Appendix B. A Java Swing GUI for BudgetPro

This is the listing of the GUI for BudgetPro. For a discussion, see Chapter 16.

   1 package net.multitool.gui;   2   3 import java.awt.*;   4 import java.awt.event.*;   5 import javax.swing.*;   6 import javax.swing.event.*;   7 import javax.swing.table.*;   8 import java.util.*;   9 import net.multitool.core.*;  10  11 /**  12  * This class is the main application class for the BudgetPro gui  13  */  14  15 public class  16 BudgetPro  17 {  18   Account top;  19   Account current;  20  21  // gui components  22  private JFrame frame;   // needed by dialogs to root themselves  23  private JLabel nam;  24  private JLabel tot;  25  private JLabel val;  26  private JButton upton = new JButton(                        new ImageIcon("net/multitool/gui/back.gif"));  27  private JButton creat = new JButton("New Subaccount");  28  private JButton view = new JButton("View Subaccount");  29  private JButton clos = new JButton("Quit");  30  31  private JTable list;  32  private AbstractTableModel model;  33  34  private AcctDialog askem;   // make once, use often  35  36  // Set Up an Action for a Button  37  private ActionListener upAction = new ActionListener()  38  {  39    public void  40    actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)  41    {  42      // this is the action for UP arrow icon;  43      Account next;  44      next = current.getParent();  45      if (next != null) {  46        current = next;  47        setStatus();  48        // TODO: notify the table, too  49        model.fireTableDataChanged();  50      } // TODO: else infodialog or Beep.  51    }  52  } ;  53  54  private ActionListener cdAction = new ActionListener()  55  {  56    public void  57    actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)  58    {  59      // this is the action for VIEW subdirectory;  60      // a "cd" into the subaccount.  61      int row = list.getSelectedRow();  62      // System.out.println("Row="+row); // DEBUG; TODO: REMOVE  63      if (row > -1) {             // only if a row was selected  64        String subname = (String) model.getValueAt(row, 0); // name column  65        Account next = current.getSub(subname);  66        if (next != null) {  67          current = next;  68          // System.out.println("cd to:"+current.getName());  69          setStatus();  70          // notify the table, too  71          model.fireTableDataChanged();  72        } // TODO: else infodialog or Beep.  73      }  74    }  75  } ;  76  77  // TEST ONLY:  78  int testid = 0;  79  80  BudgetPro(JFrame frame, String username, String value)  81  {  82    this.frame = frame;  83    top = new Account("TopLevel", new User(username), value);  84    current = top;  85  86  } // constructor  87  88  private Component  89  createStatus()  90  {  91    JPanel retval = new JPanel();   // default: flow layout  92  93    upton.addActionListener(upAction);  94  95    nam = new JLabel("Account: Name");  96    tot = new JLabel("Total: $");  97    val = new JLabel("Remaining: $");  98  99    retval.add(upton); 100    retval.add(nam); 101    retval.add(tot); 102    retval.add(val); 103 104    setStatus(); 105 106    return retval; 107  } // createStatus 108 109  /** 110   * Set the values of the status fields, 111   * as when the account has changed. 112   */ 113  private void 114  setStatus() 115  { 116    nam.setText("Account: "+current.getName()); 117    tot.setText("Total: $"+current.getTotal()); 118    // tot.setText("SubAccounts: "+current.size()); 119    val.setText("Remaining: $"+current.getBalance()); 120 121    // disable the button if there is no "up" to go 122    if (current.getParent() == null) { 123        upton.setEnabled(false); 124    } else { 125        upton.setEnabled(true); 126    } 127 128  } // setStatus 129 130  private Component 131  createList() 132  { 133    JScrollPane retval; 134 135    model = new AbstractTableModel() 136      { 137        private String [] columnNames = {"Account", "Owner", "Value"}; 138 139        public String 140        getColumnName(int col) { 141          return columnNames[col]; 142        } // getColumnName 143 144        public int 145        getRowCount() 146        { 147          int retval; 148 149          if (current != null) { 150              retval = current.size(); 151          } else { 152              retval = 1;     // testing only 153          } 154 155          return retval; 156 157        } // getRowCount 158 159        public int getColumnCount() { return columnNames.length; } 160 161        public Object 162        getValueAt(int row, int col) { 163          Object retval = null; 164          Account aa = null; 165          // return "---";   // rowData[row][col]; 166          int count = 0; 167          for (Iterator itr=current.getAllSubs(); itr.hasNext(); ) 168          { 169            count++; 170            aa = (Account); 171            if (count > row) { break; } 172          } // next 173          switch (col) { 174          case 0: 175                  retval = aa.getName(); 176                  break; 177          case 1: 178                  retval = aa.getOwner(); 179                  break; 180          case 2: 181                  retval = aa.getTotal(); 182                  break; 183          } // endswitch 184          return retval; 185        } // getValueAt 186 187        public boolean 188        isCellEditable(int row, int col) 189        { 190          return false; 191        } // isCellEditable 192      }; 193    list = new JTable(model); 194    list.