C#.NET, IBuySpy Portal and, 3

cachetime element, Module element (folder node), 452

caching, client-side script caching, 310

Calendar control, Events.ascx page, 386

callback requests, Page_Init handling, 320


Client API, 315–321

life cycle, 316–321

registration, 316–318

setup, 316–318

response handling, 321–322

Campbell, Richard, 36

Caron, Dan, 20, 26, 41

CAS (Code Access Security) environment, 30

categories, add-ons, 447

CBO (Custom Business Object) helper class, 379

CBOs (Custom Business Objects), 226–231, 234

properties, 246

values, 246

CBO.FillCollection method, 229

CBO Hydrator, 228–231

Charitable Donations model, 52

child portals, 86, 165–166


ActionBase, 272

ActionEventArgs, 272

ActionEventHandler, 272

CBO helper class, 379


EventLogController, 245–250

ExceptionLogController, 250–253

Edit Events code behind class, 405

EditEvents, 409–410

EventLogController, 244

EventsController class, 378

EventsController.vb class, 377

Exception Handling API, 253

ExceptionLogController, 244

Exceptions, 254–258

LogException method, 257

ProcessModuleLoadException method, 254–256

ProcessPageLoadException method, 256–257

ProcessScheduleException method, 258

LogController, 244

LogDetailInfo, 244

Logging Provider API, 244

LoggingProvider, 244

LogInfo, 244

LogInfoArray, 245

LogProperties, 245

LogTypeConfigInfo, 245

LogTypeInfo, 245

Module Action API, 271–272

ModuleAction, 272

ModuleActionCollection, 272

ModuleActionEventListener, 272

ModuleActionType, 272

ModuleSettingsBase, 399

Personalization HTTP module, 269

PortalModuleBase, 386, 388

PurgeLogBuffer, 245

SendLogNotifications, 245

Client API

BrowserSupportsFunctionality function, 307

callback events, handling, 320–321

callbacks, 315–321

lifecycle, 316–321

registration, 316–318

setup, 316–318

client-side functionality tests, 307

ClientAPICaps.config file, 308

DHTML support, 307

IClientAPICallbackEventHandler, 316–318

introduction, 306–307

methods, 306

objects, 306

using, 307–310

web controls, 323–324

Web Utility project and, 306

Client API-enabled DotNetNuke controls, 322–324

client/server communication

client side, 313–315

server side, 311–313

variable registration, client side, 311

client-side scripts

caching, 310

Presentation Layer, 232

client-side variables, values, 315

cnames, parent portals, 86

code add-ons, 447

modules, 448

module manifest file, 448–455

code-behind class, Events module, 398–399

code-behind regions, Events module, 390–393

communication between modules, 282

IModuleCommunicator interface, 283

IModuleListener interface, 283

IModuleSearchable interface, 283–286

Computer Wire, 22


Host Settings

Advanced, 158–163

Basic Settings, 152–157

IIS, installation and, 63–65

interface with module, 348–352

log types, 244


authentication, 131–135

File Manager, 123–125

languages, 125–131

pages, 117–121

security roles, 114–117

Site Settings, 106–114

skins, 121–123

Provider API, 226

Schedule, 181

skins, files, 467–469

Visual Studio .NET 2003 project, module building and, 344–348

Connelly, Cathal, 46


EventInfo class, 374

SQLDataProvider class, 366–367

Contacts module, 91, 201. See also Feedback module

container style sheet, skins, 440

ContainerControl property, 388

ContainerName attribute, 441

containers, 89, 90

Actions control, 441

add-ons, 472

creating, 441–445

example, 444

file types, 424

filenames, 472

installation, 473

module containers, 192

packages, 472

packaging, 424

pane level skinning, 441

Presentation Layer, 232

skin objects, 442–443

attributes, 443–444

Site Wizard, 101

ContainerSrc attribute, 441

ContainerType attribute, 441

[CONTENTPANE] skin object, 429

Content Panes, 415

attributes, 439

Control element, folder node, 452

Control Panel, 97, 98

Classic version, 98

Help button, 105

ICONBAR and, 98

Preview button, 105

Site Wizard

container, default, 101

logo, 103–104

site details, 102–103

skins, 100

templates, 98–100

Controller class, 348

Events module, 378

object creation, 377–382

controller classes, event logging, 245

EventLogController, 245–250

ExceptionLogController, 250–253


Address, 401

Audit, 401

Client API-enabled, 322–324

Dual List, 401

EditEvents.ascx, 400–404

Events module, 390

Help, 401

Label, 401

Module, 195

Section Head, 401

Skin, 401

Skin Thumbnail, 401

Text Editor, 401

URL, 401

URL Tracking, 401

controls element, Module element (folder node), 452

copyleft licensing, 13

Copyright Site Setting, 112

[COPYRIGHT] skin object, 428

copyrights, intellectual property, 33

Core Team, 14–15

branding and, 38

bundled modules, 193

conduct guidelines, 16

DotNetNuke 3.0 and, 30

infrastructure tools and, 19

PDC and, 46

reorganization, 27, 42

reorganization and, 45, 46

security flaw and, 20

CreatedByUser, Events table, 359

CreatedDate, Events table, 359

credibility, 42–43

css files, 424

skins, 465

Culture element, Language Pack manifest file, 474

custom locale, 326

CVS (Control Versioning System), 15

Professional DotNetNuke 4.0 (c) Open Source Web Application Framework for ASP. NET 4.0
Professional DotNetNuke 4: Open Source Web Application Framework for ASP.NET 2.0 (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0471788163
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 182

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