

WAR Export dialog, 525
WAR file
completing export information, 525 “526
export dialog, 525
selecting to export, 524 “525
Web application
graphical representation of, 7
parts of, 6
running, 116 “117, 124, 133 “135, 161 “162, 181
WebArt Designer
designing and adding a logo, 221 “241
save dialog, 229
starting, 221 “223
WebArt Designer dialog, 222
WebArt Designer window, 228
Web browser, 77
Web-enabled application
creating in Administrative Console (version 3.5), 527 “534
installing to a remote WebSphere Application Server, 456 “464
looking at, in Administrative Console, 518 “519
opening the index.html page, 74 “77
response time, 89
running, 87 “93, 465
running in Administrative console, 519 “520
running in WebSphere Application Server Version 3.5, 536 “537
setting up the application server in Administrative Console (version 3.5), 534 “536
starting the application server, 462
testing the Help documentation, 94 “95
WebFaced applications
aligning headings with columns , 408 “411
invocation of, 11
invoking programmatically, 477 “478
job environment, 314 “317
proportional versus nonproportional fonts, 408 “409
starting, 314 “315
tracing of, 290 “303
WebFaced user interface
adding a static graphic, 393 “395
adding dynamic graphics to, 395 “399
adding graphics to, 392 “399
WebFacing run time, 292
changing mapping rules, 192 “193
converting iSeries source members ( See iSeries source members: converting to Web Files)
function of, 2
goal of, 8
JavaScript functions in, 369
model, 11
WebFacing conversion
DSPF Conversion Log page, 70
end of, 66
finding results of, 70
Overview page, 68 “69
Referenced Keywords page, 69
starting, 66
UIM Help Conversion Log page, 71
uses of, 61
WebFacing Driver section, 68
WebFacing environment API. See Application Program Interface (API)
WebFacing help, DDS support tables section, 69
WebFacing help documentation, setup information for earlier versions, 78
WebFacing highlighted style class, changing, 128 “133
WebFacing JavaScript functions, 369
WebFacing mapping rules, changing, 192 “193
WebFacing perspective, 63, 74, 98
conversion in, 64
Navigator tab in, 126
opening, 40 “41, 120
Remote System Explorer (RSE) perspective and, 40
WebFacing project icon, 75
WebFacing Project page, completing, 43
WebFacing projects
adding a new style class, 387 “390
adding graphics to the WebFaced user interface, 392 “399
adding HTML tags, 363 “386
adding pop-up calendars, 375 “383
adding source members to, 59
aligning headings with columns, 408 “411
choosing a Web style, 56
cleaning up the Web page, 249 “251, 281 “287
Command key recognition patterns node, 140
completing the information for, 57 “58
completing the Specify CL commands page, 53 “55
completing the WebFacing Project page, 43
conversion of, 61
creating, 36 “60, 198 “204
creating a new connection in WebSphere Development Studio Client, 46 “53
deleting, 205, 212
directory structure of, 184
environment of, 58 “59
expanding to find .invocation file, 487
exporting files, 508 “509
handling the Publishing failure message, 209 “212
inserting HTML, 363 “384
.invocation file, with, 187
opening the WebFacing perspective, 40 “41
options for values, 390 “392
pop-up menu, 120, 140
possible problems when creating or deleting, 198
Properties menu option for, 146
removing the WAR file from the module list, 208
seeing page as it would appear in browser, 246 “ 247, 278
selecting display file source members to convert, 46
specifying project name , 199
user-defined HTML, 384 “386
WebFacing Projects tab, 65
WebFacing Projects view, 58
activating, 65
expanding the Servers folder, 80
Navigator tab highlighted, with, 79
WebFacing project template
changing, 411 “413
directory structure for, 411 “412
WebFacing project wizard, 43
last page, 57
showing expanded library WFLABXX, 51
style selection page, 56
tree view, 59
using, 420
WebFacing project wizard page, specify CL commands, 54
WebFacing properties, Color chooser dialog for, 158
WebFacing PTF level, checking, 423
WebFacing reconversion, Customer name cells after, 105
WebFacing run time, 7, 8 “13
changing trace flags, 296 “302
locating tracing files, 290 “295
switching back to default, 302 “303
WFRun.jar file, 292
WebFacing run-time environment, invocation command and, 53
WebFacing server, 16
checking whether reactive to a request, 428
does not start, 424 “428
error messages for, 424 “425
setting up, 16 “17
WebFacing style classes, changing, 125 “128
WebFacing Tools
authentication dialog, 168
basic concepts behind, 6 “13
conversion of, 7 “8
conversion of DDS windows , 32
function of, 1
passing parameters, 472 “477
removing default text added by, 249 “251, 281 “287
required names for, 46
run time, 8 “13
specifying command key descriptions, 145 “148
struts run time and, 170
WebFacing wizard, launching, 59
Web page
adding blank space to, 256
adding combination box, 494
adding form tag, 491
adding push button, 496
changing font for heading text, 493
creating, 488 “497
Web perspective, 63
Web project
calling a servlet, 491 “492
Create a Web Project dialog, 479
Create a Web Project wizard, 480
creating new, 478 “480
creating a servlet, 481 “488
creating a Web page, 488 “497
finding in Web Content directory, 498
running the application, 498 “499
Web Projects folder structure, log file in, 300