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); 195 196    list.getSelectionModel().addListSelectionListener( 197      new ListSelectionListener() 198      { 199        public void 200        valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) 201        { 202          ListSelectionModel lsm = (ListSelectionModel)e.getSource(); 203          if (lsm.isSelectionEmpty()) { 204              view.setEnabled(false); 205          } else { 206              view.setEnabled(true); 207          } 208        } // valueChanged 209      } 210    ); 211 212    retval = new JScrollPane(list); 213 214    return retval; 215 216  } // createList 217 218  private Component 219  createButtons(JRootPane root) 220  { 221    JPanel retval = new JPanel();   // default: flow layout 222 223    //Lay out the buttons from left to right. 224    retval.setLayout(new BoxLayout(retval, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); 225    retval.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10, 10, 10, 10)); 226    retval.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); 227    retval.add(creat); 228    retval.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(10, 0))); 229    retval.add(view); 230    retval.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(10, 0))); 231    retval.add(clos); 232 233    // ---------------------------------------- Define some actions 234    ActionListener closAction = new ActionListener() 235    { 236      public void 237      actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 238      { 239          System.exit(0); 240      } 241    } ; 242    clos.addActionListener(closAction); 243 244    ActionListener creatAction = new ActionListener() 245    { 246      public void 247      actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 248      { 249        Account child; 250        // get the info via a Dialog (of sorts) 251        if (askem == null) { 252            askem = new AcctDialog(frame, "New Subaccount"); 253        } else { 254            askem.clear(); 255            askem.setVisible(true); 256        } 257        String subName = askem.getName(); 258        String subAmnt = askem.getAmnt(); 259 260        // if empty, assume the operation was cancelled, else: 261        if ((subName != null) && (subName.length() > 0)) { 262            child = current.createSub(subName, subAmnt); 263            setStatus(); 264            model.fireTableDataChanged(); // notify the table 265        } 266      } 267    }; 268    creat.addActionListener(creatAction); 269 270    // function is to get selection from table and cd there 271    view.addActionListener(cdAction); 272    // but it starts off disabled, since there is no data yet 273    view.setEnabled(false); 274 275    // ------------------------------------------------------------ 276    frame.getRootPane().setDefaultButton(creat); 277    clos.grabFocus(); 278 279    return retval; 280 281  } // createButtons 282 283  public static void 284  main(String[] args) 285  { 286    BudgetPro app = null; 287 288    //Create the top-level container 289    JFrame frame = new JFrame("BudgetPro"); 290 291    // ----------- set up the account/app based on the command line args 292    try { 293        String username = System.getProperty("", "default"); 294        if (args.length > 0) { 295            app = new BudgetPro(frame, username, args[0]); 296         } else { 297            System.err.println("usage: BudgetPro dollar_amt"); 298            System.exit(1); 299         } 300    } catch (Exception e) { 301        System.err.println("Error on startup."); 302        e.printStackTrace(); 303        System.exit(2); 304    } 305 306    // ----------- now set up the UI and get things going 307    try { 308        UIManager.setLookAndFeel( 309                    UIManager.getCrossPlatformLookAndFeelClassName()); 310    } catch (Exception e) { 311        System.err.println("Can't set the desired look and feel."); 312        e.printStackTrace(); 313        System.exit(3); 314    } 315 316    // build the pieces and add them to the top-level container 317 318    Component status = app.createStatus(); 319    frame.getContentPane().add(status, BorderLayout.NORTH); 320 321    Component list = app.createList(); 322    frame.getContentPane().add(list, BorderLayout.CENTER); 323 324    Component buttons = app.createButtons(frame.getRootPane()); 325    frame.getContentPane().add(buttons, BorderLayout.SOUTH); 326 327    frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); 328    frame.pack(); 329    frame.setVisible(true); 330  } // main 331 332 } // class BudgetPro 

