Migrating to Netware 4.1 -- Ch 16 -- Managing NetWare 4.x Printing

Migrating to Netware 4.1

- 16 -

Managing NetWare 4.x Printing

  • Sending a Print Job
    • Printing Using NETUSER
    • Printing Using CAPTURE
    • Printing Using NPRINT
    • Printing Using PCONSOLE
  • Network Printing Tools
    • The PRINTCON Utility
    • The PRINTDEF Utility

Chapter 7, "Setting Up Printing," discussed Printer, Print Server, and Print Queue objects and described how to install and configure NetWare 4.x printing services. In this chapter, you'll see how to print under NetWare 4. I'll also describe a pair of useful utilities, PRINTCON and PRINTDEF, which will help you manage printing services on your NetWare 4 network.

Sending a Print Job

Once network printing is set up, you can submit print jobs using any of the following tools:






NETUSER is a menu-driven tool that can be used to perform common network-related tasks such as network printing, messaging, drive mapping, and attaching to other servers. This is a new tool that was first introduced with NetWare 4.

NPRINT and CAPTURE are commands that take a number of options and can be used for sending a print job to a network printer or queue.

The NWUSER is the Windows-based graphical-user tool. It can be used for sending print jobs as well as for network-related tasks such as messaging, drive mapping, and attaching to servers.

The next few sections will describe how to print using each of these utilities.

Printing Using NETUSER

Figure 16.1 shows that one of the options available in NETUSER is Printing. Selecting the Printing option produces a list of available printer ports local to your workstation. You can select any of these ports for network redirection. After selecting a port, you are given a choice of examining Print Jobs or redirecting the selected port by using Change Printers (see fig. 16.2). You cannot examine print jobs on a printer port that has not been "captured" (redirected to a network printer).

After selecting "Change Printers," you are given a list of printers and queues in the current context. If no printers or queues are shown, you can use the Ins key to browse the NDS tree. Figure 16.3 shows that a queue object, Queue_0, and a printer object, Printer_0 NDS, were found in the context OU=CORP.O=SCS. You can direct print jobs to either the Printer 0 object or the Queue 0 object.

Figure 16.1 NETUSER options.

Figure 16.2 Available Printer Ports.

After redirecting a local printer, the Available Ports menu in NETUSER will show the queue name the port is redirected to (see fig. 16.4). You can now select the "Print Jobs" option to send a print job to the network queue. From this point on, the procedure for sending print jobs under NETUSER is similar to the procedure described later in this chapter for sending print jobs under PCONSOLE. That is, you can press Ins and browse directories for files to print.

Figure 16.3 Printers/Print Queues.

Figure 16.4 Available Printer Ports showing printer redirection.

Printing Using CAPTURE

The CAPTURE command is used to redirect a local printer port to a network queue or network printer. Table 16.1 shows the CAPTURE options. The options that are new to CAPTURE in NetWare are highlighted. Option abbreviations are shown in bold. (For instance, the option EndCap can be abbreviated as EC.)

The Printer=name option can be used to specify the network printer object name to send print jobs to.

The ENDCAP command is no longer used with NetWare 4.x. Instead, CAPTURE has a new EndCap option to stop printer redirection. To stop the capture of local printport LPT1:, you can use:




To stop printer redirection for all local printers, you can use the EndCap ALL option:




TABLE 16.1 CAPTURE Options

Option Description
SHow Shows current status of local printer ports. Used as an option by itself.
Printer=name Specifies network printer to which redirected print jobs should be sent. If name is a complete NDS name with embedded blanks, quotes can be used.
Local=n Redirects local LPT port n. This option cannot be used with the NPRINT command.
Queue=name Indicates queue object to which print job should be sent.
EndCap Ends redirection to local ports.
EndCap ALL Ends redirection of all local printer ports.
CReate=path Sends print job to file path.
Keep Retains print job in queue if workstation fails.
Job=jc Specifies print job configuration. No need to specify other options.
NoBanner Suppresses printing of banner page.
Banner=name Prints banner page. Limit is 12 characters for banner name. Appears in lower half of page.
NAMe=name Default is name of file being printed. Indicates text in upper part of banner page. Limit is a 12 character name.
Form=n Specifies form number or name to be used for print job.
Copies=n Specifies number of copies for print job (1-255).
Tabs=n Specifies number of spaces to use for a tab character.
No Tabs Suppresses tab expansion to space characters.
TImeout=n Specifies number of seconds to wait before closing job.
Form Feed Generates a form feed character at end of print job.
No Form Feed Suppresses form feed character at end of job.
AUtoendcap Specifies that captured data should be closed and sent to printer on exiting application.
NoAutoendcap Specifies that captured data should not be closed and sent to printer on exiting application.
NOTIfy Specifies that user receive notification of print job completion.
NoNOTIfy Specifies that user not receive notification of print job completion.
/? Help.
/? ALL Displays all help screens.
Verbose Provides detailed information on command as it is executed.

Printing Using NPRINT

To print a job using NPRINT, use the following syntax:

NPRINT  filename  [option] 

The option can be replaced with any of the options in table 16.2. The options that are new to NPRINT in NetWare are highlighted.

