Section 2.8. The Clock Task in MINIX 3

[Page 204 (continued)]

2.8. The Clock Task in MINIX 3

Clocks (also called timers) are essential to the operation of any timesharing system for a variety of reasons. For example, they maintain the time of day and prevent one process from monopolizing the CPU. The MINIX 3 clock task has some resemblance to a device driver, in that it is driven by interrupts generated by a hardware device. However, the clock is neither a block device, like a disk, nor a character device, like a terminal. In fact, in MINIX 3 an interface to the clock is not provided by a file in the /dev/ directory. Furthermore, the clock task executes in kernel space and cannot be accessed directly by user-space processes. It has access to all kernel functions and data, but user-space processes can only access it via the system task. In this section we will first a look at clock hardware and software in general, and then we will see how these ideas are applied in MINIX 3.

2.8.1. Clock Hardware

Two types of clocks are used in computers, and both are quite different from the clocks and watches used by people. The simpler clocks are tied to the 110- or 220-volt power line, and cause an interrupt on every voltage cycle, at 50 or 60 Hz. These are essentially extinct in modern PCs.

The other kind of clock is built out of three components: a crystal oscillator, a counter, and a holding register, as shown in Fig. 2-47. When a piece of quartz crystal is properly cut and mounted under tension, it can be made to generate a periodic signal of very high accuracy, typically in the range of 5 to 200 MHz, depending on the crystal chosen. At least one such circuit is usually found in any computer, providing a synchronizing signal to the computer's various circuits. This signal is fed into the counter to make it count down to zero. When the counter gets to zero, it causes a CPU interrupt. Computers whose advertised clock rate is higher than 200 MHz normally use a slower clock and a clock multiplier circuit.

Figure 2-47. A programmable clock.
(This item is displayed on page 205 in the print version)

Programmable clocks typically have several modes of operation. In one-shot mode, when the clock is started, it copies the value of the holding register into the counter and then decrements the counter at each pulse from the crystal. When the counter gets to zero, it causes an interrupt and stops until it is explicitly started again by the software. In square-wave mode, after getting to zero and causing the interrupt, the holding register is automatically copied into the counter, and the whole process is repeated again indefinitely. These periodic interrupts are called clock ticks.

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The advantage of the programmable clock is that its interrupt frequency can be controlled by software. If a 1-MHz crystal is used, then the counter is pulsed every microsecond. With 16-bit registers, interrupts can be programmed to occur at intervals from 1 microsecond to 65.536 milliseconds. Programmable clock chips usually contain two or three independently programmable clocks and have many other options as well (e.g., counting up instead of down, interrupts disabled, and more).

To prevent the current time from being lost when the computer's power is turned off, most computers have a battery-powered backup clock, implemented with the kind of low-power circuitry used in digital watches. The battery clock can be read at startup. If the backup clock is not present, the software may ask the user for the current date and time. There is also a standard protocol for a networked system to get the current time from a remote host. In any case the time is then translated into the number of seconds since 12 A.M. Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) (formerly known as Greenwich Mean Time) on Jan. 1, 1970, as UNIX and MINIX 3 do, or since some other benchmark. Clock ticks are counted by the running system, and every time a full second has passed the real time is incremented by one count. MINIX 3 (and most UNIX systems) do not take into account leap seconds, of which there have been 23 since 1970. This is not considered a serious flaw. Usually, utility programs are provided to manually set the system clock and the backup clock and to synchronize the two clocks.

We should mention here that all but the earliest IBM-compatible computers have a separate clock circuit that provides timing signals for the CPU, internal data busses, and other components. This is the clock that is meant when people speak of CPU clock speeds, measured in Megahertz on the earliest personal computers, and in Gigahertz on modern systems. The basic circuitry of quartz crystals, oscillators and counters is the same, but the requirements are so different that modern computers have independent clocks for CPU control and timekeeping.

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2.8.2. Clock Software

All the clock hardware does is generate interrupts at known intervals. Everything else involving time must be done by the software, the clock driver. The exact duties of the clock driver vary among operating systems, but usually include most of the following:


Maintaining the time of day.


Preventing processes from running longer than they are allowed to.


Accounting for CPU usage.


Handling the alarm system call made by user processes.


Providing watchdog timers for parts of the system itself.


Doing profiling, monitoring, and statistics gathering.