Here is the code for the dialog for creating new accounts,

   1 package net.multitool.gui;   2   3 import java.awt.*;   4 import java.awt.event.*;   5 import javax.swing.*;   6 import javax.swing.table.*;   7 import java.util.*;   8 import net.multitool.core.*;   9  10 class  11 AcctDialog  12   extends JDialog  13 {  14   JDialog dialog;   // for reference from the buttons' actions  15   JTextField nameField;  16   JTextField amntField;  17  18   AcctDialog(JFrame frame, String title)  19   {  20     super(frame, title, true);  21     dialog = this;  22     nameField = new JTextField(25);  23     amntField = new JTextField(9);  24  25     // right justify the numeric field  26     amntField.setHorizontalAlignment(JTextField.RIGHT);  27  28     // TODO: so that <Enter> will do a create  29     // this.getInputMap().put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("Enter"), "create");  30     /*  31       Action myAction = new AbstractAction("doSomething") {  32         public void actionPerformed() {  33           doSomething();  34         }  35       };  36       myComponent.getActionMap().put(myAction.get(Action.NAME), myAction);  37      */  38  39     //--------------------------------------------------Label on top----  40     JLabel label = new JLabel("<html><p align=left><i>"  41                    + "Enter the info to create a subaccount.<br>"  42                    + "</i>");  43     label.setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.LEFT);  44     Font font = label.getFont();  45     label.setFont(label.getFont().deriveFont(font.PLAIN, 14.0f));  46  47     //--------------------------------------------------Text Fields----  48     String[] labels = {"(Sub)Account Name: ", "Dollar Amount: "};  49     JTextField [] fields = {nameField, amntField};  50     int numPairs = fields.length;  51  52     //Create and populate the panel.  53     JPanel textes = new JPanel(new SpringLayout());  54     for (int i = 0; i < numPairs; i++) {  55       JLabel l = new JLabel(labels[i], JLabel.TRAILING);  56       textes.add(l);  57       l.setLabelFor(fields[i]);  // not nec. since we have no kb shortcuts  58       textes.add(fields[i]);  59     }  60  61     //Lay out the panel.  62     SpringUtilities.makeCompactGrid(textes,  63                                     numPairs, 2, //rows, cols  64                                     6, 6,        //initX, initY  65                                     6, 6);       //xPad, yPad  66  67  68     //--------------------------------------------------Buttons on bottom  69     JButton createButton = new JButton("Create");  70     createButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {  71       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {  72         nameField.grabFocus(); // before leaving, ready for next time.  73         dialog.setVisible(false);   // go away  74       }  75     });  76  77     JButton cancelButton = new JButton("Cancel");  78     cancelButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {  79       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {  80         clear(); // toss out any entry  81         dialog.setVisible(false);  82       }  83     });  84     getRootPane().setDefaultButton(createButton);  85  86     JPanel closePanel = new JPanel();  87     closePanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(closePanel, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS));  88     closePanel.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue());  89     closePanel.add(createButton);  90     closePanel.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(5, 0)));  91     closePanel.add(cancelButton);  92     closePanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10,0,5,5));  93  94     JPanel contentPane = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());  95     contentPane.add(label, BorderLayout.PAGE_START);  96     contentPane.add(textes, BorderLayout.CENTER);  97     contentPane.add(closePanel, BorderLayout.PAGE_END);  98     contentPane.setOpaque(true);  99     setContentPane(contentPane); 100 101     //Show it. 102     setSize(new Dimension(300, 160)); 103     setLocationRelativeTo(frame); 104     setVisible(true); 105 106   } // constructor 107 108   public String 109   getName() 110   { 111     String retval = null; 112     if (nameField != null) { 113       retval = nameField.getText(); 114     } 115     return retval; 116   } // getName 117      118   public String 119   getAmnt() 120   { 121     String retval = null; 122     if (amntField != null) { 123       retval = amntField.getText(); 124     } 125     return retval; 126   } // getAmnt 127 128   public void 129   clear() 130   { 131     nameField.setText(null); 132     amntField.setText(null); 133   } // clear 134 135 } // class AcctDialog 

    Java Application Development with Linux
    Java Application Development on Linux
    ISBN: 013143697X
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2004
    Pages: 292 © 2008-2017.
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