

< LABEL > element, HTML, 332
labels, adding clickable labels to forms, 240
language options, Web pages, 305 “6
LANs (Local Area Networks), 299
layers , 172 “75
compared with tables, 175
creating, 173
formatting with Task Pane, 27
functions of, 16
overview of, 172
positioning, 174
visibility of, 173
Layers task pane, 173
advanced, 159
checking in multiple browsers, 177
displaying layout tools, 168
framesets and, 184
image tracing and, 170
photo galleries, 116
pictures, 103 “4
table cells , 133 “35
tables, 128
uses of, 159
layout detection, 175
layout tables, 159 “67
adjusting cell size , 166
creating from scratch, 162
drawing, 163
options for creating, 161
pre-designed, 161
templates for, 160
white space and, 163
Left, picture alignment, 104
letter height, WordArt, 107
line breaks
adding space with, 63
code formatting, 146
functions of, 63
line editing, 62
Link Bar Properties dialog box, 52
link bars, 84 “88
customizing, 84, 86 “87
defined, 209
navigation with, 84, 209
orientation, 85, 86
style, 85, 86
types of, 84
linked style sheets, 99 “100
applying style sheets and, 97
cutting and pasting style definitions, 99
link removal, 100
links. See also hyperlinks
bookmarks and, 67 “68
creating, 67
editing, 68
frames and, 190
indicating with solid underlining, 42
linked style sheets and, 99, 100
removing, 69
list forms
adding, 221
fields, 223
sharing information with, 221 “23
types of, 222
List Members, 148
List Properties dialog box, 65
bulleted lists, 65 “66, 94
definition lists, 66
numbered lists, 65 “66, 94
ordering options, 115
overview of, 65
live data, 256 “65
Data View Web Parts and, 257
formats, 258 “62
sorting, filtering, and grouping, 262
viewing options, 256
Local Area Networks (LANs), 299
local files, publishing Web sites to, 277
local page templates, 45
local Web sites
moving Web pages to remote sites, 276
synchronizing with remote sites, 279 “82
login ID, 250
logon information, new Web sites, 30
soundtracks , 119
video, 120

Faster Smarter Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003
Faster Smarter Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003
ISBN: 0735619727
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 179 © 2008-2017.
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