The .xsd Schema Files

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The .xsd Schema Files

An InfoPath form template has one or more W3C XML Schema documents ( .xsd files), which specify the permitted structure for the XML data that makes up the data source of the InfoPath form template. At least one W3C XML Schema document is created in the form template, whether you use an XML file, a W3C XML Schema document, a relational database, or an XML Web service as the data source when you initially create the form template.

When there is more than one W3C XML Schema document in a form template, then one W3C XML Schema document will reference the others using, for example, the xsd:import element. If you create a form template from an Access or SQL Server database that uses data from more than one table, you can expect there to be more than one W3C XML Schema document.


Hand-editing extracted InfoPath files can be a frustrating experience. One potential problem, particularly initially, is that you might not sufficiently understand the individual XML technology (for example, XSLT) and how precisely it is used in InfoPath. However, a more intractable problem in many editors in the initial release of InfoPath is the repeated need to scroll horizontally while reviewing and editing the content of extracted form template files.

As far as I can ascertain, there is no easy way to avoid the need for horizontal scrolling when hand-editing files, other than using fairly expensive XML editors such as XMLSPY. For example, the xsl:stylesheet element of an XSLT stylesheet includes multiple namespace declarations ”all on one excruciatingly long line. It is possible to hand-edit those to be laid out nicely, as I did for the listing shown earlier, but if you later edit the view that corresponds to that XSLT stylesheet, you can, frustratingly, expect your nice formatting to be undone. A feature request for InfoPath to create nicely formatted files has been submitted to Microsoft. Being able to easily scan files without the need for horizontal scrolling would make editing files much easier.

 <  Day Day Up  >  

Microsoft Office InfoPath 2003 Kick Start
Microsoft Office InfoPath 2003 Kick Start
ISBN: 067232623X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 206 © 2008-2017.
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