The key quality manual design rules adhered to are as follows:
It is a stand-alone document.
It uses the Standard's numbering system (see Sections 4–8).
It responds to each SHALL in the Standard.
It was created using the cut-and-paste method.
It includes sections that were created by subject matter experts.
It clearly states responsibility in each section.
It ensures that sections/subsections refer to the appropriate hub document.
It did not discuss proprietary information.
It contains a description of Growth's business and its vision, mission, and quality policy statement to capture the concept of an integrated business and quality strategic declaration.
The following general documentation design rules were followed:
The manual is based on a four-tier system.
Beginning with Section 4, the screened type represents the previous 1994 quality manual text (i.e., screened type implies old text).
Black type represents ISO 9001:2000 additions to bring the 1994 manual in conformance with the 2000 requirements. A quick scan of each section shows clearly the scope of upgrade required by comparing the frequency of the black type.
Hub documentation system used.
The following sections begin with the cover page and table of contents for Growth's upgraded ISO 9001:2000 quality manual, followed by Growth's response to the requirements of Sections 4 through 8 of the Standard. The numbering system is in a 1:1 correlation with the Standard. The set of Sections 4 through 8 represents a manual that is fully compliant with the Standard and uses the design rules defined in this book to achieve conformance.