The first clock function, maintaining the time of day (also called the real time) is not difficult. It just requires incrementing a counter at each clock tick, as mentioned before. The only thing to watch out for is the number of bits in the time-of-day counter. With a clock rate of 60 Hz, a 32-bit counter will overflow in just over 2 years. Clearly the system cannot store the real time as the number of ticks since Jan. 1, 1970 in 32 bits.

Three approaches can be taken to solve this problem. The first way is to use a 64-bit counter, although doing so makes maintaining the counter more expensive since it has to be done many times a second. The second way is to maintain the time of day in seconds, rather than in ticks, using a subsidiary counter to count ticks until a whole second has been accumulated. Because 232 seconds is more than 136 years, this method will work until well into the twenty-second century.

The third approach is to count ticks, but to do that relative to the time the system was booted, rather than relative to a fixed external moment. When the backup clock is read or the user types in the real time, the system boot time is calculated from the current time-of-day value and stored in memory in any convenient form. When the time of day is requested, the stored time of day is added to the counter to get the current time of day. All three approaches are shown in Fig. 2-48.

Figure 2-48. Three ways to maintain the time of day.

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The second clock function is preventing processes from running too long. Whenever a process is started, the scheduler should initialize a counter to the value of that process' quantum in clock ticks. At every clock interrupt, the clock driver decrements the quantum counter by 1. When it gets to zero, the clock driver calls the scheduler to set up another process.

The third clock function is doing CPU accounting. The most accurate way to do it is to start a second timer, distinct from the main system timer, whenever a process is started. When that process is stopped, the timer can be read out to tell how long the process has run. To do things right, the second timer should be saved when an interrupt occurs and restored afterward.

A less accurate, but much simpler, way to do accounting is to maintain a pointer to the process table entry for the currently running process in a global variable. At every clock tick, a field in the current process' entry is incremented. In this way, every clock tick is "charged" to the process running at the time of the tick. A minor problem with this strategy is that if many interrupts occur during a process' run, it is still charged for a full tick, even though it did not get much work done. Properly accounting for the CPU during interrupts is too expensive and is rarely done.

In MINIX 3 and many other systems, a process can request that the operating system give it a warning after a certain interval. The warning is usually a signal, interrupt, message, or something similar. One application requiring such warnings is networking, in which a packet not acknowledged within a certain time interval must be retransmitted. Another application is computer-aided instruction, where a student not providing a response within a certain time is told the answer.

If the clock driver had enough clocks, it could set a separate clock for each request. This not being the case, it must simulate multiple virtual clocks with a single physical clock. One way is to maintain a table in which the signal time for all pending timers is kept, as well as a variable giving the time of the next one. Whenever the time of day is updated, the driver checks to see if the closest signal has occurred. If it has, the table is searched for the next one to occur.

If many signals are expected, it is more efficient to simulate multiple clocks by chaining all the pending clock requests together, sorted on time, in a linked list, as shown in Fig. 2-49. Each entry on the list tells how many clock ticks following the previous one to wait before causing a signal. In this example, signals are pending for 4203, 4207, 4213, 4215, and 4216.

Figure 2-49. Simulating multiple timers with a single clock.
(This item is displayed on page 208 in the print version)

In Fig. 2-49, a timer has just expired. The next interrupt occurs in 3 ticks, and 3 has just been loaded. On each tick, Next signal is decremented. When it gets to 0, the signal corresponding to the first item on the list is caused, and that item is removed from the list. Then Next signal is set to the value in the entry now at the head of the list, in this example, 4. Using absolute times rather than relative times is more convenient in many cases, and that is the approach used by MINIX 3.

Note that during a clock interrupt, the clock driver has several things to do. These things include incrementing the real time, decrementing the quantum and checking for 0, doing CPU accounting, and decrementing the alarm counter. However, each of these operations has been carefully arranged to be very fast because they have to be repeated many times a second.

[Page 208]

Parts of the operating system also need to set timers. These are called watchdog timers. When we study the hard disk driver, we will see that a wakeup call is scheduled each time the disk controller is sent a command, so an attempt at recovery can be made if the command fails completely. Floppy disk drivers use timers to wait for the disk motor to get up to speed and to shut down the motor if no activity occurs for a while. Some printers with a movable print head can print at 120 characters/sec (8.3 msec/character) but cannot return the print head to the left margin in 8.3 msec, so the terminal driver must delay after typing a carriage return.

