We'll start our tour by looking at mashups that map news stories and weather-related information. Here's a short list of some of the best news-related mashups:
Associated Press News Mashup (www.81nassau.com/apnews/) A mashup that maps current AP news stories across the U.S., as shown in Figure 19.3
Figure 19.3. The Associated Press news mashup.
Maplandia News Centre BBC World News Map (www.maplandia.com/news/) Mapping news stories globally
Local News by ZIP Code (www.mibazaar.com/localnews/) Enter your ZIP Code and find a list of local news stories
Now let's look at a few of the weather-related map mashups:
WeatherBonk (www.weatherbonk.com) Live weather conditions, forecasts, webcams, and such, as shown in Figure 19.4, compiled primarily from local weather stations
Figure 19.4. WeatherBonk weather conditions in Chicago.
Google Weather Maps (maps.gokulsoundar.com) Local weather maps mapped to a Google map mashup
Personal Weather Stations (www.wunderground.com/stationmaps/gmap.asp) A map of personal weather stations registered with the Weather Underground website
Storm Report Map (www.stormreportmap.com) Tracks the progress of hurricanes and major thunderstorms, using data from the National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center
Floodwater Mapper (flood.firetree.net) Displays floodwater conditions around the globe