TABLE 16.2 NPRINT Options

Option Description
Server=name Specifies a non-NDS server (bindery server) whose bindery contains the print queue definition.
Printer=name Specifies network printer to which redirected print jobs should be sent. If name is a complete NDS name with embedded blanks, quotes can be used.
Local=n Redirects local LPT port n.
Queue=name Indicates queue object to which print job should be sent.
Job=jc Specifies print job configuration. No need to specify other options.
NoBanner Suppresses printing of banner page.
Banner=name Prints banner page. Limit is 12 characters for banner name. Appears in lower half of page.
NAMe=name Default is name of file being printed. Indicates text in upper part of banner page. Limit is a 12 character name.
Form=n Specifies form number or name that is to be used for print job.
Copies=n Specifies number of copies for print job (1-6500).
Tabs=n Specifies number of spaces to use for a tab character (1-18).
No Tabs Suppresses tab expansion to space characters.
Form Feed Generates a form feed character at end of print job.
No Form Feed Suppresses a form feed character at end of job.
NOTIfy Specifies that user receive notification of print job completion.
NoNOTIfy Specifies that user not receive notification of print job completion.
/? Help.
/? ALL Displays all help screens.
Verbose Provides detailed information on command as it is executed.

Figure 16.5 Available files for printing from PCONSOLE.

Figure 16.6 Print Job Configurations choice in PCONSOLE.

Figure 16.7 A default print job.

Printing Using PCONSOLE

To print using PCONSOLE, select the Print Queues option from Available Options in PCONSOLE. If the print queue you want to print to is not displayed, use Change Context to change context to the container that has the queue object.

After selecting the Queue name from the Print Queues list, you will see a menu with Print Queue Information. Select the Print Jobs option. You should see the jobs in the current queue. Press Ins, enter a directory name to print from, and press Enter. You should see a list of files in the current directory that you can select for printing (see fig. 16.5). Select the files you want to print. You will be given a choice of Print Job Configurations to use for printing (see fig. 16.6). If no print job configurations have been defined for the current container, you can select the "(Defaults)" print job configuration. Figure 16.7 shows a default configuration for printing a file. You can modify any of the default values, and press F10 to save your changes and send the print job to the selected queue.

Network Printing Tools

Table 16.3 shows the list of network printing tools that are available for NetWare 4.x. PCONSOLE, PSERVER, and NPRINTER were discussed in Chapter 7. NWADMIN (Network Administrator) was discussed in Chapters 6 and 13. PRINTCON and PRINTDEF are described here.

TABLE 16.3 Network Printing Tools

Program Extension Executed On Used For
PCONSOLE EXE Workstation Creates and configures print servers, print queues, and printer objects.
PRINTCON EXE Workstation Creates and defines print job configurations.
PRINTDEF EXE Workstation Defines print forms; imports and exports print device definitions.
PSERVER NLM Server Activates the Print Server object.
NPRINTER EXE Workstation Allows a network printer attached to a station to be shared.
NPRINTER NLM Server Allows a network printer attached to a server not running PSERVER.NLM to be shared.
NWADMIN EXE Workstation GUI utility to perform printer management functions.
PSC EXE Workstation Command-line utility to control and view status of printers and print servers.
PUPGRADE NLM Server Upgrades NetWare 3.1x print environment to NetWare 4.

NetWare 4.x offers PRINTCON and PRINTDEF for print job configuration. The print job configuration can be used as the Job Configuration parameter in CAPTURE and NPRINT to simplify the options by aggregating them under a print job configuration template. The print job configuration is also used when submitting jobs to a queue using the Print Job option in NETUSER and PCONSOLE.

The PRINTCON Utility

The main menu for PRINTCON provides three options. Edit Print Job Configuration is used to create new print job configurations. Select Default Print Job Configuration enables you to select the print job configuration that will be used as a default. Change Current Object enables you to change the container object or User object for which the print job configuration will be defined.

Print job configurations are stored as the Print Job Configuration property of an Organization, Organizational Unit, or User object. If stored in a container, all users within the container can use the print job configuration. If the print job configuration is stored as a property of a User object, only that user can make use of the print job configuration.

PRINTCON can operate in directory mode (default) or bindery mode. The F4 function key can be used to switch between these two modes. This allows the NetWare 4.x PRINTCON to be used with the NetWare 3.x bindery. In NetWare 3.x, print job configurations are stored in the bindery.

NetWare 4 PRINTCON is similar to NetWare 3.x's PRINTCON, and a detailed description of PRINTCON operations is therefore beyond the scope of this book.

The PRINTDEF Utility

As for PRINTCON, the main menu for PRINTDEF has three options. The Print Devices option is used to modify printer definitions for print devices. The Print Forms option enables you to create and modify printer form definitions. The Change Current Context enables you to change the container object for which the form definition will be defined.

Print device definitions and forms are stored in the Print Devices and Print Forms property of the container object. If stored in a container, all users and print job configurations within the container can use the print device definition.

PRINTDEF can operate in directory mode (default) or bindery mode. The F4 function key can be used to toggle between these two modes. This allows the NetWare 4.x PRINTDEF to be used with the NetWare 3.x bindery. In NetWare 3.x, print device definitions are stored in the bindery.

NetWare 4 PRINTDEF is similar to NetWare 3.x's PRINTDEF, and a detailed description of PRINTDEF operations is therefore beyond the scope of this book.

This chapter described how to send a print job in NetWare 4. There are five tools for sending network print jobs:






This chapter also discussed the PRINTCON and PRINTDEF tools for managing printing configurations and print device definitions.

© Copyright, Macmillan Computer Publishing. All rights reserved.

Migrating to NetWare 4.1
Migrating to Netware 4.1
ISBN: 1562055232
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1995
Pages: 22

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