Recipe6.15.Implementing the

Recipe 6.15. Implementing the "Singleton" Design Pattern

Credit: Jürgen Hermann


You want to make sure that only one instance of a class is ever created.


The _ _new_ _ staticmethod makes the task very simple:

class Singleton(object):     """ A Pythonic Singleton """     def _ _new_ _(cls, *args, **kwargs):         if '_inst' not in vars(cls):             cls._inst = type._ _new_ _(cls, *args, **kwargs)         return cls._inst

Just have your class inherit from Singleton, and don't override _ _new_ _. Then, all calls to that class (normally creations of new instances) return the same instance. (The instance is created once, on the first such call to each given subclass of Singleton during each run of your program.)


This recipe shows the one obvious way to implement the "Singleton" Design Pattern in Python (see E. Gamma, et al., Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, Addison-Wesley). A Singleton is a class that makes sure only one instance of it is ever created. Typically, such a class is used to manage resources that by their nature can exist only once. See Recipe 6.16 for other considerations about, and alternatives to, the "Singleton" design pattern in Python.

We can complete the module with the usual self-test idiom and show this behavior:

if _ _name_ _ == '_ _main_ _':     class SingleSpam(Singleton):         def _ _init_ _(self, s): self.s = s         def _ _str_ _(self): return self.s     s1 = SingleSpam('spam')     print id(s1), s1.spam( )     s2 = SingleSpam('eggs')     print id(s2), s2.spam( )

When we run this module as a script, we get something like the following output (the exact value of id does vary, of course):

8172684 spam 8172684 spam

The 'eggs' parameter passed when trying to instantiate s2 has been ignored, of coursethat's part of the price you pay for having a Singleton!

One issue with Singleton in general is subclassability. The way class Singleton is coded in this recipe, each descendant subclass, direct or indirect, will get a separate instance. Literally speaking, this violates the constraint of only one instance per class, depending on what one exactly means by it:

class Foo(Singleton): pass class Bar(Foo): pass f = Foo( ); b = Bar( ) print f is b, isinstance(f, Foo), isinstance(b, Foo) # emits False True True

f and b are separate instances, yet, according to the built-in function isinstance, they are both instances of Foo because isinstance applies the IS-A rule of OOP: an instance of a subclass IS-An instance of the base class too. On the other hand, if we took pains to return f again when b is being instantiated by calling Bar, we'd be violating the normal assumption that calling class Bar gives us an instance of class Bar, not an instance of a random superclass of Bar that just happens to have been instantiated earlier in the course of a run of the program.

In practice, subclassability of "Singleton"s is rather a headache, without any obvious solution. If this issue is important to you, the alternative Borg idiom, explained next in Recipe 6.16 may provide a better approach.

See Also

Recipe 6.16; E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, J. Vlissides, Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (Addison-Wesley).

Python Cookbook
Python Cookbook
ISBN: 0596007973
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 420 © 2008-2017.
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