The mechanism used by the clock driver to handle watchdog timers is the same as for user signals. The only difference is that when a timer goes off, instead of causing a signal, the clock driver calls a procedure supplied by the caller. The procedure is part of the caller's code. This presented a problem in the design of MINIX 3, since one of the goals was to remove drivers from the kernel's address space. The short answer is that the system task, which is in kernel space, can set alarms on behalf of some user-space processes, and then notify them when a timer goes off. We will elaborate on this mechanism further on.

The last thing in our list is profiling. Some operating systems provide a mechanism by which a user program can have the system build up a histogram of its program counter, so it can see where it is spending its time. When profiling is a possibility, at every tick the driver checks to see if the current process is being profiled, and if so, computes the bin number (a range of addresses) corresponding to the current program counter. It then increments that bin by one. This mechanism can also be used to profile the system itself.

2.8.3. Overview of the Clock Driver in MINIX 3

The MINIX 3 clock driver is contained in the file kernel/clock.c. It can be considered to have three functional parts. First, like the device drivers that we will see in the next chapter, there is a task mechanism which runs in a loop, waiting for messages and dispatching to subroutines that perform the action requested in each message. However, this structure is almost vestigial in the clock task. The message mechanism is expensive, requiring all the overhead of a context switch. So for the clock this is used only when there is a substantial amount of work to be done. Only one kind of message is received, there is only one subroutine to service the message, and a reply message is not sent when the job is done.

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The second major part of the clock software is the interrupt handler that is activated 60 times each second. It does basic timekeeping, updating a variable that counts clock ticks since the system was booted. It compares this with the time for the next timer expiration. It also updates counters that register how much of the quantum of the current process has been used and how much total time the current process has used. If the interrupt handler detects that a process has used its quantum or that a timer has expired it generates the message that goes to the main task loop. Otherwise no message is sent. The strategy here is that for each clock tick the handler does as little as necessary, as fast as possible. The costly main task is activated only when there is substantial work to do.

The third general part of the clock software is a collection of subroutines that provide general support, but which are not called in response to clock interrupts, either by the interrupt handler or by the main task loop. One of these subroutines is coded as PRIVATE, and is called before the main task loop is entered. It initializes the clock, which entails writing data to the clock chip to cause it to generate interrupts at the desired intervals. The initialization routine also puts the address of the interrupt handler in the right place to be found when the clock chip triggers the IRQ 8 input to the interrupt controller chip, and then enables that input to respond.

The rest of the subroutines in clock.c are declared PUBLIC, and can be called from anywhere in the kernel binary. In fact none of them are called from clock.c itself. They are mostly called by the system task in order to service system calls related to time. These subroutines do such things as reading the time-since-boot counter, for timing with clock-tick resolution, or reading a register in the clock chip itself, for timing that requires microsecond resolution. Other subroutines are used to set and reset timers. Finally, a subroutine is provided to be called when MINIX 3 shuts down. This one resets the hardware timer parameters to those expected by the BIOS.

The Clock Task

The main loop of the clock task accepts only a single kind of message, HARD_INT, which comes from the interrupt handler. Anything else is an error. Furthermore, it does not receive this message for every clock tick interrupt, although the subroutine called each time a message is received is named do_clocktick. A message is received, and do_clocktick is called only if process scheduling is needed or a timer has expired.

[Page 210]
The Clock Interrupt Handler

The interrupt handler runs every time the counter in the clock chip reaches zero and generates an interrupt. This is where the basic timekeeping work is done. In MINIX 3 the time is kept using the method of Fig. 2-48(c). However, in clock.c only the counter for ticks since boot is maintained; records of the boot time are kept elsewhere. The clock software supplies only the current tick count to aid a system call for the real time. Further processing is done by one of the servers. This is consistent with the MINIX 3 strategy of moving functionality to processes that run in user space.

In the interrupt handler the local counter is updated for each interrupt received. When interrupts are disabled ticks are lost. In some cases it is possible to correct for this effect. A global variable is available for counting lost ticks, and it is added to the main counter and then reset to zero each time the handler is activated. In the implementation section we will see an example of how this is used.

The handler also affects variables in the process table, for billing and process control purposes. A message is sent to the clock task only if the current time has passed the expiration time of the next scheduled timer or if the quantum of the running process has been decremented to zero. Everything done in the interrupt service is a simple integer operationarithmetic, comparison, logical AND/OR, or assignmentwhich a C compiler can translate easily into basic machine operations. At worst there are five additions or subtractions and six comparisons, plus a few logical operations and assignments in completing the interrupt service. In particular there is no subroutine call overhead.

