Uninstalling the E-Procurement Sample

Uninstalling the E-Procurement Sample

A script is not provided to remove the files and BizTalk Messaging Configuration objects, such as messaging ports and channels, that are created by running the setup application. The following list contains the BizTalk Messaging Configuration objects, files, folders, and libraries used by this sample. These can be manually deleted when you are finished running the sample.


HubReceivePO, HubSendPO, SupplierReceivePO, HubReceiveInvoice, SupplierSendInvoice, HubSendPayment, SupplierReceivePayment, SupplierSendPaymentAck, HubReceivePaymentAck, HubSendPayAckToFile

Messaging ports

HubReceivePO, HubSendPO, SupplierReceivePO, HubReceiveInvoice, SupplierSendInvoice, HubSendPayment, SupplierReceivePayment, SupplierSendPaymentAck, HubReceivePaymentAck, HubSendPayAckToFile


Hub, Supplier

Document definitions

ECommonInvoice, ECommonPayment, ECommonPO, EPaymentAck, EStatus

Receive functions

Receive PO

Private messaging queues

receiveinvoice, receivepayment, receivepaymentack, receivepo, receivepo2, supplierreceivepo, supplierreceivepo2, status

BizTalk Server repository files (WebDAV)

ECommonInvoice.xml, eCommonPayment.xml, ECommonPO.xml, ePaymentAck.xml, eStatus.xml

Registered libraries

db_common.dll, hub_send_payment.dll, hub_send_po.dll, hub_comps.dll, hub_correlation.dll, supp_send_invoice.dll, supp_send_payack.dll, supp_comps.dll, supplier_correlation.dll

Primary Interop Assemblies

BTSComponentsLib.dll, BTSInterchangeLib.dll, MSCSCoreLib.dll, PipeCompLib.dll

XML Web services

E_Proc_Hub_WS, E_Proc_Supplier_WS

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Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft. Net Server Solutions for the Enterprise
Microsoft .NET Server Solutions for the Enterprise
ISBN: 0735615691
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 483

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