Submitting a Timesheet

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Now that you know how to enable a user to save his or her timesheets, let's look at how to process a submitted timesheet. Submitting a timesheet means that the user has finished entering his or her work hours and wants to commit them to the database. I store work hours in another table and write individual rows for each day/project/employee combination. For example, if an employee entered hours for two projects for all five days of the week, I would write ten rows into the WorkHours table. This enables the user to later analyze his or her work hours across the three different dimensions: Time, Project, and Employee.

Why Doesn't Internet Explorer Just Let Me Cancel the Close?

When I first tried to implement a warning to remind the user to save the spreadsheet, I thought I could simply set the returnValue property to False and stop the page from unloading. Then I saw the dialog box displayed by Internet Explorer and wondered why the Internet Explorer team had designed it to work that way.

I don't know for certain, but my guess is that this was done for security reasons. Imagine a malicious developer enticing you to visit a page that you can never leave. A script developer who can stop a page from unloading can do so under any circumstances, thus preventing you from leaving his or her page.

Submitting a timesheet follows the same code path as saving a timesheet because saving is part of the submitting process. However, if the user is submitting the timesheet, some extra code in SaveSubmit.asp runs. We will take a look at this with the follwing code.

 ' If the action is submit, add to the WorkHours table If m_sAction = "submit" Then     Dim ss          ' Spreadsheet control     Dim rng         ' Temporary Range object     Dim dtStart     ' Starting date for timesheet     Dim idProj      ' Temporary project ID     Dim nHrs        ' Temporary hours     Dim iDay        ' Day counter     Dim sSQL        ' SQL statement buffer     dtStart = Request.Form("StartDate")     ' Create a spreadsheet in memory to parse the timesheet     Set ss = server.CreateObject("OWC.Spreadsheet.9")     ss.HTMLData = Request.Form("Timesheet")     ' Begin a transaction     m_cn.BeginTrans      ' Delete any existing records for this timesheet     m_cn.Execute "Delete from WorkHours where TimesheetID = " & _         m_idTimesheet     ' Now write the new work hours     ' Start at the first project row on the Project ID column     Set rng = ss.Range("b2")     ' Loop until the project ID is blank     While Len(trim(rng.Text)) > 0         ' Get the current project ID         idProj = trim(rng.Text)         ' Loop over days         For iDay = 1 To 5             ' Check to see whether there were hours for this day             nHrs = rng.Offset(0,iDay).Text             If Len(trim(nHrs)) > 0 Then                 sSQL = "INSERT INTO WorkHours " & _                     "(TimesheetID, Employee, WorkDate, "                 sSQL = sSQL & " ProjectID, WorkHours) Values("                 sSQL = sSQL & m_idTimesheet                 sSQL = sSQL & ", '" & Request.Form("Employee") & "'"                 sSQL = sSQL & ", #" & CDate(dtStart) + (iDay - 1) & "#"                 sSQL = sSQL & ", " & idProj                 sSQL = sSQL & ", " & nHrs & ")"                 m_cn.Execute sSQL             End If 'Had some hours         Next 'iDay         ' Move down a row         Set rng = rng.Offset(1)     Wend 'While project ID is valid     ' Commit the transaction     m_cn.CommitTrans End If 'submit 

This fairly large block of code is actually quite simple in design. When the user submits his or her timesheet, the data received by the SaveSubmit.asp page is the large text stream of timesheet data along with a few other values, including the start date for the timesheet, the employee name, and the timesheet ID. However, you need to somehow extract the values in the individual cells of the timesheet. The way to do this is by using the Spreadsheet component again, but this time on the web server. Since the timesheet data came from the Spreadsheet control, a server-side Spreadsheet component can reload the data and parse out those individual cell values for you.

I create the Spreadsheet object and set its HTMLData property to the posted timesheet data. The Spreadsheet component immediately parses the string and reloads it into the spreadsheet. I next start a database transaction and delete all previous work hours for this timesheet since the user is submitting it again. I then loop over the project rows in the timesheet until reaching the end (an empty project ID). For each project, I loop over the days—the cells immediately to the right of the Project ID column—and insert a row for each day. For each row, I save the timesheet ID, date, employee name, project ID, and hours worked. When I am all done, I commit the database transaction and exit.

Using the Spreadsheet component on the server is the topic of the next chapter, so I will not discuss it in any more detail here. However, I will say that the Spreadsheet component is a handy mechanism for parsing HTML table data, so if you ever have a need for that, use an in-memory Spreadsheet component and set its HTMLData property to the HTML table data. Then just walk the cells, using the UsedRange property of the Worksheet object to determine how many rows and columns there were.

Programming Microsoft Office 2000 Web Components
Programming Microsoft Office 2000 Web Components (Microsoft Progamming Series)
ISBN: 073560794X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1999
Pages: 111
Authors: Dave Stearns © 2008-2017.
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