Watchdog Timers

A few pages back we left hanging the question of how user-space processes can be provided with watchdog timers, which ordinarily are thought of as user-supplied procedures that are part of the user's code and are executed when a timer expires. Clearly, this can not be done in MINIX 3. But we can use a synchronous alarm to bridge the gap from the kernel to user space.

This is a good time to explain what is meant by a synchronous alarm. A signal may arrive or a conventional watchdog may be activated without any relation to what part of a process is currently executing, so these mechanisms are asynchronous. A synchronous alarm is delivered as a message, and thus can be received only when the recipient has executed receive. So we say it is synchronous because it will be received only when the receiver expects it. If the notify method is used to inform a recipient of an alarm, the sender does not have to block, and the recipient does not have to be concerned with missing the alarm. Messages from notify are saved if the recipient is not waiting. A bitmap is used, with each bit representing a possible source of a notification.

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Watchdog timers take advantage of the timer_t type s_alarm_timer field that exists in each element of the priv table. Each system process has a slot in the priv table. To set a timer, a system process in user space makes a sys_setalarm call, which is handled by the system task. The system task is compiled in kernel space, and thus can initialize a timer on behalf of the calling process. Initialization entails putting the address of a procedure to execute when the timer expires into the correct field, and then inserting the timer into a list of timers, as in Fig. 2-49.

The procedure to execute has to be in kernel space too, of course. No problem. The system task contains a watchdog function, cause_alarm, which generates a notify when it goes off, causing a synchronous alarm for the user. This alarm can invoke the user-space watchdog function. Within the kernel binary this is a true watchdog, but for the process that requested the timer, it is a synchronous alarm. It is not the same as having the timer execute a procedure in the target's address space. There is a bit more overhead, but it is simpler than an interrupt.

What we wrote above was qualified: we said that the system task can set alarms on behalf of some user-space processes. The mechanism just described works only for system processes. Each system process has a copy of the priv structure, but a single copy is shared by all non-system (user) processes. The parts of the priv table that cannot be shared, such as the bitmap of pending notifications and the timer, are not usable by user processes. The solution is this: the process manager manages timers on behalf of user processes in a way similar to the way the system task manages timers for system processes. Every process has a timer_t field of its own in the process manager's part of the process table.

When a user process makes an alarm system call to ask for an alarm to be set, it is handled by the process manager, which sets up the timer and inserts it into its list of timers. The process manager asks the system task to send it a notification when the first timer in the PM's list of timers is scheduled to expire. The process manager only has to ask for help when the head of its chain of timers changes, either because the first timer has expired or has been cancelled, or because a new request has been received that must go on the chain before the current head. This is used to support the POSIX-standard alarm system call. The procedure to execute is within the address space of the process manager. When executed, the user process that requested the alarm is sent a signal, rather than a notification.

Millisecond Timing

A procedure is provided in clock.c that provides microsecond resolution timing. Delays as short as a few microseconds may be needed by various I/O devices. There is no practical way to do this using alarms and the message passing interface. The counter that is used for generating the clock interrupts can be read directly. It is decremented approximately every 0.8 microseconds, and reaches zero 60 times a second, or every 16.67 milliseconds. To be useful for I/O timing it would have to be polled by a procedure running in kernel-space, but much work has gone into moving drivers out of kernel-space. Currently this function is used only as a source of randomness for the random number generator. More use might be made of it on a very fast system, but this is a future project

[Page 212]
Summary of Clock Services

Figure 2-50 summarizes the various services provided directly or indirectly by clock.c. There are several functions declared PUBLIC that can be called from the kernel or the system task. All other services are available only indirectly, by system calls ultimately handled by the system task. Other system processes can ask the system task directly, but user processes must ask the process manager, which also relies on the system task.

Figure 2-50. The time-related services supported by the clock driver.






Function call


Kernel or system task


Function call


Kernel or system task


Function call


Kernel or system task


Function call


Kernel or system task


Function call


Kernel or system task

Synchronous alarm

System call


Server or driver, via system task

POSIX alarm

System call


User process, via PM


System call


Any process, via PM

The kernel or the system task can get the current uptime, or set or reset a timer without the overhead of a message. The kernel or the system task can also call read_clock, which reads the counter in the timer chip, to get time in units of approximately 0.8 microseconds. The clock_stop function is intended to be called only when MINIX 3 shuts down. It restores the BIOS clock rate. A system process, either a driver or a server, can request a synchronous alarm, which causes activation of a watchdog function in kernel space and a notification to the requesting process. A POSIX-alarm is requested by a user process by asking the process manager, which then asks the system task to activate a watchdog. When the timer expires, the system task notifies the process manager, and the process manager delivers a signal to the user process.