Web services tools, function of, 4
Web settings, 97
adding a new style class, 387 “390
appearance and text, 387 “399
applying, 102 “105
corresponding display file objects and, 361
hyperlink, for, 104
Visibility page, 106
Web Settings list, CUSTOMER field, for, 103
Web Settings page
changing the instructions, 113
CODE Designer window in, 103 “105
Web settings tab, 102
Web Settings Visibility page, accessing, 106
WebSphere Administrative Server Version 3.5 Administrative Console ( See Administrative Console (version 3.5))
starting Administrative Console, 526 ( See also Administrative Console (version 3.5))
WebSphere Application Server (WAS) Environment, 73
WebSphere Application Server Express 5.0, 443. See also WebSphere Application Server (WAS) Version 5.0
control page, 450
installing the application to a remote WebSphere Application Server Express, 449 “455
WebSphere Application Server Express 5.0 for iSeries, 443
WebSphere Application Server (WAS) Test Environment
function of, 5
initiating, 76
minimum memory requirement for running, 76
restarting, 167
running the Web application, 167 “168
saving changes for, 83
WebSphere Application Server (WAS) Version 3.5
completing the WAR File Export information, 525 “526
exporting WebFacing project files to, 522 “523
selecting the WAR file to export, 524 “525
working with Administrative Console (version 3.5), 527 “534
WebSphere Application Server (WAS) Version 4.0
Administrative Console, 513 ( See also Administrative Console (version 4.0))
selecting the EAR file to export, 510 “512
setting up the test environment for, 78 “85
snoop application, 537
starting Administrative Console, 512 ( See also Administrative Console (version 4.0))
working with Administrative Console, 513 “520 ( See also Administrative Console (version 4.0))
WebSphere Application Server (WAS) Version 5.0. See also WebSphere Application Server (WAS) Express 5.0
copying WebFacing project files to, 444 “445
enabling HTTP server, 463 “464
exporting WebFacing project files to, 508 “509
exporting your EAR file, 446 “448
installing the Web-enabled application to, 456 “464
running the Web-enabled application, 465
sample directory structure, 468
saving application changes, 461
selecting a virtual host, 458
specifying the application server for installation, 460
updating the application server, 465 “469
WebSphere Development Studio Client. See WebSphere Development Studio Client Version 4.0; Development Studio Client Version 5.0
WebSphere Development Studio Client Version 4.0
adding pictures to Web page, 270 “272
Attributes dialog, 275
changing the class loader setup, 84 “87
CODE Designer in, 439 “441
properties dialog, 81
resetting, 22
Service Entry Points, 307
setting up WebSphere Application Server, 78
starting Page Designer in, 254 “256
switching to Navigator view, 251 “255
tips for when conversion does not work in, 439 “441
using debugger in, 327 “338
using Web tools in, 251 “287
WebSphere Development Studio Client Version 5.0, 1
adding pictures to Web page, 239 “241
advanced edition of, 5
changing the class loader setup, 83 “84, 85 “87
compatibility of applications with, 44
creating a new connection in, 46 “53
debugger requirements, 308
enhancements over Version 4.0, 3
initial window of, 39
installing, 17
product packaging of, 4
resetting, 18 “21
Service Entry Points, 307
setting up, 18 “21
starting the workbench for, 23
tools of, 3
using debugger in, 318 “327
using Web tools in, 214 “251
WebFacing perspective, in, 98
WebSphere Application Server test environment in, 73
working with debug perspective, 319 “325
WebSphere Development Studio Client workbench, starting, 38 “39
WebSphere Development Studio Web site, 16
WebSphere Development Tools for iSeries Version 5.1 (WDT)
components of, 2
upgrading, 17
WebSphere Studio, 2
WebSphere Studio Site Developer, invoking, 19
Web style, choosing, 56
Web tools, function of, 3, 5
Web User Interface
accessing DDS display file source, 98 “102
applying Web Settings, 102 “105
before creating, 37, 38 “39
changing the instruction, 112 “113
closing CODE Designer, 114 “115
hiding the Opt heading, 107 “111
hiding the Options column, 105 “106
hiding the Select instruction, 111 “112
reconverting the DDS member, 114 “115
running the Web application, 116 “117
WFLABXX library, 13 “14, 25
WFRun files, situations that may occur when renaming, 295
WFRun.jar file, 292
renaming, 293 “294
Window properties page
Body selection, 156
Border color combination box, 156
color selection dialog, 154, 156
Foreground group box, 154 “155
opening, 153 “154
Work Active Job (WRKACTJOB) command, 422
servers view in, 203, 211 “212
side toolbar with open perspectives, 287
workbench sidebar, open perspectives on, 63
workspace directory
renaming, 22
WebSphere Development Studio Client Version 4.0, in, 22
workspace selection, dialog for, 39
Work Spool File (WRKSPLF) command, 423
workstation manager enhancement, 10
Work with TCP connections Status list, 428

Understanding the IBM WebFacing Tool. A Guided Tour
Understanding the IBM WebFacing Tool: A Guided Tour (IBM Illustrated Guide series)
ISBN: 1931182094
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 153 © 2008-2017.
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