atlas
ISBN: 0596526725
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 146 © 2008-2017.
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