2.8.4. Implementation of the Clock Driver in MINIX 3

The clock task uses no major data structures, but several variables are used to keep track of time. The variable realtime (line 10462) is basicit counts all clockticks. A global variable, lost_ticks, is defined in glo.h (line 5333). This variable is provided for the use of any function that executes in kernel space that might disable interrupts long enough that one or more clock ticks could be lost. It currently is used by the int86 function in klib386.s. Int86 uses the boot monitor to manage the transfer of control to the BIOS, and the monitor returns the number of clock ticks counted while the BIOS call was busy in the ecx register just before the return to the kernel. This works because, although the clock chip is not triggering the MINIX 3 clock interrupt handler when the BIOS request is handled, the boot monitor can keep track of the time with the help of the BIOS.

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The clock driver accesses several other global variables. It uses proc_ptr, prev_ptr, and bill_ptr to reference the process table entry for the currently running process, the process that ran previously, and the process that gets charged for time. Within these process table entries it accesses various fields, including p_user_time and p_sys_time for accounting and p_ticks_left for counting down the quantum of a process.

When MINIX 3 starts up, all the drivers are called. Most of them do some initialization then try to get a message and block. The clock driver, clock_task (line 10468), does that too. First it calls init_clock to initialize the programmable clock frequency to 60 Hz. When a message is received, it calls do_clocktick if the message was a HARD_INT (line 10486). Any other kind of message is unexpected and treated as an error.

Do_clocktick (line 10497) is not called on each tick of the clock, so its name is not an exact description of its function. It is called when the interrupt handler has determined there might be something important to do. One of the conditions that results in running do_clocktick is the current process using up all of its quantum. If the process is preemptable (the system and clock tasks are not) a call to lock_dequeue followed immediately by a call to lock_enqueue (lines 10510 to 10512) removes the process from its queue, then makes it ready again and reschedules it. The other thing that activates do_clocktick is expiration of a watchdog timer. Timers and linked lists of timers are used so much in MINIX 3 that a library of functions to support them was created. The library function tmrs_exptimers called on line 10517 runs the watchdog functions for all expired timers and deactivates them.

Init_clock (line 10529) is called only once, when the clock task is started. There are several places one could point to and say, "This is where MINIX 3 starts running." This is a candidate; the clock is essential to a preemptive multitasking system. Init_clock writes three bytes to the clock chip that set its mode and set the proper count into the master register. Then it registers its process number, IRQ, and handler address so interrupts will be directed properly. Finally, it enables the interrupt controller chip to accept clock interrupts.

The next function, clock_stop, undoes the initialization of the clock chip. It is declared PUBLIC and is not called from anywhere in clock.c. It is placed here because of the obvious similarity to init_clock. It is only called by the system task when MINIX 3 is shut down and control is to be returned to the boot monitor.

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As soon as (or, more accurately, 16.67 milliseconds after) init_clock runs, the first clock interrupt occurs, and clock interrupts repeat 60 times a second as long as MINIX 3 runs. The code in clock_handler (line 10556) probably runs more frequently than any other part of the MINIX 3 system. Consequently, clock_handler was built for speed. The only subroutine calls are on line 10586; they are only needed if running on an obsolete IBM PS/2 system. The update of the current time (in ticks) is done on lines 10589 to 10591. Then user and accounting times are updated.

Decisions were made in the design of the handler that might be questioned. Two tests are done on line 10610 and if either condition is true the clock task is notified. The do_clocktick function called by the clock task repeats both tests to decide what needs to be done. This is necessary because the notify call used by the handler cannot pass any information to distinguish different conditions. We leave it to the reader to consider alternatives and how they might be evaluated.

The rest of clock.c contains utility functions we have already mentioned. Get_uptime (line 10620) just returns the value of realtime, which is visible only to functions in clock.c. Set_timer and reset_timer use other functions from the timer library that take care of all the details of manipulating a chain of timers. Finally, read_clock reads and returns the current count in the clock chip's countdown register.

Operating Systems Design and Implementation
Operating Systems Design and Implementation (3rd Edition)
ISBN: 0131429388
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 102 © 2008-2017.
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